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Everything posted by NoSelfSelf

  1. @Juan Cruz Giusto Yeah,you start to destroy even the little things such as seeking approval etc. In the end you see that every belief is made so there could be some order with force(control)make you feel super lost in physical world...then you realize there is nothing but to help others...
  2. Is it normal to feel more and more lost when you go deeper in conciousness work i thought it would be the opposite....
  3. Wow thats amazing !havent read something like this in long time ?
  4. In do nothing technique observe who and what is getting benefited..
  5. @Alex bliss you are being at the effect of things not at a cause of things...
  6. You sound like a girl from Kanojo wa Uso wo Aishisugiteru manga wtf ?
  7. Isnt that same as making a priorities and stick to them and avoid distractions from it...speedrun priority is to beat game as fast as possible while finding the best route...that reminds me of tactics like speedreading learning langueages in few weeks etc.
  8. Trying to understanding it logicaly is not understanding whats going on really you just created another concept...
  9. You cant help her get that in your head right now ! Shes manipulating you..
  10. Hey i get need to start giving value not taking value,you should make yourself feel good and get out of your way(meaning) whatever blocks you from being you accept it but give out your vibe your energy thats authentic...then start making yourself feel good everything you need you already have....well in short start giving your authentic expression to others be aware when you are taking value from other like trying to get approval that they like you they will like you if you give yourself your energy to them so they can feel will start to have more fun feel good etc.and attract others
  11. @John Iverson Hahah yeah thats more than 50% of my understanding of relationships nobody wants to read it so if force you to coach others but things are legit it only lacks pick up things ...
  12. @korbes yeah give her the place to miss you and let her get back to you in her own pace...
  13. Its "easy" you do work that is congruent to your life purpose and you grow in that thats self actualizing during work you can be more present and mindfull see your reaction see why you do that can do it everywhere infuse it with your work
  14. Stop being needy(easier said than done) give her space,she needs alone time to start missing and wanting you again...if you dont do that she will lose interest because too much of a good thing is a bad thing. Love in such a way other person feels free
  15. Deconstruction is the key you observe your thinking beliefs then see either that they are bullshit or you drop them because you become higher concious of something either way its becoming aware of something to the point that that concept you hold for so long disappears so fast that you dont remember that you had it..i hope you had those experinces because watching leos videos made you see the bs and when you see it it gets deconsrructed you cant hold it anymore...
  16. @bejapuskas people think they can just move on...people who move on dont embody stage orange there is so little people that emobidied orange...its about being skillful,being sucessful,charismatic,mastered basic self help:money independence etc.and they think they can just move on...i asked how do you release it is there techniques or its seperate thing for everyone
  17. @bejapuskas what do you mean suffering? @TheAlchemist how do you reliease emotional trauma?
  18. @Leo Gura How can orange mind stop thinking that green is useless..if you are competing and you are loving to them they will smash you...
  19. I think wanting girl has many reasons..most common to want a girl is that you escape from every day stress hoping to feel good and cool off or boost your self esteem etc..
  20. @Matt8800 just reading this made me dizzy from energy im not even kidding...
  21. @Matt8800 can you explain how exactly you visualize,put energy into things and make things happen?..i can feel and draw energy through my spine so mybe i could do these things...
  22. Whats the difference between hate and love?
  23. @Danioover9000 I heard now that tulpas or beings can help you astral project is that the case?