Brandon Nankivell

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About Brandon Nankivell

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  1. Suggestion: Write a pros and cons list of what your insecurities do for you, then decide whether you want to keep them or let them go (there's no right or wrong). Sincerity when doing this task is essential for a meaningful outcome.
  2. It is possible to identify traumas with the aid of journaling. Then holding on to them or letting them go will be your choice. Some prompts I use: Why am I feeling X? What is the source of X? What is first memory in which I remember feeling X? What is the most potent memory in which I remember feeling X? What triggers X? What does feeling X or behaving X do for me? Would I like to keep holding on to X or let it go?
  3. I second Mackler - He has a book and video on self-therapy.
  4. Yes—there are repercussions. You lose the gift of a physical body. You continue to exist but must live out your pre-destined earthly life timeline, but without a physical body. You may still have desires such as eating food and sex, but will struggle to fulfill those desires without infrequent aid from other beings. See Pretas (better to receive this knowledge from a True Guru than trust Wikipedia in my experience but linked for convenience). I hear of deep regret from those who have suicided. I can't 100% remember where I heard that, it may have been in Betty Shine's book Mind-to-Mind or Betty Shine's Infinite Mind. This 8-minute video may help you make sense of things:
  5. Yes. I did it every morning before work for a short period last year. On my commute I would pull up on the side of the road. Tilt my head up at the sky in a vacant field, and let the laughter loose for 5 minutes straight. Even if other cards would pass by, I'd relax my shoulders and continue to laugh. It felt very forced at first, until I learned to consciously laugh from the belly, not from the throat. It felt stupid too, but that's just Ego standing in front of my Higher Self. With persistence it began to feel somewhat liberating. Still some tension. Great pattern interrupt to start the day and steer things into positivity. For it to work I am convinced it requires repetition a fully attentive, truly-let-loose approach.
  6. Brushing gently on teeth and around gums is good. Mainstream commercial toothpaste with fluoride and sodium laurel sulphate not health though. Fluoride is unnecessary and harmful to the body and brain in certain amounts that build up over time (plenty of docs and books on this). Your teeth are 'alive', and connect via pathways around the body. Proper eating and nutrition plays a major role. Also consider looking into oil pulling and essential oils. Holistic Dental Care by Nadine Artemis changed my outlook on teeth.
  7. Music booming from shopfronts, theme parks Subtle or hidden ones that affect perception: 5G radiation, powerline radiation, auras of other people, atmospheric energy
  8. I'm a huge advocate of 'the good shit sticks' which I heard from Tim Ferriss. So basically no process whatsoever apart from simply reading until I get to the end, and the good shit will stick. I do highlight stuff that evokes a significant 'oooh' or 'ahhh' in me. I do on-the-fly internet research or put-the-book-down-and-think if I I feel it's something important to digest so I fully comprehend. This is for most topics I am reading out of general interest. If I were studying for an exam, doing school work, or writing for a work project - I would be more intentional about using processes like copy and pasting to a doc, deeper internet research on stuff I don't understand, cross-comparing highlights with stuff I've highlighted in other books. I often do a general 'book scan' for the nuggets or point of interest by examining the table of contents and reading the first and last bits of each chapter.
  9. Ah yes, my favourite pastime for the last 10 years. I feel like I've got the best list of books from authors mentioning it in their existing books. So if you love an author, skim the book for mentions of books, see if there is a recommended reading page at the end, otherwise search the name on the internet followed by 'book recommendations', 'book list', or 'recommended reading'. Other ways I've found incredible books: Searching a favorite book on Goodreads, and scrolling down to the 'people also read...' bit Same as the above but on Amazon Internet search 'best books about X reddit' Check YouTube comments on videos that intrigue you You can download free samples for Kindle on Amazon to skim read and see if it's something you like. Or just internet search 'book-title pdf free' or 'book-title epub free'
  10. That's it. Cheeky, cunning thing Mr. Ego is
  11. I sense a vicious, sarcastic tone to imply that I must be stupid - is this true? To brainstorm: thank you for clarifying - If you're open to further questioning, I am wondering why you've chosen to publicise your brainstorming, as opposed to doing it in private? Making it public tells me that one possibility may be that you are seeking help in some way. Is this true? If so, what help specifically are you looking for? If you aren't seeking help, what are you seeking here?
  12. Thank you for your input 🙏 Right, there's no jump. If I understand correctly, the screen we are reading this on is rapidly turning off and on at about 60 times a minute (60hz). The off setting is just a black screen. In reality, there is no black screen. It's just ON > ON > ON > ON ... But each ON is a slightly different scene to the one before it, creating the appearance of motion. It still seems there are 'jumps'. But instead of jumping from ON to OFF (black screen), reality jumps immediately to the next scene. Why is it not true that there are jumps? How does the soup just change like fluid? It still seems the changing of fluid requires a transition of some sort.
  14. Short and to the point. Very hard not to breakthrough if you be committed, persistent, and have a natural inclination for this type of meditation.