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Everything posted by tecladocasio

  1. @Nahm no no , the experience i'm saying is the decision of walking , I decided to move my leg . How the leg moves , the muscle fibers with the glycogen i don't know I can't experience exactly that hahah . Now you are writing , what makes you write what you write ? What decides what words you will use it . You decide , but the words that you are choosing are associations with some experiences you are having . I don't precisely know what words will come out , but I know my experience . Remember when you want to say something and don't really know the word to express it . It's a experience (you know what you want to express) and you just can't find the word to associate with it . You can do the oposite : repeat some phrase but never experience what the phrase refers to .
  2. @Nahm Yes , this thoughts that i'm refering are experiences . The ''almost unconscious'' is because I don't really decide for every particle of my body ,my conscious experience is limited , but I decided to start walking , and keep walking , and it don't require much thinking , because i'm very used to walk .
  3. @Nahm Here I'm using thought as the knowing capacity , but I think most people see a ''thought'' the voice in the head , but the voice in the head is the result of the thoght i'm refering hahah . The '' tea sounds good '' thought is an experience , and if I wanna share this experience with someone , them the experience ''tea sounds good'' would be structered , in the symbols of language . Another example : the experience of a tree is not the word ''tree'' , the word serve as communicating . Of course that the ''walking thoughts'' are almost unconscious , but if you decide to go upstairs backwards , you would need to be more engaged but in none of this cases it's necessary the thought in your head .
  4. @Jkris I'm like this too hahah . It is a privilege
  5. @onacloudynight I bet if they didn't buy you clothes , food , shelter , you would not be like that . That's the basic needs , and they are all fulfilled by them , you are lucky . And that's why you don't feel the need , you don't have it hahah . If they kicked you out of their house , do you think you would '' just meditating , being empty '' . I don't think so , you would have real basic needs to be met now haha.
  6. @Nahm Notice here that you are confusing the thought with language . There is thought prior to the moving of my hand , there is thought prior to moving you leg . And it is the same thought that creates the dialogue in form of language in your head . Thinking is not the voice in your head that talks to yourself , that's what i'm saying . And that's why neurocientists can ''prove'' that ''you'' don't have free will , but you do have , the false premise is confusing the thought in your head as ''you'' and as thinking itself . Sorry if i'm not being clear here , I hope at this time you will get it hahah . Contemplation do a great job by the way .
  7. @Arhattobe OR you are clueless of how simple it is and is making your own hurdles in your path . Just a consideration .
  8. What do you mean by ''I want to flow with life'' ?
  9. @Nahm What I'm saying is that : the thinking in form of dialogue ( language , you talking to yourself ) that goes in your head is not the capacity of thought . For thinking in form of language to occur it must have a prior thinking without any language. Animals too have thinking . Language is more the organized estructured communication of your thinking . The thing is , if you are alone you don't need any language thinking . It's just very strange for people due to this misconception about self , thought , other , etc . @David Hammond Now it's a cup broken in tiny pieces hahah . I get what you are saying . But you agree there is a correlation between the activity of the brain and conciousness ?
  10. @David Hammond Yes , of course , don't you ? What you are saying is like seeing a cup and saying it don't exists .
  11. @Nahm Don't confuse thought with language .
  12. For the ones who want to laugh a little at this non-dual thing , a great and very funny interview :
  13. @AlphaAbundance That's when self-inquiry get interesting hahah , enjoy ! I Think it's natural , investigate it , keep self-inquirying in despite of the fear .
  14. @Aakash Consider that perhaps this is not ''THE SELF'' , but just a feeling .
  15. @Aakash That's precisely what I meant by ''Pure Nothingness is not even pure nothingness'' .
  16. @Pernani I think Pure Nothingness is not even awareness . Pure Nothingness is not even pure nothingness , that's the mind interpretation . And it is a relative term .
  17. @Pernani You can't concentrate on pure nothingness , that's the confusing point .
  18. @@EternalForest Why you think that way ?
  19. @Jkris Spirituality is a mind state . Start with your experience , investigate it , contemplate . Your experience is all you have . See that spirituality IS mind and your path will be much easier .
  20. @Jkris So why are you worrying about them if you already know you don't control it ? You are already saying there is nothing to do .
  21. @Jkris But you are creating them , that's why you think this thoughts .
  22. @Jkris why are you having thought in the first place ? They exists for a purpose .
  23. @EternalForest the same as before you were born , remember ?