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Everything posted by NoSelfSelf

  1. @Adamq8 Yeah,you can hear about it,you can think whats like but when you face "him""you" just wanna shrink in a ball and acknowladge his strenght ?
  2. Paradigms,beliefs,social programming,experiences,trauma,identity You have to self destruct to be congruent to the map of yourself and the world you have and you not aware of it that you have it... You probably try to work on yourself and push your comfort and response from that is self destruction to get you back to your map...
  3. It seems its in human nature when we see some weakness we try to poke at it... expecially if it seen that you are trying to hide it and being dishonest then expecially... Your trauma is poked at and you have a mask to protect yourself from reliving it again , fear comes from you showing who you truly are i assume they see all that(but dont know deeper reason)and having fun with it conditioning/trauma/beliefs is behinde that mask... If you dont tease back or show its not serious(taking yourself seriously) then they will laugh at it for some reason Im all over the place its not easy situation i know that feeling its terrible..
  4. @SQAAD Do 3 hours of determination sitting and notice you can only experience yourself and its only you thats more exciting than any video
  5. I have same problem and i found out its just we try to hide behinde what to talk about because we are not comfortable showing our true self(thinking we are not enough) and we are not familiar with who we are so we dont know what should be said because we dont know ourselves thats what i got so far...
  6. I was studying corey waynes content and what hes meaning by stop caring resaults come is that you dont focus your energy on the girl but having your amazing life and that will give of a vibe that you are busy and she will pursue you and that in interactions you dont show her you like her directly that she always wonders and not validating her start to invest as much as she is and you can let go when shes in love with you you always make her work for it basically... This comes off as manipulation if you are not truly high value but it works...and nice guys care too much and they overly text overly pursue overly validate girls and dont make her earn it (care too much) and that repels them...
  7. If your goal is to date 9s and 10s then better not do it imo... missing the point of pick up, pick up to me is journey to self mastery poking your inner demons and getting rid of them...everything else is bonus Doing it for validation like :i got 10 look at me how special i am is nonsense and stop doing something you wanted to do just for someone saying that you should get 9s and 10s is also pointless you do it for your own benefits you got affected by seeking for approval i know how it is but living like that is hell.... Pick up should help you with what i see in your post looking for approval,caring for others opinions more than yours and getting swayed from your path easily(validations) having strong sense of yourself that is not influenced by others thats what pick up is for,the core of it! Not women...
  8. @Vincent S dream charachter will always be here but its seen as dream so its losing power...while dream world is different to truly see thats is a dream its not enough to see dream character and mild level of conciousness its a high levels that doesnt depend on if you are suffering or not...
  9. @flowboy have that ever worked for you asking for a relationship right of the bat?
  10. Im aware that im dreaming with my mind and that imagination is not reality but just one aspect of see that you are imagining body etc would need really high levels of conciousness and i dont see whys that important?
  11. Why does it matter if its called girlfriend/boyfriend? If you are having amazing time then sometimes its not even mentioned its obvious whats going shouldnt fixating on that, fixate on being more attractive and having amazing time thats it...
  12. Interesting that you see both sides usually people see only one and fight for that side...embracing both sides equally and making it a whole part of yourself its whats the healithiest and key to being your true authentic expression...
  13. By not trying to put a front to stop being nervous show you are nervous and say that every time someone opens up you get nervous but go on i wanna hear gets awkward because its dishonest and it becomes weird...
  14. Overanalyzing comes from not being sure of things (low value) if you are sure and not have to do something extra and watch every step you have to take and do.... Its a shift from i have to do something to make things work(doing) to im the thing that makes things happen(being) Removing mindset ill have to do something to im that thing and if you are that thing you dont overanlayze... Remove layers of whats blocking you from being and stop trying to come logically to what you already are (being) if it makes sense ?... If it all goes wrong then you are confident you will handle the pain now you try to control things to avoid pain... All problems comes from you so you have to come to Im the solution Im confident im sure already no need to overanalyze... Dont know how and what to do just be sure in yourself and thats it ? Its a balance and dance in the end... Edit:its tough to explain and write hope you get something out of it
  15. I think dumb means carefree and not attached to anything, producing most fun as possible, while logical serious makes everything not that fun and reminds them of everday life=boring?
  16. You pedestelize someone because you yourself think you are not good enough for that person, you see them more special than yourself. I dont know you so i cant say why you think you are not as important as them,its some assumption or belief that you as you are is not good enough <--- probably just that Or could be the fear you wont find great girl like that if she leaves you so you make her more valuable and you become more needy..
  17. Basically all the lies ,deception justifications we do from ignorance...
  18. Because you put her on a pedestal you see her more of a value than yourself so its natural you will lose your charm as long as you see her above you this will happen...treat her looks like nothing special while being around them more often...imagine her without make up and how she looks when shes taking a dump next time she comes around im serious ?
  19. Better way in my opinion is to take psychadelics once or twice a month, then focus on shadow for longer period and go slowly,to me thats common sense, if you went to gym and did it every day all out then you would feel horrible... Too much of good thing is bad...
  20. This is how it goes:in subconcious there are trapped emotions that you supressed because they were unwanted or too much for you to handle, so every time they come up its because you get triggered ,when you get triggered you have to set the intention to identify(shifting focus on) the specific emotion you want to let go(step 1) then you have to stay there and experience it fully(step 2) now dont try to control the process of letting go just with focus and staying on the emotion everything else will be resistence to it and thats why they are trapped in the first control no how do i do it just fully experience it and if you do it "right" emotions will start to shape into something i would call "liquid" emotion they will be experienced for what it is then suddenly they will go by itself and you will feel the relief after that...its actually super easy but ego stepping in and labeling emotion as bad or trying to control the procress is resistence that makes emotion trapped back in subconius... identify shift focus and experience it fully staying on the emotion not the ego/thoughts
  21. @Muhammad Jawad In many cases people respect their parents too much and they should but in this case,when father disrespects you dont respect him back you are too meek in your delivery and still trying to be on good terms even tho someone is disrespecting him his teeth as saying goes, get in a conflict with him that he sees that you truly mean it shake him up show him you mean business even tho if he would shout back or whatever he will secretly earn respect for you... Or just plain avoid him...probably not what people wanna hear from a mod but im real here... Stop being an nice guy and people pleasure or not having danger side of yourself easier said than done...
  22. No. Setting boundaries no matter how enlightened you are,abuse is not something you tolerate...they treat you like that because you allow it and you are an easy target for their insecures egos to get a short lived could use it to release emotions but still no abuse or toxic behaviour is allowed...
  23. Seems the problem is black and white thinking you either dont say anything about yourself or you unload everything on others(they are not ready for that so use right timing)...being vurnable is saying stuff about yourself and being ready to be hurt thats strenght you are ready to be hurt and people who sees it as a weakness you drop them... When the shame and emotions pop up start asking why do you feel like that so you can detect the belief behinde it...