The Shining

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About The Shining

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  1. Yoga was good but not that emotional (at least for now) Osho meditation is good but needs a judgment-free environment (I live w/ family) Aromatherapy was helpful, recommended for the heart chakra: Rose oil. I talked with some family members, had huge emotional releases, lots of crying.. Felt instantly better afterwards. I realized the real work that needs to be done is on the heart, that's where the blockage is. I had my heart broken and fell apart because of it, it was a blessing and a curse. Now is the time to get back on the relationship-track. I will be playing The Game. Until I get "love" back, my love for myself, my love for women, love for life, I will be unable to progress into the next step in my life. Social interaction is a huge part in my self-actualization journey, I think. This is what the Heart Chakra is all about. And so I will build myself up again, even better than before, now more grounded in principles and disciplined action, and become a potential suitor. I will be going to the gym. Buying new clothes. Taking action daily. On the side, I will still be doing the more "yin" part of self-help, which is self-acceptance. Mostly I will be trying to get the F out of the head-brain, and more in sync with the heart. This is where the truth lies. My truth. My love, my humanity. I will keep y'all updated, now I'm eating and going to the gym.. Until next time. PEACE.
  2. @Preety_India I think that was genuine advice, put some turmeric, it's useful. Add some ginger as well.
  3. "We may affirm absolutely that nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion." —Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel --- -- Svadhisthana (The Lover's Chakra) Meaning: Sweetness Location: Lower abdomen, genitals, womb Element: Water Function: Desire, pleasure, sexuality, procreation Inner State: Feelings Glands: Ovaries, testicles Sense: Taste Seed Sound: Vam Celestial Body: Moon Corresponding Verb: I feel Today I will be discussing chakras, and how they relate to our feelings, which are part of our road to success. They can be looked at as a guidance system. Disconnected from feelings, you are without guidance, totally and unhopefully lost as an ego-based individual. To embrace emotions is to embrace your feeling processes, it is to honor one's own self regardless of what's happening around him, devoid of the head-based logic and more in alignment with your truest self, you now have the key to Intuition which guides you to your true path. The ego doesn't like losing control, it perceives some parts of that as danger, so it creates barriers between it and the real you. The ego is mistaken, for the real you is much more powerful than the ego, it is much more in alignment with your soul, it is more intuitively connected with your higher self and within that it has all your gifts, life purpose, true love, happiness and wisdom. To help understand how the ego traps us in our heads more, I will be elaborating on how to get in touch with this magical force using our own bodies and feelings. This brings us to the topic of energy, because as we know, we ARE energy. And chakras, simpy put, are energy centers in the body relating to different point of consciousness in our soul, we can look at them as a map of evolution. The chakra system consist of seven basic chakras that correspond to our basic human needs, govern our emotions, wisdom, purpose, awareness, and on a physical level the endocrine system. Today we will be discussing the second chakra, governing the EMOTIONS, our need for pleasure, excitement and fulfillment. Playfulness shows up here a lot. It's flowing, thriving on change & uncertainty. "Without change, our minds become dull. Without change, there is no growth, no movement, and no life. Consciousness thrives on change." This movement is the essence of the second chakra’s purpose in the overall chakra system. It is the opposite of the first chakra’s stillness. Where the first chakra seeks to hold on and create structure, the second chakra’s purpose is to let go and create flow. Flow allows one thing to connect energetically with another. It is the difference between a point and a line. This chakra is the center of sexuality as well as emotions, sensation, pleasure, movement, and nurturance. In Sanskrit, the chakra is called Svadhisthana, usually translated as “one’s own abode." We also find in it the root svad which means “to taste sweet” or “to taste with pleasure, to enjoy or take delight.” When the plant has deep roots and is well-watered, then the fruit is sweet. To open the second chakra is to drink with delight in the sweet waters of pleasure. Pleasure, as befits the duality of the second chakra, is a two-edged sword. It’s an easy chakra to get trapped in, yet the trap can result from avoiding pleasure as much as indulging in it. The balancing of any chakra requires opening to its particular energy, without becoming excessively attached. Sensation is a valuable information source for all levels of consciousness. It provides the raw data that eventually becomes information, stored and analyzed by the brain. Ignoring bodily sensations cuts us off from the valuable feelings and emotions that play a part in transferring information to the brain and in moving psychic and physiological energy through the body. Sensations are the building blocks of our feelings and emotions. Without them we are lifeless and disconnected. Pleasure and sensation are essential features of the second chakra. If desire is the seed of movement, then pleasure is the root of desire, and sensation is the medium of pleasure. Pleasure is essential for the health of the body, the rejuvenation of spirit, and the healing