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Everything posted by NoSelfSelf

  1. @EternalForest thats great idea its like you have 20 minutes to make all your wishes come true so you have to write everything that you want tnx
  2. Yeah they are you...that make you feel fear insecurity worry etc
  3. Yeah you have work to do and shes probably a narcissist putting everyone down so she can elevate herself
  4. @Brenzo2 The thing is you dont fear anything outside of yourself,you fear your ego the thing thats creating your reality...the thing outside gets meaning,fear,anxiety,admiration etc from you
  5. There is nothing you fear outside yourself..what im saying is that you fear yourself and nothing else...and this applys to anything else related to the false self...
  6. Its all because she gives you emotions that you are attached to if you didnt get anything from her you wouldnt care this is advance advice...more intermidiet advice would be there are always better girl and there are plenty of them you couldnt have time and energy to spent the time with all of them how much females are out there
  7. What do you guys think abouth authentic thinking,saying whats on your mind, doing whats on your mind,that feel right to you is that going to ulimately lead you to the best authentic life?Ill contemplate feel free to share...
  8. @F A B You are doing it in non concious way you think if you hurt other person you will feel are on self actualizing path shes probably not so i expect more of you
  9. @Esoteric I only know about multiorgasmic man book where they teach you how to do the non ejaculation (body) orgasam that is benefical in so many ways (i didnt go into it) so you are not frustrated and dont have to go have sex and be tired from it...bassiclly you can manipulate with sexual energy....probably doing other stuff idk...
  10. @Viking balancing theory vs practice is the name ,it seems simple but it has many subtle things to understand..
  11. You have problem with balancing theory and action watch leos video on it ,you basically get the insight and dont actualized it into existence because you dont see how to ground it into action (being level) so its just a thought that passes by ...
  12. It goes from" inside" to the" outside "your outside shows you your inside
  13. You must do different techniques and become better at them over time
  14. You cant because they are not at the level development or really stuck in life to find a way put....
  15. Are you familiar with concept mastery? Arent you just stuck in (i forgot the term) where you work on it but you dont see the resaults so you start enjoying the time between resaults where you can learn more (about the thing you are strugglimg with)which will lead you to becoming master in that thing in the end?
  16. You can find people on specific subjects rarely someone who goes in depth about many topics every week...
  17. She thinks of you as an exclusive relationship and you saying that makes her feel she just another girl nothing special to you ....that queastion (in title)only you can answer...
  18. @Leo Gura Exiting the matrix is so much better it sounds like its scary when you are saying it
  19. @bejapuskas hahah yeah i wish small talk is something like (not what you did in school ) but hows your sucking on societies tit going btw you are not even aware that you are your father and you gave birth to yourself...that would be too far for culture but it would be interesting ?
  20. I dont consider myself an introvert or extrovert anymore but i recognize that i dont really enjoy making friends with new people its like there are few people i feel i want to talk to and thats rare did anyone "hate" didnt find socializing with people(espeicially new ones)natural thing and is not pulled to do it but found a way to enjoy it overcome this?
  21. You are in transition stage where ego is trying to stop you from growing know that you go deeper and it will be all good..edit: you are not tired of life but tired of your mind
  22. @bejapuskas yeah i love 1 on 1 conversations i cant keep up in group conv. Too much infornations bouncing around and yeah i cant express myself in public authenticly because that would be crazy ??
  23. @Elysian I have that naturally from my mother,and i found its worst way to deal with people...only one who can help you its yourself you can only hear them out and understand but oh well you do you ill do me happy new year!
  24. Guys im socializing,and find out that its best to be funny and not being serious...