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Everything posted by Sven

  1. Leo is not planning on doing this anytime soon my friend
  2. Today in a psychology lecture... The following statement came about: "People are only about 54% accurate in judging truth and deception in others" I'm not feeling like writing why I find this statement amusing at the moment, but I think most of you get the point. The question was answered through a poll by the way, and the results are:
  3. There's a sign next to the door of someone who lives in the street of my birth place. It reads: "Have you ever met a normal person? Well? Did you enjoy it?" I loved that sign haha
  4. Guys this is quite a difficult topic in my opinion. As far as I can see you just gotta make your choice, either to drop everything and feel as if "the universe pushes evolution on you" or, instead, "you pushing evolution on the universe". Digging in my memory for examples, I could come up with what Eckhart Tolle went through. At first he didn't do jack shit. He spent his time for I believe to be at least a year (but I think multiple years) on a bench in a park. People would come by and ask him how he could be so happy just sitting on a bench. Well, we know the answer. But the point is, he did eventually choose to live life again. Another example (just came to mind). Look at Jim Carrey. He went through an awakening as we know. Recently he came back and he is having a new show as far as I could understand out of a talkshow episode on YouTube. If any of you have been following the way he changed you can clearly see he chose to play his role again (being a comedian). Well go figure, I bet you about 80% of people thought he was depressed and are now very happy he is back and kicking it the way he always used to. So what is more important? Again, I personally feel this topic to be very difficult.
  5. First, I gotta agree with what see_on_see says. It is a bit lazy to ask this question. But, Leo does not offer his book list without any reason. It is so that you have to put less time in than he had to. I have read multiple books on lucid dreaming, and I found that it is not actually that helpful to read more books on this subject necessarily. The reason for this is that the subject is not all that complicated. The only thing not discussed in most books, is that consciousness does help with the ability to lucid dream, but it is not necessary. All of the above being said, the best book (Personally I would highly recommend this one) is the following:
  6. Yeah exactly. In that case my answer is: I don't know. I am simply not at a level of awareness (at all) where I can say "pain is just an emotion, which is experience, which is everything, thus it is me... thus there is not really any pain..." I can say this stuff conceptually, but not feel it in that way. Haha. But I wonder if that is even possible to begin with. There is also stories of this monk who didn't think about anything in life at all except food. Literally the only thing he though about. So when not thinking about food, he was just being. Supposedly this was how he was able to hung on to his physical body and not die. Again though this is a story. I can't help any further here but I am curious if someone could.
  7. I am sorry but I had to laugh at all the posts ridiculing you so hard, haha. Just suck it up take the lesson and move on. Worst thing you could do is feel like this has caused you to lose progress. Every step is a learning step, whether it feels negative or positive.
  8. The only thing I can think of after reading your post is that, supposedly, Jesus Christ was hung on the cross and did not scream. Even though of course the rest of the people hung at the same time with him, did scream. But I don't know if this actually happened. If it did, that might be the ultimate form of relativism, right? Seeing that there was nothing else that could have happened there and thus accepting the pain completely?...
  9. I agree yeah, mastering is definitely to be regarded as something else than just having them once in a while. It's also a difficult boundary, though, because even though you say all time is allocated in the dream, I feel like the more conscious you are while awake has a massive impact on the amount of consciousness you can bring up in the dream state. When I was working on lucid dreaming 2 years ago, my highest peak of dream performance was also when I meditated the most. Man, exactly hitting the nail there. If the brain is actually the thing creating these dreams, right? I always say this to people face to face: "If a brain can create the entire universe (theoretically), then what the hell is reality/a brain???" Or something along those lines. I mean, if people are accepting of the universe being an external reality, than how could you create that exact huge reality inside your small freaking head? It's ridiculous to think of it like that. So yeah thanks for response Interesting stuff there. I feel like you might be hung up to the ideas of what the dreams might mean too much, though. I get that there's sites and books and teachers and name it which are supposedly explaining the meaning of certain elements in dreams, but I just don't feel like that's the point of dreaming or life in general. There's no point, or, everything has a point. That's up to you to decide. I love to think of dreams I have with women to be a good practice for real life, as mostly the dreams tend to be romantic (which I am not really in real life) and thus I can learn from that and apply it. But yeah thanks for sharing !!