of our personal and cultural relationships. Emotions (from the Latin movere “to move” and e meaning “out”) promote the evolution of consciousness through the body. When we emote, we are moving energy out of the unconsciousness, through the body, and into the conscious mind. This flow of consciousness charges the body, cleanses it, and heals it. It is a movement of our life force through which we achieve change. We are back to the basic elements of the second chakra: movement and change. When we reject emotions, they get buried away in the subconscious mind, in the form of "shadow", these are the aspects of ourselves that we reject. Activities that open the Sacral chakra: -Releasing trapped emotions -Yoga -Dance -Creative Arts -Sex -Aromatherapy "Every perfect action is accompanied by pleasure. By that you can tell that you ought to do it." —Andre Gide I will be doing these activities that act as a way to move energy through the body, release emotions, moving into my body and feeling all the feelings that arise, as well as moving towards pleasure throughout the next week. As I gain more awareness of my emotions, accepting all of them and integrating them into my life, I will be reporting back the results over the next few weeks. The main issues I deal with is inability to be with my emotions, avoiding them, not knowing how to use them properly, honor all aspects of myself. Now I'm taking them head-on as I learn how to re-connect with myself and explore the different themes this realm of being offers, navigating my way through with my own intuition and my studies. Until the next time, PEAACEE Resources: "Wheels of Life: A User's Guide to the Chakra System" By Anodea Judith.
  4. "Say the words and do the actions that are in alignment with the life you're calling in, and the rest will flow."-Preston Smiles I'm actually in the process of doing this myself. Check out these videos, they will take you by the hand and teach you how to love yourself 100%: "Mirror Work: 21 Days to Heal Your Life" Book by Louise Hay "The Gifts of Imperfection" Book by Brene Brown We're all on this journey together, hope these help
  5. It kinda makes sense but it's one of those things that's so out there most people will claim it's bullshit right away. But let's look at at like this: Have people been wrong about lots of things in the past? Yes. Could accounts of ancients miracles of figures like Jesus, Muhammad, Indian yogis be true? It might be. Could their teachings, however, be obscured by people in charge and their true messages of liberation lost? Very possible. Is mass manipulation through religion possible? Yes. Beliefs = thought practiced so many times Feelings are energized thought pattern If we're co-creators of this reality, our consciousnesses is in everything, the universe responds to our vibration by matching it, WE ARE THE UNIVERSE, then it makes sense that if we can create a strong feeling for something and we believe it to be true, the universe has to match that reality. That's manifestation 101. As within, so without. Miracles are that taken to the 10th degree. So when you believe beyond a shadow of doubt you can walk on water, you WILL walk on water. You will turn water into red wine.The universe can't help but match that reality. As within, so without. and so Jesus said: "When you make the two one (thought and feeling), you will become sons of man, and when you say: Mountain, move away, it will move away." -Gospel of Thomas. it's hard to believe because it's not like we've SEEN someone do it, it's definitely out of conventional thinking, but it's very probable.
  6. Work Ethic -Everything is practice for the big show. -The only difference between top performers/ huge successes is mastering consistency. -Menial tasks done everyday. -After 30 days your brain rewires itself to accept the new habit. "if you can't get yourself to do all those little things, then how are you going to live your dream life? "You're not gonna get put on, homie." -Owen Cook "If you been blessed by god to have any gift, and you want to do respect to that gift by cultivating it, then you make a decision to execute." -Owen Cook Love the menial little tasks. They are the foundation for success. Motivation: Higher Desires: Love, truth, purpose, freedom, expansion Lower Desires: Prove people wrong, boost your ego, stick it to your ex/coworker/family/employer We fluctuate between those when we are under-slept and grumpy vs. Happy and wide awake. Learn to acknowledge them, but always be guided by your own highest self. "The Bhagavad Gita" Two paths to enlightenment: Action or Contemplation. When people aren't taking action, they are stuck in concepts, overthinking, having all these ideas on how things should be which aren't rooted in reality. When you take action, you keep running into obstacles and that makes you more grounded in reality than you were, you have a better understanding of reality, you're peeling away the layers of delusion as you do this and getting more and more clear on how things actually work. The 5 Seconds Rule “If you have an impulse to act on a goal, you must physically move within 5 seconds or your brain will kill the idea.” Here are 3 reasons why this simple idea of a 5-second countdown can do the same for you: Through little acts of courage, the 5 Second Rule makes you less afraid over time. There are three reasons the “right time” will never come, so you just have to start. The 5 Second Rule helps to override your feelings, a tactic which is called psychological intervention. Count 1..2..3..4..5 and do it Wash the dishes? 1..2..3..4..5 go Talk to that girl? 1..2..3..4..5 go That was it for today, I hope you liked these little tidbits of information, do the thing you're afraid to do To another day, PEACE. Resources: - "The 5 second rule" Book by Mel Robbins.
