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Everything posted by NoSelfSelf

  1. @Etherial Cat Yeah i love it tnx for wondering love you <3
  2. Feminism is destroying femininity so feminism is weakness ?
  3. When you get centered in awareness experience is in the space and body exeprience is second ..
  4. Beware ,that you are the creator of your own world(in advance sense)no matter what time it is, if your mind is a chaos it will always be a chaos...
  5. I dont know ,could be million things going on, tiredness is coming from mind that is causing cortisol levels and depression(many other things) and that could be caused by alot of things...
  6. I knew ill open a can of worms with that one,that was my opinion and i added imo, im just saying from what ive seen other people deal with for example one girlfriend broke up with my brother because he didnt have skills to work around the house and thats completely not even gonna give advice to women on this topic amymore ill just get defensivness and they wont listen to what man wants they selfishly wants everything and expect everything from a man and do little as possible thats my PoV right now so dont get triggered... Me being a mod im not flawless or something we are in here together And if you know better teach me then Then reality will tell me if its true or not.
  7. @somegirl Well from the way you speak like:we would split things and that you already didnt learn to cook(feminine quality) shows me you are type of girl that would go better with decent beta type of guy imo...what you wrote is not unrealistic its realistic but i assume you want even more than that ,you dont give the guy that fits you a chance and you pursue that high quality and you dont want to be submissive and its easily seen by "them"...
  8. @somegirl For a high value you should be cooperative,submissive,friendly,drama free,no attitude,feminine not showing how you can be more masculine than him, not havin an attitude that your way is best way kind of thing,do you cook, clean or think you beyond it because you have a degree? Do you make things extra difficult or you supportive of his purpose and make sure hes on his path? Then you could be all that but your vibes doesnt show it...Then theres a values thing how many high value guys are interested in spirituality mybe 2%? its a small number you have to deal with...and not sure whats high value for you?
  9. What do you have to offer to a guy? What you said actually doesnt bring anything to a guy,thats the things that girls look for...
  10. Nothing better than living in awaken state you cant compare it to nothing its just all around great state to operate from but if you are half way or close it could look like its not that worth it..
  11. Do you have a life to focus on or shes your life?
  12. @Leo Gura Always wondered what is requered for connection/rapport to be bulit? Usually it happens unconciously but knowing how to bulit it conciously would save alot of time ...dont know where to research that also its always some half baked information...
  13. So they say upfront they want only sex or you assume that from their actions?
  14. @Hello world Do you know how and willing to turn it around you think its possible?
  15. Yes and more you socialize and get better at it you will find people and not everyone has to be high concious in beggining
  16. Understand that hes where hes at in his development the more you do the less you hate and more you come to peace with it.If you cant see it then you lack the understanding
  17. First one was 5 hours felt like 1:30 h this will feel like 2 :30 h ?
  18. Dont try 5-meo as a first psychadelic go with something less powerful..and if you are neurotic you should go with really low doses to avoid bad trips ...someone looking over you is good but if they are experienced... Edit: i see you have panic attack then i would postpone psychadelics and work on basic psychology only if you are working with someone in professional setting go with psychadelics Taking 5meo (i assume never taken) would be a horrible experience in your state(i had panic attacks)
  19. Wheres university ?
  20. @blackchair thats like opposite of strong ?
  21. Why didnt you think to be happy for her? it seems that this relationship is like competition or something... Why are you friends with her? Isnt that a terrible position to be? You have your own journey and pace of development mybe shes at 100% already and you are at 10%... Edit:can you point me to detox sources im interested ?
  22. Yeah in my vocabulariy i replaced temperature with energy and would add that you should give yourself temperature thats when you cant have bad night out, knowing what triggers it inside you...
  23. At some point we all have to do this better sooner than later...