Angelo John Gage

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Everything posted by Angelo John Gage

  1. I wouldn't say he is underrated at all; in fact, his speeches are used in so many things all over youtube. He's one of my favorites
  2. @Natasha a lot of this detox stuff is not backed by any studies at all. i suggest everyone follow Dr. Layne Norton's channel because he dispells many 'myths' that various communities push; espeically this one.
  3. @outlandish just keep pushing an extra hour until you reach 16... some people go extreme and do full days; that's up to you but I don't' think its necessary.
  4. @d0ornokey@d0ornokey I didn't think you were being rude at all. You made good points which I agree with.
  5. Some of you initially may look at this and go "oh this is ego division based" but its not. We need balance. Check it out.
  6. @dinone My main goal here was not to demonize but rather call men to regain their confidence by conquering their vices and taking responsibility for their lives rather than blaming women or some other external group. Safe-spaces for example weaken our children, not only by sheltering them from the real world, but taking away any kind of critique of their own views. And ironically, these safe-spaces, which are supposed to be inclusive, you'll find exclude certain people which causes the very division they ostensibly are trying to end lol.
  7. @RendHeaven lol, I'm not a fan of Peterson. I used to like him to I finally saw through his façade. He just rambles about nonsensical things which can be interpreted in millions of ways. His debate with Sam Harris was cringe. basically he's just all over the place talking in circles. Calls himself a Christian but can't even answer directly if he believes in the actual resurrection of Christ.
  8. @d0ornokey I agree but when I say "man up" I don't mean don't cry or whatever, I mean take responsibility.
  9. @ivory i skipped through it but haven't gone in depth like I should...I have to catch up on those vids
  10. @ivory I am not doing that at all actually. The imbalance is on both sides if you really think about it. But yes, its not so simple.
  11. @ivory The mess I'm referring to is political correctness, safe-spaces, politics driven by emotion rather than logic which has been nothing but detrimental to society as a whole. We are literally breeding emotionally weak human beings; telling men they are 'bad', telling women they need to be like men and reject any 'gender roles'. There are certainly many facets in life which are affected by this; take for example the absolute destruction of the family which 50% divorce rates etc....lack of fathers in the home, especially in minority communities account for the reason why most youths get into gangs.
  12. its not really macho man stuff, but as you can see, the great imbalance we face in society is because now it is TOO feminized. Too much of one energy will lead to injustice, whether it be a patriarch or a matriarchy. The constant striving to 'progress forward' from ideas that are so-called outdated to artificially create reality which defies nature itself is why we are in this mess today. @Bill W
  13. I do expect people from here to agree with your position because my target audience are those who are very unaware so I have to use their way of speaking/thinking to get the message. But you still got the message nonetheless haha.
  14. @outlandish intermittent fasting is a good way to train your body to be hungry in a specific window, then you eat in an 8hr window. So your day would be like this: 12 am you eat your first meal, then 1-2 more meals but stop eating at 8 pm. Then do not eat until the next day at 12am. This is a 16hr fast. Now if you eat TOO much in the 8hr window, you won't lose fat. Intermittent fasting is a good way to lose fat without counting calories because its less likely you will over eat due to hunger in only a few meals (2-3) in an 8hr window. but if you're doing this and not losing fat, then you're eating too much.
  15. @integral dr. berg is not a biologist or nutritionist, he is a chiropractor. He is basically spewing the same talking points every single other keto person does. Calories in vs calories out is based on the laws of thermodynamics. You if you are eating ONLY keto and consuming more calories that you are burning, you will gain fat, this is irrefutable. @outlandish the scale is a nice too but the mirror is what tells the truth. you weight can fluctuate do to water and other factors; from what I understand such advanced scales will change due to those changes. even other methods are not fully accurate. To death with hunger I just wait it out, but if you're eating well, more densely nutritious foods than junk, you won't be too hungry. For me, coffee in the am allows me to fast for hours if I wanted to. There are also hunger suppressants you can take. I've never tried them though.
  16. If you were to be able to shut off all your senses, would "you" still exist? Awaiting his answer. What do you guys think?
  17. @RichardY I've done a tank before. All I saw were lights my brain emitting from inside itself. nothing spectacular like DMT lol
  18. @TheAvatarState because his basis for our 'self' is an illusion from the brain. He doesn't know the answer to consciousness but I think he believes its a product of the brain's activity.
  19. @Serotoninluv That was my intention. The typical argument is that the "you" that you experience is essentially all of your senses, which in a sense is 100% true, which is why im baffled by my own question.
  20. This depends on your metabolism. Are you an ectomorph who can burn off anything they consume? If you want to gain muscle, you need to be in a caloric surplus; typically people People increase their calories by 10% to 'lean gain' or 20%+ for a more aggressive approach if they want to bulk up faster, but don't care about gaining fat which they can burn off later. I suggest starting with a 10% increase. IF you're not in a caloric surplus you will not build new muscle. New muscle cannot be formed without a surplus, no different than fat cannot be lost without a deficit.
  21. Its genetic and has to do with whether are not your hair follicles are DHT sensitive or not. Notice there are no men who are totally bald; there always remains hair in the back and sides (think of Thomas Aquinas hair cut lol)...Those hairs in all men are not DHT sensitive...So what remains the crown and the rest of the scalp that could go bald. If you just started thinning and balding, your follicles are probably still alive. You can use rogain and and DHT inhibitors like propecia to ensure they don't die. Rogain will help regrow the follicle, Propecia will prevent it from falling out. However, once a follicle totally dies, its not coming back.
  22. @d0ornokey no there is research on this very question
  23. More nonsense debunked...Dr. Layne Norton. D
  24. @flowboy where in my statement am I saying eat ONLY 100g of sugar a day. I'm debunking the myth that if someone eats "too much sugar" they will become diabetic, when in fact, unless there is an underlying medical issue, they will not. @Javfly33 100 grams of sugar is 400 calories. If someone was on a diet and ate 2200 calories of nutritious food and decided to drink 5 sodas for a total of 100g of sugar for 400 calories, and their total intake was 2600 calories, which was as 500 calorie deficit, they aren't getting diabetes. Please know what you're talking about. That are metastudies about this. The deficit will take care of the insulin fluctuations. HOWEVER, if you are in a CALORIC SURPLUS and are eating that much sugar, you're asking for trouble, because now the extra sugar that spikes you insluin will be shuttling the EXCESS calories into fat sells leading to obesity....but its OBESITY that is the main problem.