  7. Hi everyone! I'm Moamen E. and this is my personal journey through self-discovery, love, guidance and hope. This topic will serve as a platform for my ideas, personal experiences, life lessons that I personally learned along my journey and from a wide range of spiritual/personal development teachers. I will keep updating it weekly, documenting my journey from the start to the finish, keeping myself accountable and hopefully leaving a positive impact on you as well. "Do the thing you fear the most and fear will move out of the way" -Elliot Hulse "It's not about having the most detailed out plan, it's not about knowing it's going to work out, it's about doing it. COURAGE. Courage is what you will experience and what you will grow when the fear is there but you do it anyway.."-Elliot Hulse "Success isn't doing the right thing and it definitely isn't doing the right thing the first time, success is having the courage to move in the direction of your dreams, move in the direction your heart is taking you, as you progressively realize that goal." -Elliot Hulse "It's not about what you get, it's about who you become." -Elliot Hulse My whole life I was scared to do anything new, I was confused and not totally sure about myself. I'm sure many of you have gone through the same thing in the past. Now is the time to change this. Proactive vs reactive. Fear will always be there, you just need to do the thing, and you'll flip the whole equation. It's like a switch and when you take action you are now operating from a much more powerful place than before. Express courage and your relationship to fear is going to totally change and you'll become a different person for it. "God will not make his work manifest by cowards." -Ralph Waldo Emerson "Do the thing and you will have the power." -Ralph Waldo Emerson I will keep pushing my edge, making my fear more and more known to me as I take the next step, take that leap of faith, only then will my life purpose begin making itself known to me. I trust that my heart will always keep guiding me towards my strongest, most authentic version of myself. I will become the person who I REALLY AM MEANT TO BE. We really do grow and learn from adversity. My work is my no. 1 priority right now. To another day, peace.
  8. Chakras correlate to the endocrine system. I think they are different levels/aspects of consciousnesses in human evolution and hugely aid us towards a better understanding of our human nature. Glands and organs are the physical manifestation of the energy of each chakra. Chakra means spinning wheel. First chakra is groundedness (connection to Earth) - deals with survival, physicality, abundant resources. It's our need for certainty and It represents whaever groundeness means to you, when you are a grounded man (or woman) that means you have a solid base, a healthy rootedness in being, which means a healthy first chakra. It's connected to the reptilian brain. Second chakra is sexual energy, creativity, emotions. Artistic vibes. Also influenced by the reptilian. Third chakra is power, self-esteem, status, higher purpose. This one is a pitfall for many individuals (low self esteem, or power hungry narcissist) and is connected to the ego. Heart chakra is compassion, love, social relationships. This is the realm of the subconscious mind. Feelings such as passion and love are found here. It also transcends the reality where everyone is concerned with himself (ego) and promotes more compassion towards others. Throat chakra is self-expression and is concerned with speaking your Truth. Third eye chakra is intellect (Transcending duality). extrasensory perception and psychic abilities, and last chakra is about Enlightenment (Realizing our oneness). It's definitely a very interesting topic but yet a majorly ambiguous one, lots of the stuff here just makes sense to me from what I've read and observed. I hope we can soon make more discoveries about chakras and reconcile them with our modern understanding of brain chemistry, physiology, psychology, because it seems to bridge the energetic gap between lots of fields of human study. Also chakras are meant to work together, because of their yin-yang nature, they are supposed to be balanced in order to work properly, and you can't have one in your life without including the other. These chakras meanings are unique to each individual, but have common themes. These are the six core needs (taken from Tony Robbins!) and they beautifully correlate with the chakra system also: