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Everything posted by NoSelfSelf

  1. When you figure out that your attention gives power to anxiety and you are the knower of it you dont mind it because you know you create it with your attention plus thought...
  2. @Key Elements oh i see it can be subjective thing i see that 1 and 2 can merge into 1 and 7 and 8 and 10 i dont think its a value but just a pointer how to achieve them..
  3. I think that your mental problems can help you in enlightement you can use it to grow...if its something like anxiety fear problems
  4. You mean you have a problem with suffering of the pain not the pain itself
  5. Are you an anxious fearful person in general?
  6. @Mikael89 Its like empty space...and its like space is going threw space when you are walking
  7. @Key Elements you have overlaping values (same ones) or different with same meaning you can erase them and put another
  8. You are doing too much too soon its not a race...focus on few things and when struggle comes up thats the point of meditation(one of) just be with it not trying to make it stop...
  9. There is a guy on twitch that earns 500k$ a month
  10. By recognizing that thoughts are in front and you "behinde" is giving it attention...
  11. How can you see reality if there is no conciousness/ observer of it there would be no reality
  12. Yeah you can say once or twice but after that you become annoying but 105kg at the age of 13 is serious problem i wish there are the way (i dont know one)...
  13. Man job is to focus on his mission/purpose this overthinking will only cause what you dont want to happen so dont ask what to do focus on your path not the girl....
  14. This brings me to tears its so profound and simple haha
  15. Yeah by some divine power we stumble upon here and its good time to be alive
  16. You cant grasp infinity with intelligence....
  17. @Leo Gura how do i know when i tasted Jalapeno or when i swallowed Habanero fully
  18. @Leo Gura what is total nonduality and half nonduality ?
  19. You haven mentioned one of the best"there is nothing outside yourself that will enable you to be smarter faster stronger...."
  20. Im done with trying to find whats already here ??
  21. Whats the message from the god? Clickbait ?
  22. Sometimes looking into your personality type can show you your values
  23. Your problem is like mine you want to progress too soon too quickly and you lose focus you should be taking mastery approach that is when you struggle you love it because you can work on it even more tiny details until you perfect it because you want to ne good at it...
  24. @Jed Vassallo You are using black and white thinking here i could write you an essay on this...after enlightment you still experience everything pain pleasure hunger but you dont suffer it you just experience it and everything is a joy so i must say because of language that you will enjoy even better food sex etc...