As I've been sitting in "do nothing" I've been watching my mind explore these concepts, but as of yet it has been unable to satisfactorily define them. Right now I seem to be at:
Awareness: universal among living things, can stand on it's own, does not require mindfullness, self-awareness, or consciousness
Mindfullness: noticing/paying attention to (releasing to?) awareness
Self-awareness: noticing/understanding/accepting your mindfullness and as well as your separation from from the universal awareness
Consciousness: the processing aspect of self-awareness, i.e. thought and reaction to self-awareness, most often a projection of self into the future, a recollection of self from the past, or an emotional or thought reaction to the present.
How to these different states reconcile within me? Which state do I strive for (or release to) during my sits? Do self-awareness and consciousness inhibit awareness and mindfullness? If the end goal is "no-mind" is that simply pure awareness?