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Everything posted by NoSelfSelf

  1. Its funny how with just one action there is a chain of things associated with it ,not saying truth=looking for her validation,not seeing yourself valuable,being something you are not,manipulative,scared to lose her etc. because fundation is build on lies and not who you truly are ,because your reality is not you,but all the peope who told you who you are and now you live it... Your reality and who you are in it is your limitation and what you must live
  2. This thread is toxic and posion for those who are innocent bystanders, im locking it.Way past the original queastion...
  3. In my opinion course is too advance for you do regular enlightment work, if you cant meditate for 1 hour then you are jumping to the university while not finishing gradeschool..
  4. Loved this post been thinking about it good points...
  5. @Vrubel how long? @Spiral I agree with you on everything but sex ,since you giving her a service there and im quoting "who controls the bedroom controls the narrative".Many women that are nagging and complaining is because they are unsatisfied in the bedroom.. You can tell who is good in bed by how quiet and drama free space is ?
  6. @StarStruck But she doesnt know the difference between a man and a male ?‍♂️...
  7. @evgn Exactly proving my point the way you talk that's not how a man talks ,men are non existent the options women have is catastrophy.. You getting born with a male genital doesnt make you a man...
  8. @integral Okay dm me your id you will teach me
  9. @Bobby_2021 Regular jobs, i heared them saying they are putting their titles in job applications,same if you won an olympic medal they will give you a job based on that...being a gm is same as being an olympic champion in most cases... @StarStruck whats your rating?
  10. @StarStruck its way easier to understand openings with an engine than middlegames, it takes way more time to understand what is engine trying to say and thats why there are not many good middlegame courses around.If i had prepared great middlegame plans/ideas i would be at least 100 elo above ?...
  11. Man can love a woman but never more than himself. But you will fall in love with a man and he will make you feel amazing ,but chance for you to find a man in todays age is like searching for a bigfoot.
  12. @integral to get to 2000 you need serious work, you make it sound like you just go there and its light.. Some people play until early age and only hit 2100...
  13. i am aiming for a Cm title which everyone laughs at which i dont care about,since its what i want and its above 90% of people playing chess... I heared that having Gm or Wgm title on your resume helped getting a job...
  14. You are looking to control her because you cant control yourself, be ready to lose her in any moment, then you dont need to worry about what she is doing, because she is entitled to do what she wants and you dont change her ,just move on to the next when she doesnt meet your expectations, no fighting no drama, peace at last...
  15. @mr_engineer Because men are putting all accountability on themselves not women... Deflect but change title to how to be secure as a male not a man...
  16. @mr_engineer Because you dont have game you are too focused on women and not yourself,its on you not her everything is on you, how things gonna be,you just adjust to the situation this talk wont get you anywhere... If they call you creep see what you did adjust move on...if it happens often its you and mostly its you.. And if outside definse you then talking to women will be hell and thats the point...
  17. Its fault of lack of men who wont be upfront with a woman from the start looking to manipulate her into a bedroom or what other real creepy things they do i dont want to know. Name of the game is that she wont trust you in the beggining she has to protect herself if you cant understand it and deflect all your blame on her then ofcourse by that definition she wont feel safe around you.
  18. @mr_engineer I mean if that girl doesnt get the joke i made there,like you then she can call the cops ill be fine with that? You do your thing like i said man does what he wants, if you want to deflect to save yourself fine, but i personally wont do that in that way, i spent too much time with a narcissist to do that... If attacked defend ,but being bothered by her reactions and media people talking bad about men and getting bothered is a no go by every definition for a man..
  19. @mr_engineer What if alien in that moment loses his self control and finally comes down to shake your hand? Man does what he wants take risks, but if you think police will come to you because you were "creeping "on girls that means you either watched too many red pill, or you doing something messed up without realizing.
  20. @mr_engineer Thats my point if you are a man you wont be bothered by that,since she is a stranger , you know what you doing and who you are.. If you are not a man her rejection defines you who you are,she determines your worth as a man,thats why you bothered Man wouldnt be bothered,he will either continue walking go talk to other girl,or say something like yes im creepy to girls but i love women and keep walking...
  21. @mr_engineer Okay why you need to protect yourself, tell me a specific situation when that will happen it could be we dont understand eachother?
  22. @mr_engineer Someone who is not a man gets bothered by the world and women telling bad things about a man. Man is his own world,structure he knows and loves himself, gets all his needs met for himself independent of the world..
  23. @Leo Gura Now i get the whole picture thanks! ?
  24. @Leo Gura Yeah i understand i like the hug,or when sitting close to take the hand and check out what she wears on her hand etc. i was more like looking from perspective,why push it when the way i talk to her and behave she is giving me an invitation to everything, so im just gently leading in that direction, not leading with a touch but with my talking intentions that opens up the touch,kiss if you know what i mean.
  25. @Leo Gura I dont get why you need to touch her early on and all the time what's the point?