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About NoSelfSelf

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  1. You lying fraud you can see my messsages but your peanut head can only make low level jokes you will be a fucked up individual your whole life
  2. @Sugarcoat is the only person that i respect on here all others just go fuck yourself
  3. What a pussy can think his looks is everything my god peanut brain.
  4. Hahahha thanks im glad im not gonna have to read your fucked up messages
  5. I just want to make a few words so you know whos your leader. @Leo Gura demands mods to conduct themselves on higher standard while he himself is acting like a fucking clown. Never demand what you yourself cant do. Typical hypocrite so take him as a grain of salt because he is just putting this fasade of a good person behind the scenes hes fake nice and selfish like a normal.person. Follow and trust yourself not these gurus. If you dont see it now take 10 years you will see it.
  6. It is transaction of emotions how tf cant you guys see its all conditional transactions..
  7. Thanks for being the sanest mod on here dont let their pussyfied personas impact you thanks 🙏
  8. Yeah have fun with dry feminine humor with pussified place like this forum.Thanks for bein an individual not a leo bot.
  9. My city is 500k plus started to see massive resault when i stopped being a pussy thinking that city is the reason im failing but me. No emotions just pure motion of self belief.
  10. By a granny yes who doesnt want to fuck you.
  11. I feel insulted triggered my religion repression. Go study how to manipulate women
  12. Change topic to racism or i give a warning point 😂
  13. Yea you black woman.