Angelo John Gage

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Everything posted by Angelo John Gage

  1. The reality is, certain groups do not possess the same genes as others; thus, like I gave examples of, we will never see two Asians produce a black baby. It is literally impossible. If races did not exist, then any two human beings could produce all of the various diversities that we see among different populations. If race didn't exist, two Asians could produce a black baby. Two blacks could produce a white baby. In other words, two german shepards would be able to produce poodles at random, but never happens. As I explained above, german shepherds come in all shapes and sizes; with different noses, fur color, fur patterns, thickness etc. The genetic variaence within a race does not automatically mean that everything outside is of that group doesn't exist. How do you tell a white person from an Asian or black person? Asians have epicanthic folds, which are not found in whites. Whites also don't' have black skin or course hair. Those are just two of the many ways you can distinguish ones race; aside from saliva, DNA, bone, skulls and more. The denial of race leads to morons claiming to be trans-racial and use that to push their little agenda. Shawn King is an example. Racheal Dolezal, pretending she was a black woman. Elizabeth Warren, claiming she was native American lol. If there is no biological base to race, then anyone can claim anything.
  2. @Scholar "A group of people identified as distinct from other groups because of supposed physical or genetic traits shared by the group. Most biologists and anthropologists do not recognize race as a biologically valid classification, in part because there is more genetic variation within groups than between them. " Their argument is silly. Its basically saying because the people within a race have a lot of variance among themselves, people of clearly different genotypical expressions and traits do not merit a race. This is like saying, because German shepherds come in all different shapes and sizes, that means all dogs are the same lol. Its laughable and stupid. This is Lewontin's fallacy which is explained here. the site here is what I got if from and is a gold mine to debunk all anti-race denying nonsense. My argument to these so-called experts is this: if race doesn't exist, why haven't we ever in history, seen two white people give birth to a black child, or two Asians give birth to a white child. Why do all Asians have black hair and light skin, why do all black people have brown eyes and coarse hair? Where are the green-eyed Japanese or Blonde haired Eskimos? NO where. The only time you will ever find a person that has traits not found in their core group is when they are mixed race, thus further proving race exists because they would not have had those trait shad they not mixed with a DIFFERENT racial partner whose group has those traits. There of course are outliers which people claim prove otherwise, such as African children with blue eyes, but turns out that mutation is actually a disease for them, just like albinism. None of what I am saying is hateful, nor pushing any specific political agenda. The reality is, we don't need help. We are not the ones denying what nature has clearly shown us with our own eyes. In order for anyone to debunk this position they have to literally say reality doesn't exist and what we see is an illusion, or some other nonsense. And they would have to disprove every post I made above showing genetic data.
  3. @Scholar yes I would subscribe to some parts of race-realism; especially the idea that there are races, but I know that is only has some predicting power. It is really only useful tool to use in medicine and statistics gathering. I reject the idea of making race-based policies as I am a person who promotes meritocracy. however, should a sovereign group choose to be super racists and mind their own business somewhere, that is none of my concern, nor is the opposite, if a group wanted to be super mixed everything.
  4. Btw, I'm not trying to turn this thread into a conversation about me or what I am perceived to be or even the things I posted. If anyone wants to take this into private messages feel free. Not trying to further digress from the original topic. My only point was to make sure we address all angles of human nature.
  5. @Scholar not yet, he said he will get to that at some point.
  6. @Serotoninluv I understand what you're saying now. It is like if you are 4 dimensional being, and I am a 3 dimensional being, you could see me but I cannot see you. Well, to be honest, I haven't watched Leos entire series on spiral dyanmics but I did a brief research on it. What I mean to say is what I posted, such as you can tell someone's race by saliva is not false, nor is the idea that races have different hair types. Sure I'm no expert in genetics, nor claim to be, but I am simply debunking the idea some people promote that everything I said is false, that's all. But now I understand what you mean.
  7. @Scholar I don't feel attacked by anyone nor do I have any egotistic mask to protect. That is not to say I have no ego, but it is to say that I'm not going to double down if I am incorrect. I am literally 100% open to new information to change what I understand to be true, if it is false. I take no offense at anyone here at all. The problem is, so far no one has shown me anything convincing me that anything I said was false. If I am wrong, great, that means I learn more. But if I am right, then it should be that people here learn more.
  8. @Aeris yes i should have no assumed that from people in this forum but i get that response constantly on Twitter lol
  9. @Ero @Apparation of Jack@GenuinePerspectiveXC like i said I'm all ears. Thst last statement was in direct response to previous ones because had i said the same things as a black man you wouldn't call me a white nationalist, hut a self hating black person or something. Again I'm also assuming why people are reacting this way too.
