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Everything posted by NoSelfSelf

  1. Compeling vision can centrely help but having that much resistence you wont last for long it should be more enjoyable or say i wont do self help for some time and see if you come back to it forcing yourself that much is counterproductive imo...mybe you dont want to change and force yourself to do it...
  2. @Leo Gura every girl in my city would know me at that point ? @Javfly33 i think you should start small because in my experience you get an ego backlash from alot of rejections ?
  3. Thanks now im ready to buy 3 tons of tibetian salt
  4. We treat dating/women as something really big and important and then get down when we finally have it because its not as advertised ? its just one aspect of life an add on to life not a big part of life...
  5. Being a nice person is being nice for the sake of getting something in return..real nice people is who has the dark side and can use it but choose not to they can be ruthless but use it only for the greater good or good of others(doing the right thing) and sometimes doing the right thing is being selfish
  6. I play it its a monster of a game it can be so complex
  7. Do anyone has any tips of the fastest way to move out from parents?
  8. Why do you think you are alfa?
  9. Yeah if you dont entertain yourself noone else will...
  10. Your problem is scarecity mindset and feeling you are not good enough and not places where you should take her ?
  11. Accepted that they have no interest in this simple as that trying to force it on them is useless
  12. Its a phase and you gotta go deeper
  13. @mandyjw so wheres the satisfaction in that?
  14. What do you mean shunned by his family im not great in english?
  15. @Nahm what exactly you want to know? They wont show their sensibility that easy in outside world it will be with people they trust and they will become annoyed and agressive if you queastion their flaws or something but more likely think to themselvs what this guy knows i know best and ignore the whole thing lets move on...
  16. You cant do anything with them i figured just starting to talk with them is a bad idea it wont end well its so tricky to figure out at first then you read them like a book really predictable...
  17. @Strangeloop you kissed her on a cheek ? cmon man
  18. @Recursoinominado Best sources?
  19. @PurpleTree Ill give you analogy...let say you are thirsty for drink and you havent drink for long time you are desperate needy to drink it when you see drink you start salivating grabbing spilling that drink looking weak lets say..and now picture that you are a little bit thirsty and you act normal take sips it makes you feel good nothing spectacular but you want to drink it its the same thing with women ? in both cases you want one thing but act completely opposite
  20. @Beginner Mind @Ibgdrgnxxv nice tnx for reply
  21. What are your goals with spirituality what you are trying to acomplishe? What drives you?