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Everything posted by Everyday

  1. Wasted a bunch of time last few days... watching netflix
  2. Finally, i started google ads for my family business. I just had to make a site on wordpress. Didn't have to pay anything. I felt stupid for postponing doing it for so long. I plan to start studying today for the upcoming exams. Feel quite disappointed of myself again. I can do better. I know i can... Watched an optimize 101 class on Love. Wow. so many things i didn't even think about that go into a good relationship. Even small things like appreciating your partner for example for giving their time to speak with you after a busy day. Couples remember the bad stuff, fights and arguments more than the good times. So be careful. Oh, and another thing was that when you are in a relationship some problems you have are just in your face out of a sudden. You have to deal with them. For me, this would be getting angry for no good reason and acting like a child. I had an argument with her before living to spend my NYE with her. She stated clearly that either i accept her point or the relationship is over. I said what bothered me in a way it came across the wrong way. I had to accept her point in order to keep being together. But i do feel resentful is either her way or the high way so to speak. Plus, i see that the relationship is on her terms and it always been this way. I don't like that my wishes do not matter that much in this relationship. I am not happy. And her breaking up with me was all a scheme to make me motivated to work on getting closer to a real job, in ads in my case. And i have to admit it worked. I feel stupid i am being manipulated like this.
  3. I went overboard with eating junk food last few days. I even watched some reviews of movies online. Ate sooo much. Missed a day of Back Exercises since i returned. I keep doing PC exercises daily. Even if i had a few days i was doing only 2 sessions instead of 3. Did another point from LP course. Finished the book on dirty talk. So many insights. I started reading 7 principles to make a marriage work. Got the blades for the straight razor : ) I managed to get 3 little cuts but is alright =))) I use it only to define my beard for now. I am waiting for my hair to grow again =)))))) https://www.amazon.com/Euromax-100-Single-Edge-Blades/dp/B07GNNNVHL Realised i have done a project wrong. Ooof. I have to start all over again. Picked up the udemy google analysis course from where i left. Cooked some food last night. Going to make some veggis too. The kombucha batch i made was ready on Tuesday. I gave half of it to friends at the 1st internship- they loved it. I used brown sugar, black and green tea. I think the longest i went without brewing kombucha last few months was 2- 3 weeks? Think is i like it so much i dont get to F2 most of the times =))))) Made some more ads for the 1st internship. It was exciting. Finally, i bought a SSD, my laptop was full: https://www.amazon.com/Passport-Cobalt-Portable-External-Storage/dp/B07HYZY9FX/ref=cm_cr_srp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 Not going to see her for a weekend in 2 weeks as we spoke because her exams. No worries. More time for myself. I got a little lazy since i start LP work. I want to focus on other stuff as well.
  4. Finally, yesterday i sent a project i have been working before Christmas. I have been extremely horny last few days. Very hard to focus and be productive. Ate unhealthy. I feel very tried and i am cold. No call from the ad agency. Don't feel like i started this year right. Something feels off.
  5. Have to send some shit for university Not looking forward to start exams. Reading atm about dirty talk I even forgot to cook some shit for myself. Nye food leftovers are done. Going to work daily again No lp again A little uni project work
  6. Woke up one hour later and did back exercises. Went to drive with father. Went walking with my friend from university for 3 hours. Now, i am at work. Yesterday, my family was like why you didnt tell us you got back with your ex for over a month? What else you didnt tell us? What happened when you saw her? So are you guys good now? etc. Me and her got in a fight just the day i left. Some stupid shit anyways. Now we are good. So i think so idk.
  7. Hey Happy new year guys! I celebrated NYE with my gf and her family in her hometown. Got drunk as fuck with her stepdad =)))))))))))))))))))))) I felt like puking and took a break. Didn't made it back to the living room- if i kept drinking i would have got blackout drunk. I was close. I read the book about sex again a few days prior. Helped me a lot but i need more practice. I didnt do many pc exercises last few days at her place. I didn't do any LP work, digital marketing courses, exercises for my back, etc. Going at work tonight. Not looking forward to start working for my parents and on myself. I still cant believe is 2021. Feels unreal. I am waiting for the guy from the ad agency to call me. Cheers
  8. Bought some green and black tea for kombucha. Had none left and today this week's batch is ready. Finally got a straight razor. I wanted one for years.
