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Everything posted by tecladocasio

  1. @Arhattobe Or maybe it is you that project your arrongance oh him ? hahah
  2. @Leo Gura Yes Leo , maybe it's time to listen some of the fully enlightened masters and stopping fantasizing . Like Osho said '' Yoga is just spitirual gymnastic for the body'' . One more time , you are confusing mystical experiences , bliss , infinite love , with enlightenment , you can't let go of that
  3. This is the real cult . Welcome !
  4. @Leo Gura Two fully enlightened masters would never disagree with each other regarding the enlightenment topic . Maybe they will not even talk about that . Of course , they could disagree about whats the best method , techiniques , but enlightenment It self cannot be disagreement . If there is any , one of them ( or the two ) is not fully enlightened and is still clinging to something. That's my view .
  5. @FoxFoxFox "Really who is writing what here? " You are writing , because you have some purpose in mind . There is no conciousness writing .
  6. Very practical hahah . Good luck with that .
  7. What do you mean , you don't remember your name ?
  8. @FoxFoxFox there is no higher states of enlightenment , enlightenment is what it is as-it-is . Stop ego-dramatizing .
  9. @FoxFoxFox Ralston is very clear in his books , and the "lovebliss" that you feel is probably your own mind creation , not an inherent facet of Self . Read the books by Peter and do the work , and maybe you will really transform your life and will understand why i'm suspicious about Leo's notes .
  10. @tsuki "Enjoy the fireworks man." Fireworks of Delusions , they will pass .
  11. I Just wonder how you know that . @FoxFoxFox @tsuki but this understanding brings him to silence. Why them he wrote 15000 words of non-dual-sense note and shoot a 2 h video ? @Serotoninluv the "higher" conciousness is ego talking , there is no higher conciousness , maybe a more subtle and sophisticated dream . Sorry .
  12. @Aakash aahh dude haha , i think you are not getting my point here
  13. That's his journey hahah , one day he will get tired of all this effort to "understand" reality and see the foolishness and how deluded he is . The real obstacle maybe is that he is "famous", has a name , and there is this cult here hahah . For me , what he is doing is sharpening his verbal ability to express non-dual in a very dramatic and poetic way , in a way that is so dramatic that makes you cry . Like a literary Classic . And that's fine .
  14. @Brenzo2 you seem new here hahaha
  15. @SQAAD Your emotions are not random , neither your thoughts and actions , they all serve a purpose ( and you create them all ) . Be careful in jumping into conclusions . Your question doesn't seem random to me .
  16. @Pouya You see studying related to-you not as it is . It's bullshit for whom ? And I think Conciousness work cannot be stopped , maybe the pace will change .
  17. @LastThursday The problem with your thinking is that you are bringing the Absolute and trying to fit in to the question '' Do we have choice? '' . As I already said , absolutely speaking , yes, there is no choice , but nothing is happening either . But , relatively speaking , i'm still making a choice to right this answer , even is it is a ''illusion'' , is the illusion that make life the way we know possible .
  18. This '' It Is all God's will '' makes no sense , and I don't see any purpose in saying that , really . It's really dumb and ignorant .
  19. Nice series ! I have watched twice hahah .
  20. @AlwaysBeNice Of course , we are speaking in relative terms hahah . There is no way out . @LastThursday That's a good self-inquiry type of question , but don't need to be grasped to experience what i'm saying hahahha
  21. @LastThursday A choice is what precedes an action ( any kind , thought , physical action etc ) . When I'm writing this , the choice is being made as I write , of course the choice must be previous to the action , but there is a choice , and is , in case of the writing , a choosed purpose : communicate. Does not matter if I'm concious or not , the choice is being made . Don't confuse choice with some sort of psycological struggle .
  22. @LastThursday Yes , that's true . But that does not negate that I still choose to have the latte ... hahah . I'm not saying that the thought ''I want a Latte'' causes the choice , but the acting itself is the choice . The ''I want a Latte" thought was also a choice .
  23. @Joseph Maynor I'm refering to my direct experience , to say that there is no ''choice'' is to go against my own experience . Look at your experience . Even a thought is a choice , if there is no choice nothing would exist . Do you agree with me ?