  10. @Apparation of Jack @Apparation of Jack and literally all of that is false. I did learn white nationalist views and even was convinced at one point but left that behind, extracting only that which is true. Like i said, I went from left to ultra right now i am nothing. Anti supremacist means that I do not dictate what others should live like, whether i agree with their ideas or not. If any person disagrees ans believes that their groups way should be spread by force agaonst the will of others, then they are by definition, supremacists. Ive pissed off every side of the political spectrum including white nationalists lol. I'd say the same shit now if i were black or asian. The reason why all of you are assuming my position is becuae i am a white dude saying this and that's literally unacceptable. But if a person of color said it, its cool. Talk about racism. @GenuinePerspectiveXC
  11. @Apparation of Jack its fine you can end the conversation but you do a disservice to me by not pointing out my so-called biases. I just told you I reject labels other than what I stated and I do not subscribe to this SD stage labeling. LIke itold @Serotoninluv I am open to any FACTS that would "update" my ignorance, yet I am provided nothing but vague statements like " you're blind to your biases" or " you don't get it." It seems to me both of you assuming who I am based on what I said, even when I said that what I'm saying doesn't represent ME, but I am stating facts. If I am INCORRECT about something, and it is demonstrably false, then you should be able to demonstrate how false it is. So far I have yet to see this to be the case after years of having these debates with people. All I get is the same appeals to emotion or "you're ignorant."
  12. @Serotoninluv I'm open to whatever you want to say to me and will not reject any factual truths that you say, but so far you haven't given me any factual specific truths for me to understand what you're saying. All you have said is that I don't' get it, yet didn't show me what I don't get. I am well aware race isn't just black and white (no pun intended) The races ARE social constructs (who is considered what) but race itself is a biological construct. For example, Irish were considered LESS than Black people; the WASPs didn't see them as human either. Italians (like me) weren't considered white until later. So someone may say, well Obama isn't fully black because he was mixed, or some will say, nah he is black. Even among blacks there is a division on what he is considered I've seen black people call him Oreo and claim he did nothing for them lol. There is racism even among black people. Shit look at the genocides in Africa
  13. @Aeris agree. I care only about quality of person. do they wish to harm me and others? if not, great. welcome lol
  14. @Apparation of Jack You're wrong about me. Just because I am stating TRUTHS which stage blue has, doesn't mean I am stage blue. No stage has all the answers, nor are they perfect. This is the problem with people in this forum running around using such labels. I find it childish and silly that people are even arguing who is what and who is stuck or not lol. How can you label me a stage lol? Do you believe I do not hold any other 'ideas' from other stages? My META-political ideology is this: due to all my experiences from left to even ultra right, I have transcended the BS paradigm and the only appropriate label for me is "anti-supremacist" which I coined. What this means is this: I believe groups of human beings have the right to self determination and live however they wish, so long as they do no harm to others, meaning, I don't give a shit if a group wants to be a Nazi group or communist group or whatever group, so long as they keep to themselves and do no harm to others. The second they do harm to others, they break the social contract of peace and can be destroyed for violating the peace. I believe all groups can choose to either be totally homogenous or mix together as they wish. None of these groups have to answer to another group; there are no authorities outside of their group. No group should rule over another group. Such a idea would create ORGANIC (key word) homogenous or mixed nation-states, city states, or whatever, that could work together like our body works together as a whole. I think our current system is utterly stupid. To force people who are not going to compromise to live among each other (think liberal and conservatives) is utterly stupid. Why not have a liberal state and a conservative state? Why not have a black state, a white state, a mixed state? Why must it be only diversity must prevail? True diversity would include total homogenous states. but we are so conditioned to reject anything homogenous as 'intolerant' or 'bigoted,' while these very people are bigoted and intolerant of such things existing lol.
  15. @Apparation of Jack I'm not race baiting at all. I'm saying people ignore human biodiversity totally without realizing it has a HUGE impact on everything since we are biological creatures as well as mental creatures. @Serotoninluv I'd like to see someone explain away all these examples as misunderstanding or misuse of science. Again, I'm referring to so-called experts who litearlly say we there are no difference between human beings; some even going to say there are ZERO differences between men and women (just genitals) totally dismissing hormones, brain development, muscle mass, etc lol. We live in a PC world my friend, science is not immune.
  16. @Serotoninluv I'm not making assumptions. Have you never encountered these people that say race is ONLY skin color? Yet we can tell your race by your saliva, hair, bone structure etc. Certain races are more prone to certain diseases. All kinds of physical differences among us and yet there still exists people who say this "race is a social construct or doesn't exist." It certainly does, call it whatever you want, populations or ethnic groups, there is clear data showing genetic variation among human beings. To deny that is to deny evolution itself; as if we are somehow exempt from evolution. Whatever you are saying you're not getting through to me all you say is I don't understand something without explaining that which I don't apparently understand. What statements that I have made that are demonstrably false?
