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About EyeOfTheStorm

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  1. Short update: Still going strong. Didn’t miss meditation once since I started (1h a day). Did 1x AL-LAD. Little bit underdosed. But I wanted to start slowly. One cool thing happend. I had like a 10 min feeling where I just loved myself completely. Like I literally felt how beautiful of a soul I am. Awareness increased by A LOT. I am most of the time catching my thoughts now and emotions and as soon as I am seeing them, they disappear. It’s funny, like when I am driving and get angry at somebody and realize that feeling I have to laugh at myself. I won’t give up!
  2. @Azrael I‘ll take that too Brother
  3. @Azrael lol I didn’t know you get superpowers interesting. Anyways. I’ll guess I just keep going. Thx man.
  4. @snowleopard I understand. I just want it so bad man.
  5. @Nahm Half of the stuff you mentioned I heard about but I have no clue what it is. Is it necessary to inquire it if you don’t even know what it is? I mean I don’t identify myself with it. I have to say I’m not good at inquiring. What psychedelics to you suggest for a newbie? Only psychedelics I ever took 8 years ago was Hawaiian wooden rose seeds. Is there away to manifest the bigger picture after it fades again?
  6. @Nahm That’s good. Thank you. I’ll try that. I read somewhere that air is what connects us all and that we don’t breath the air in, the air breaths us in. How much inquiry work is helpful in the beginning. What do you think?
  7. @Shin Thx for that. Ja, I read that Guide, it’s still Hard to really get me wondering. I know the feeling of really wondering, it’s just hard to project it on myself. Alright, so then my plan to be more mindful everyday is not that wrong @Joseph Maynor Mega excited! Didn’t miss a meditation session since I started. If that means I have to do it at 2 in the morning I do it.
  8. @Nahm Thank you I’ll hope I’ll be able to one day. It’s all I really want. @Max_V Thank you
  9. @Azrael Thank you for those words. I always like to read your lengthy answers I got a few questions to that if you don’t mind. 1. How can I really make myself wonder who I am? I mean I know that there is something that is “covered” etc. but how can I actually really make myself wonder? 2. Do you think my plan so far is set up well or is it too much “stuff”? Cause you said “go slower”? When should I introduce psychedelics? 3. How would I integrate spirituality in my every day life? With mindfulness? Thank you man. I really appreciate it!
  10. @snowleopard Thank you I appreciate it/and your time.
  11. @snowleopard thx for your answer ja, I am that far. I read (not seen/realized) that there is just one site. The problem is obviously the realizing process/unfogging the mind lol
  12. Hey guys and gals! Just wanted to introduce myself. Been a long time lurker on this forum and read probably about every thread here I found about meditation, enlightenment and awakening about 2 month ago while being in a depressive state. I started with Oshos books. I read about 8 of them and got really obsessed with it. I had now clue what he was talking about, so I googled around like crazy and read up about enlightenment, awakening and meditation. I was always curious what our life purpose is. But that opened my eyes a bit. Then I found this forum and read through all the topics etc. plus watching @Leo Gura‘s Videos. I started meditating right away for 2x30min a day (concentration on breathing/Vipassana). Right now I do the awakening prologue of Holosync for 30min a day (on week 1) paired with “do nothing” and SDS (as good as I can ). In my daily routine I add mindfulness if I think about it. My next steps would be to add self inquiry and maybe trying some mushrooms or 5-meo-dmt. I also bought Eckart Tolles “Now” book and Ramana Maharshis “What am I” to read. I really try to hit it hard. Full force! I am a very disciplined person. Probably cause I am a strength athlete (Powerlifting, Squat 515lbs, Bench 330lbs and Deadlift 530lbs). Which makes it also hard to unidentify with my body and ego. I found that out already Oh, I am 29y/o, an insurance sales manager and from Germany So my plan for the next month would be: Á day: - 1h meditation (SDS+do nothing+Holosync) - 30min self inquiry - mindfulness throughout the day What do you think about that? I would appreciate every help that i can get on my journey. Thank you so much!