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Everything posted by snowleopard

  1. @DoubleYou The cosmic Love feeling is surely associated with the Onenesss/all-connectedness experience, which can be a spontaneous event, but is certainly frequently referred to in psychedelic experiences, and NDEs, so often that it can't just be simply dismissed as insignificant. But yeah, it can also become another attachment, and by-pass option, in lieu of further inquiry.
  2. @Mighty Mouse How about a purrrfecty nice licking around your crown chakra ... I'll leave the lower chakras to your lower love interests.
  3. @DoubleYou well maybe not just any books. Surely, as with any esoteric subject, there is a lot of bastardization of the original knowledge that can drift into highly imaginative, non-empirical nonsense. I'd be inclined to be very selective about the source material.
  4. @Mighty Mouse Surrender to the Love maya-mouse ... notwithstanding there is no-one to surrender Seriously, I feel the cosmic Love thing happens when it happens, and there is no making it happen, anymore than one can choose to 'fall' in love with some other individual. It is a mystery to behold, even when there are very good reasons not to love that individual, it just friggin happens ... Go figure.
  5. On the topic of is 'kundalini' enough? .... This may be of interest, if so inclined
  6. For what its worth, buy into it or not, here is a synopsis of the vedic and tantric take on chakras, which perhaps goes beyond superficial 'new age' understanding,
  7. @molosku I can only say that I've experienced 'kundalini' phenomena -- and it was not fun -- although at the time I had no belief system context to put it in, and about zero interest in spirituality. Also it was a transitory thing, that ended as mysteriously as it began, so I moved on without giving it much thought. It was only in retrospect that I could relate it to other such experiences I eventually read about. So whatever it is, whatever its source or function, it would appear to be a valid phenomenon. And while western science hasn't given it much credibility, there is certainly much vedic science that delves into it source and function, which I've not really looked into -- just not something that peaks my curiosity, for whatever reason. In any case, it did not appear to have much to do with the undoing of the exclusive self-identity, or with investigation into the shadow stuff, or dispelling the beliefs that the dream is not a dream, which was another process. So your guess is as good as mine as to what actually happens and why.
  8. Just wait until all the rest is unmasked ... LYAO x a gazillion
  9. @Psyche_92 It appears possible in any given moment to wake up in a dream and have it revealed to be what it actually is and not what it was believed to be.
  10. @Mighty Mouse Ok non-apology accepted ... Now return to your shadowy burrow beneath the pristine snow, mini-mouse !
  11. @Mighty Mouse Um excuse me, I'm not a pansy, I'm a pussy ... and I demand an apology !
  12. @h inandout may now be sorry for starting this thread !
  13. What it often seems to be about is the pursuit of some non-dual experience, or replicating someone else's experience. Certainly been there, done that. It was even great until the honeymoon was over, at which point the real undoing began, despite any avoidance tactic. That which is being undone has no agency to deal with its undoing -- no more than does a withered leaf carried along in the current of the river Tao. It is a rude awakening, so to speak.
  14. Perhaps I'll plunk this in here, albeit it seems relevant to many of the threads in this forum ...
  15. @h inandout And forgive yourself
  16. @Joseph Maynor What does it matter what a dream of an exclusive self-identity is wrapped up in? What is revealed when that dream is unwrapped?
  17. @Leo Gura Can't say I feel strongly about it one way or the other. Probably a generational thing, but I rarely think to use the 'reputation' option. And I guess I find it difficult to imagine that anyone takes seriously a ranking system based on a hierarchy of sub-human primates. But who knows, maybe some do. However, I suppose some way of indicating to others that you resonate with their expression, is a good way to connect with like-minded individuals who you may be more inclined to focus on, and interact with. So as usual there are pros and cons to consider. In any case, I feel it's a valuable milieu you're offering here, for individuals exploring spirituality/metaphysics to to come together and share their experiences and expressions, even if there is some egoic discord -- which seems to be almost inevitable -- and some rubbing each other the wrong way. However, that too is all part of the maturing process, as over time the rough edges do generally tend to get worn down by all that rubbing. Then again, having been a mod in other forums, I can see how it can be an exercise in frustration, given how long that process can take, and how resilient and locked-in the egoic mindset is, and how futile it all can seem. Yet overall, I remain optimistic that it will eventually serve its integral part in transcending that problematic, albeit stage-specific mindset. I for one am encouraged by how many young minds are here showing any interest at all, and deeply appreciate that you take the time and effort to make it possible.
  18. @egoless I'm not aware of any specific talk that addresses 'oneness yoga meditation' practice -- whatever that is. He seems to endorse a version of vipassana, involving focusing on the breath. The 'oneness' experience --- if that's what you're referring to -- could come about through any meditation practice that involves some inquiry into dispelling the exclusive, separate self-identity, so that all that remains is being aware of awareness, which is what he is speaking about in the following talk ... I haven't yet watched the following interview, but maybe they get into some discussion of mediation practice ...
  19. @cetus56 Yes, but must so-called enlightenment preclude dissonance? I suspect the harmony would be spontaneous/effortless, but in keeping with the musical metaphor, so could dissonance be equally so, but not taken 'personally' ... We'd just all be 'day-tripping' ...
  20. @cetus56 Would there even be a forum? And if so, how tedious would perfectly harmonious consensus be? Some of the best music has some dissonance in it
  21. Yeah, I heard that someone jumped out of a 21st floor washroom after doing that ... anyway, no doubt the DEA will find a way to make it illegal
  22. @egoless You might resonate with Igor Kufayev who is a teacher that focuses on Kashmir Shaivism tantra. While I find some of it quite intriguing, other parts of it I can set aside. He also has a youtube channel with tons of videos , interviews, etc.