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Everything posted by NoSelfSelf

  1. @Inliytened1 Okay i prefer someone being real over nice just a preferance...
  2. It simply means im not here to cuddle you, im here to wake you up. If assholness hurts you then you are not here to get the radical truths you are here to make you feel good(confirm your already existing beliefs you want to believe) this is not to make you feel good but to see how deluded you are... If someone calls you stupid it only hurts you if you are not secure in who you are.If you are stupid then its a fact and a great opportunity to improve right there ,if you dont let your pride get in the way. If you want someone to be nice to your feelings then you didnt have masculine presence in your life become less emotional. I love the assholness behaviour because its freaking real, its not fake and its a sure way to see whos up for being worthy of information and who is not... And notion that being an asshole is somehow you loving to feel power over someone is ridicioulous, its just low tolerance for lies and dishonesty. In movies Villans are potrayed as bad guys but see how real they are,but Heros are potrayed as good guys see how dishonest and manipulative they are!
  3. @Vrubel Really ?
  4. You were dealing with an average males,you havent came across a real man that doesnt lie,manipulate but tell you how it is. In that way then you can choose if you gonna follow that or not;there is rarely any skelletons in the closet...
  5. Im amazed how can you watch Locario and still care what Tate is saying or doing...
  6. Im in a relationship with myself we are happy together
  7. Design creativly what you gonna talk for at least 2 min of material...nooby have one sentence and then get shut down in their heads... Have 3-4 moves prepared(like in chess but you playing with yourself) like 1st move ill say and do this by the 4th move ill give her my number... Be detached from the outcome of what her 5th move will be... Then see what you did right and what you gonna do better next, mybe move 3 should be on second position, mybe i need to add a little bit of humor its like making a recipe and you are original chef... Good luck!
  8. Stop spamming half baked threads.
  9. @Something Funny Yeah and find all the best replys to each to put you in position you want to be...
  10. @Tyler Robinson I cant tell you whats happening because i dont think about what other guys are thinking...i can give my perspective only.... What you described is off to me actually ,because every relationship that starts with lies will crumble eventually they(guys you decribed) are disengenius so its bad foundation from the start potraying a role.If you ask me i would lose interest if a girl is not compatible with my game so i would know before getting into a relationship if shes up for a task(and also me). In a relationship if shes not following my game im losing interest.Otherwise there will be skeletons without having structure layed down.If i stop doing things i was doing ,means im doing it for you to get something from you aka manipulating,but i should be doing and continue doing things i was doing ,because its how i conduct myself not to impress or get something from you.
  11. @onacloudynight Okay let me put it like this:if you expect us to read your mind and put 2 sentences in a thread, that doesnt have anything that contribute, add to the discussing or queastion then ill have to issue warning points for low quality post..
  12. Make posts with some substance to it..
  13. Thats what i was traying to say its you expecting things like dont be flakey,dont be this and that you should rely only on yourself simply practical level its more to it so you dont turn it into another manipulation like acting nicely...
  14. @StarStruck Because you put trust in someone that is like that, shows me you are the one who is relying on her vs you not caring or changing the therapist; meaning you are not trusting yourself being self sufficient on your own so you complain about them being flakey if you can rely on yourself then you dont care move on(change them) and accepting how they are...talking about it like its a problem is you not relying on yourself your decision,judgments and you being in a drivers seat...
  15. Why she will rely on you while you cant even rely on yourself?
  16. @onacloudynight Dont be there is always more room in hell to party
  17. @Jacob Morres So shes a hoe because shes not giving you what you wanted after she smells your low self esteem, thats dangerous if you are not red pilled,soon it will infect your mind...
  18. @onacloudynight too much rsd in you not much yourself in you my friend
  19. Strongest frame is authenticity so everything else is inferior
  20. I would rather get slapped hard 10 times than to listen to a girl complaining about her boyfriend on something i call a date,or in general thats some sucka bs ? ignore me if its triggering im trying to help here even if you cant see because i called it before it happend...
  21. @StarStruck Yeah its not like you automatically become a chick magnet
  22. Its not you, happened to me too its girls seeing you with other girls and they seek approval from you, if she gets your interest that means shes validated in some way ,they are competitive in that way with other they stare at you and they dont care, where they usually look away immedietly...
  23. @Subtlety i will when my mind stops being in silence and void