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Everything posted by NoSelfSelf

  1. As long as you fight to get better its never permanent, you asking this is not a good mindset never give up on yourself.
  2. There is something deep rooted psychological problem to ask about other mens penis and being straight, also sex is mental activity so think about that...
  3. It means shes using you for attention, she is nobody to you,so your attention should be to a minimum...
  4. You will never learn,redpill rotten your mind to the core, that woman wont have a chance to meet you, because you dont give yourself a chance to meet yourself and see all the reasons you are creating a woman you cant stand to see...
  5. @Miguel1 If by game you mean ring around the rosie, around spiderman bunkbed waiting for happymeal to watch your favourite spongebob episode...
  6. @Miguel1 That's fine what i was saying is that if you looking to connect with a woman that's not game if you want to connect to a woman that's fine but actually not in your best benefit=her best benefit @Princess Arabia Look that's fine by me, i wish you find somebody who is going to check all your attributes you are looking for, its not me but me building myself in my own way will be perfect for somebody else...
  7. @Galyna I admit that i dont handle commas well,but even if i did you wouldnt understand where im coming from... @Leo Gura But its about her getting emotionally connected to you, not you getting connected to her- that's not game...
  8. This threads are getting better by the day 😂
  9. @Galyna Im not looking to get laid from an opening or anything i do,i want to show woman why she should be with me, if she chooses not to i dont mind, i want to be transperant with who i am ,if she sees the value then she will give me an opening for me to jump on, if not im just gonna play with the one thats in her mind and not whats everyone going for thats between her legs,because if i see value in myself then you should get the gift of me not other way around...
  10. If you ask how long then dont even do it its just waste of time. What does it mean good with girls? Reason for you to "suck" is your system is not working at 100%,you take away the power to put you in reaction,so you are not proactive,you pedestelize women and sex,worship women,her principles becomes your principles,outcome dependant etc. so in your system needs to be at 100% to be able to be on top of your performance.If in one moment you think she is more valuable than you because she looks good the judgment you placed took away the power of the system putting you in reaction.
  11. @meta_male I dont see any game in this section i guess again i missed it...
  12. @Thought Art Im wondering what's this thread about its like im reading someones journal... I guess i missed the depth you wanted to display
  13. Isnt this like a journal thing 😅
  14. You basically say on the first date that there are other woman you are seeing and there is a little chance of you being in a relationship any time soon, but that shouldnt stop us from having enjoyable time with eachother drama free ofcourse...because i am a drama free man and you just transition to talk about yourself with that word...
  15. @AdamR95 In general everyone knows what it means trying to get at your or her place,but okay then what does it mean get closer to her? so you tell her hey lets go to my place to do what?
  16. That's picture perfect manipulation right there
  17. @AdamR95 Yes as long you dont interview her about her dreams in life and what she does for fun, but instead you stimulate the mind with flirting,sensual talk,making her laugh,blush,react etc. Then its going towards the sex without you even wanting it, but she wanting it but ofc your game must be tight... Some women have game so she would like tell you, shes not doing this and that which you could be like not following it and move on it all depends,but if she sees you as "the guy" it could happen fast its complex matter... Dont even think about sex think about how you stimulating her and in which way.. If you afraid of friend zone right from the start create narrative that goes into flirty vibe...
  18. @AdamR95 Im saying dont go for whats between her legs because the one more experienced sees all your tricks,you need to hit on emotional level(its too deep to discuss here)you looking for her to hint it by the way you positioning yourself(again too deep to discuss here). On the other hand if you hang up on sex then you dont manipulate you tell her whats your intention(nobody does because scared of instant rejection) its more important for me to be truthful and have principles then to get laid. If she says i dont do that then you move on.(no patience yes) But if you thristy for sex then she is always in power position to dangle it in the air when she can smell thats all you want... Its no simple answer it depends on what you are...
  19. They are running game on you with that, because they know you want sex so its game time and you losing...
  20. @Rishabh R You need to learn how to work on your mind on a deeper level, because your mind is set to react to the outside, you havent even started to unlock it ,so you cant build things inside your mind that will offer a woman something that will want to be around you. You cant skip levels to this if you want consitent resaults. You dont have a king inside your mind that is governing your whole life you have surface level habits which are fine but you need to go deeper if serous about this...
  21. What did you create uniquely to contribute to yourself and then to the woman in your life? No creating=no offering If answer comes from copying others then its extra hard...
  22. @mr_engineer Its not a crime its inappropriate, its like me farting next to you when you eat or in general it would disgust you.Women experience everything on so much bigger level emotionally show her a bug then you will see.What irrirates you irritates them on a higher level and they dont operate like you and dont have same experience.Some women had an experience with behaviour that you showing with a guy that did something bad to her could be that you never know.You shouldnt care for them you should care for yourself to not be creepy by not staring at women for long time with imagining some scenarios or something its innapropriate... It would weird you out if a woman starts acting like a man same way you need to learn how to be a man but thats a phantasy if we caring about this..
  23. @mr_engineer You dont know what simp is,simp is you giving so much attention to a woman not @coburn Also being creepy is actually you not being direct with a woman,your intent is not maching your behaviour,that's why creep dont actually want to have sex with a woman(because of some psychological problem) but his behaviour is just to lust over them(looks like he wants to but is indirect) that indirectness creates creepiness,when what you do is not congruente with who you are. You being scared of women and inexperience will create creepiness.You gonna want her but act like you want to be her friend. I wrote this to my own entertainment otherwise im talking to a wall.
  24. @numbersinarow That's not true they precisely go for those with good qualities, but what you think a good quality is is not whats for her,every women desires qualities they like some will like you for having a great body nothing else...some will like chubby guy that's nerdy you cant know but they have something she precisely wants.Other thing those guy could be simping for the woman and she is at that time looking for that, you never know or should care about other guys and other women,that's why you losing and your mind is tricking you from looking at yourself. Game dont get you laid game attracts women to want to sleep with you.Pua is manipulating woman to get her in bed big difference...
  25. @StarStruck Then you not going to draw in curiosity because self reliant man who lives of his own principles and is not changing them based on the woman wont even want a woman, that makes her want you,so lesson is to desire without desiring, she can smell your want coming of the weak foundation because you dont live by your codes but hers...that's why so called 9s and 10s wont give you time of the day...