  17. @Aeris that's why I said no point adding more people to this sinking ship. it would be better that everyone stay where they are until we fix our nations internally to the point we have enough extra love to give to those who need it. Trust me, I have compassion for refugees, asylum seekers and people fleeing war. If we didn't have this goddamn military industrial complex blowing up the world, there wouldn't be a refugee crisis. So we, Americans, have a massive parasitical enemy within our own borders we have to take care of before we help anyone else. That's just one of the many things. Big pharma. Big banks and big media are others. Why would we be so evil to allow others to come here and join our misery? To then become wage slaves to feed this system? People do it because they are afraid to be called a fucking name like xenophone or whatever nonsense. Like you said, no one would give all their resources to strangers. Not one of these open-border idiots would allow said aliens to live in their homes with their children for free. Not one of these celebrities said they were going to flee to Sudan if Trump won. In fact, none of them fled anywhere, because they are full of shit, like most people on all sides.
  18. I'm sure more scientists will come out because they are all honest folks who are searching only for the truth no matter where it leads?
  19. Is this a false statement? no. Its not only not false, its demonstrably true. Again, this is a hard pill to swallow, but its not false. The rebuttals? "It is sad to see a scientist of such achievement making such baseless, unscientific and extremely offensive comments. I am sure the scientific community will roundly reject what appear to be Dr Watson's personal prejudices. "These comments serve as a reminder of the attitudes which can still exists at the highest professional levels." LOL. Zero. Just appeals to emotion. Not on of these critics have shown any facts proving otherwise. That is why even science is compromised by political correctness. Had any other scientist agreed with Watson, even with evidence, they would be destroyed.
  20. @Serotoninluv mainstream genetics are highly politicized; we literally have so-called experts saying race doesn't even exist lol. Look what happened to Watson, who discovered the double helix for stating his scientific evidence lol. It was dismissed as racist yet never refuted. He lost everything. Please do not be naïve and think that scientists won't avoid certain topics to save keep their jobs and go push certain ideas to get funding.
  21. @Apparation of Jack in theory a multiracial America can work, but not a multicultural one, and not one where the founding stock becomes a minority. To say it can be, is like saying China will be Chinese even if we reduce their founding stock to 20 percent while having 40% Arabs and 40% Italians (I'm Italian); expecting that majority to reflect that nation and not totally change it to something not chiense, which is NOT in the best interest of the Chinese. Who wants a country that was founded by their people to be totally replaced. This is literally ethnic cleansing. Multiculturalism, where competing ideologies and cultures are striving to lord over the other in a divided two-party dictatorship is a massive problem. That's what we have here and in the West currently.
  22. I'll give a better analogy. Imagine if this forum became majority stage blue conservatives. would it be actualized. org anymore or a blumpf-tard circle jerk? Imagine we imported 1 million MAGA users here and gave them mod privileges lol. How long would it take for these MAGA folks to start kicking and blocking people and totally destroy what this website was meant to be. Again, take this with ANY different groups or any kind. If we added 1 million radical feminists, or Marxists, or whatever.
  23. @Serotoninluv I am aware, but it is no coincidence that that map literally shows us the state of the world and which countries are developed more than others. Again, this has NOTHING to do with superiority vs inferiority. One can argue African tribes living one with nature and are not destroying their environment like we are, are superior because they DON'T need to technology to live. I would agree with that myself to some extent. But even they have their own issues. They don't have medicine like we do and could die from the flu, for example.
  24. @Apparation of Jack the average HUMAN IQ is rising, but also the gaps rise in unison. One day the average IQ of Africa could be 100, but the other nations would be 150, get what I mean. As I said, it is heritable. You could theoretically take the highest IQ African genius and breed them if you wanted to the point they become the average. Even your explanation proves my point. have you ever heard of Liberia? Liberia was never colonized and was given literally the same Constitution we have here and the school dropout rate reflects the same as our African American rate, essentially. But the problem is, you have to bring that technology and environment to Africa, and we have tried. In fact, due to our help, African mortality rates are even higher! We send food, we build schools and everything yet its still a disaster there. I would love to see all the world improve, but you cannot bypass evolution. You would have to create an environment and keep it that way long enough for adaption to occur, if it ever does/.
  25. @Ero You can try, but I already know what you're going to say and that you've already erroneously judged and assume my political ideology or position. (Hint: I don't have one. ) So right off the bat you're wrong about me. I've dealt with this shit for years lol. But go ahead. First starters, please tell me what my belief system is?