  10. Has it stayed after a nights rest?
  11. This topic is simply filled with golden humor, haha. Made my day. On an extremely serious note, though, I'm running out of water and food... One does not simply leave the house while waiting on the video to be uploaded. I have not slept since sunday either... I'm starting to hallucinate... IS THIS ENLIGHTENMENT!!?
  12. My friend the best thing you can do is take it easy and remember you have enough time. Of course, some would say really you don't have that much time, but, it is a good way to think when you are overloaded with information. Just focus on a couple of areas at a time and not on all of them at once. There is no rush here, as that only puts too much pressure on yourself and does not help you much. I say this because I personally understand what you mean when you want to constantly share these topics with relatives/friends, it was the same for me. I had to find a balance between what to share and when to share, what not to share and when not to share, if you catch my drift. Understand also that is is a common belief that this "path" towards a more holistic mind is a lonely one. Of course you got this forum, though, so try sticking to that more than people around you as they might misinterpret. Don't worry man, over the years you will be able to place your knowledge perfectly, and also be able to word yourself better towards people around you. Both mystics and top scientists struggled with this too, as people simply would not want to listen to them unless they manage to bring their message in an understandable "within boundaries" way. This is something you will learn over time, just look at Leo's videos. His explanation of topics has become much better. Same goes for emotional control. So one last word, whenever you feel overloaded, take a couple of very deep breaths (sounds cliché I know, but it helps,) and think clearly to yourself: What will I do with this information at this moment? Sometimes it is better to just think about something for a while before sharing it. Hope some of this can help you!
  13. Interesting story, thanks for sharing. Also, thanks for sharing that video! The guy reminds me a little bit of Alan Watts in some ways, though of course Watts could never really be replaced, haha.
  14. Great video if you are interested in what the subject of this topic is about! Disclaimer: This is not by any means my video neither do I take any credit. Merely linking from YouTube.
  15. Of course this happens. Since the upbringing of language, the more we were able to say about each other, the more we were able to offend each other. Nowadays, with the big amount of different social groupings we've created there's only more people to be offended. Take racism for example. The words nig*** or black person right now are actually making me feel a little bad just by writing them, even though they are only letters on a screen. The word nig*** has got nothing to do with the acting out of slavery or seeing black people as a minority whatsoever you see, but since we have language we associate things in this way. It indeed would be the best for our collective happiness if we could see this line between language and behavior, as it does induce a lot of negativity.
  16. Haha, perfect analogy by Leo. But living spartan-like? I don't know about that
  17. Since all of us are used to watching Leo's quote unquote long videos, I found a film that maybe some of you would be interested in.
  18. My friends, I keep hitting brick walls in my thought processes. I would like to ask you for thoughts on this specific question I have. So- The "mindset" we are all working towards here could be described as a still pool of water I suppose, from where you can basically learn all that is possible to learn out here on Earth. From this mindset you understand how the ego works, are able to transcend the dualistic view, and are able to see everything happen as if it could not be any other way. So far I have wrapped my mind around this perspective, but- Is there a next step? Leo has not discussed anything related to inhuman experiences much, apart from the drug experience videos. Maybe some of you have heard of Robert Monroe or are familiar with OBE's. My question is whether (for you guys) there is such a thing as experience beyond the human form (which we can reach within the human life). To phrase it differently: Would the ultimate goal of personal development be a total abandonment of the human state and a transcendence into a "higher" form of life (possibly after physical death)? Or are we working on becoming the most balanced human being and then just die off and that's that? My first post, hopefully I expressed myself properly. I can add on to my point if anyone wishes so. Thanks for reading TL:DR (Even though this is not reddit): Read only the underscored sentence.
  19. Well, most of what Leo says is not understood anyway. What I'm trying to figure out is whether there is a bias involved here, if not, I would like to make clear that if wondering about existential questions can improve your personal career relationships etc. (what personal development is about), so can having an out of body experience for example do the same, since it's all about widening your perspective. Leo has of course mentioned many times already that the channel is going to cover way broader subjects as he feels everything is interconnected anyway (if I phrase that correctly). I just wonder if "esoteric" subjects will be covered too. I placed esoteric in brackets on purpose, since it of course is only a concept. Hope you guys catch the drift here.
  20. Thanks for the answers! It seems as though Leo doesn't discuss these topics though. What do you think the reason for that is?