  9. Here they are: awareness energy independence Knowledge humour self improvement mastery creativity order passion
  10. I am working on the last one. I didnt like doing this exercise even if i feel better knowing my values better. Last few times it took me weeks. I think now that i passed this exercise and maybe got stuck afterwards???? not 100% sure.
  11. I arrived at Pass #05: Value Definitions, here i got stuck at 2-3 times.... I am extremely nervous to go on. I fear i will fail again So far i have defined ten times the following values: awareness, independence and energy. I am working on knowledge atm. The following ones are: Humor/Laughter Personal Growth/Self-Actualization/Self-Help/Personal Development/Self-Improvement Productivity/Efficiency . Professionalism Mastery Creativity/Ingenuity Order Passion/Enthusiasm I recall being much much harder to finish this exercise years ago. I dont like it but is not the hardest thing ever. Quite disappointed of my past self for stopping because of this exercise...
  12. i like this idea. I will do it. I always forget the good things that happened
  13. I arrived at Pass #05: Value Definitions, here i got stuck at 2-3 times.... I am extremely nervous to go on. I fear i will fail again. I lack belief in myself that i can change my life. Re-starting the LP course re-opened a lot of buried emotions and shit. I am pissed of i avoided doing it for years. If i do a little bit, even if once a week i will be done with it in a few months.. but i chose to do nothing. Watched all the 6 episodes i skipped from the mandalorian for the the last month. Felt bored but hooked. Wanted more and more and more and just to avoid taking action in real life, which is harder. Watched two movies and went to bed at 5am. Felt disappointed. I wanted to watch more movies or tv series to stop feeling bad. I want to deny the hard work i have to do, and run into daydreaming and so on. What i want in life is not in movies or tv series. is in books. I got together with my ex for over a month but my family still doesn't know. Today, at dinner my sister asked me to serve her even if she could do it herself. I served everyone at the table yesterday anyways. She said that i am not treating her as well as her boyfriend =)))))) yeah obviously. My father said i am an asshole and that my gf left me because i didnt treat her well. I did. I got super angry and reminded him that i never called my gf stupid, hit her like he hit my mom or called her a bunch of other insults i dont know how to translate in english. He said it was just a joke and he can behave like he wants because they are married. Lol.=)))))))))))) And my mom said is her fault too because this and that. =)))))))))))))) Then i left to my room.
  14. BRO ME TOO I got stuck at the end of the values segment and have been stalling for about a week. Let's change that today... Definitely! Good luck you too! I am also going to do more exercises from the course. I see the value of knowing my values again and this motivates me
  15. Finally, i managed to stop 4 orgasms and kept fapping. On the 4th felt really really good. But also my erection decreased. Not sure if i am doing smth wrong. And i didnt feel amazing after each avoided ejaculation. I see i need to stop completely - squeeze pc muscles hard af- and than continue. I also noticed there is a shorter span between 2nd and 3rd orgasm. Not sure if i am doing this whole thing right. But i feel amazing. Over a month of daily workouts ; )
  16. I have the LP course and i avoid doing it.... whilst other people don't afford do buy it. Pathetic of me...
  17. =)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) lol I have this goal for years..............
  18. =)))) I am going for over a month atm. Felt urges last 2 days. I can manage them. Every time during holidays i took it slower and indulged in bad eating and watching tv series. I say all the time i deserve it=))))) I wont do the same this year- the part about tv series =))))))))) But i will watch a movie with my gf and friend ***
  19. Did some tasks that had to be done even if i didn't feel like it. Feel better now. I put a lot of negative emotions around the LP course and finding my passion. Lots of buried uncertainty and frustration. I do want an LP but in the same time i don't want to find the truth. e.g. that i have to drop out or smth similar- even if it would be for my own benefit. Spoke with my friend from South America. It cheered me up a lot. Also, i realised we have been friends for 2 years but i don't know a lot about him. Like his favourite movies, dreams and so on. I spoke about movies with him and we are going to watch one together in a few days. Is a horror movie we both like. I don't know many things about my family either.
  20. I still feel bad. I had headaches yesterday. Today, i feel very cold. i m not too optimistic of my future. Went to buy some stuff for myself and for my family. I run into a girl i had massive crush on when i was in middle school. She was working as a sales clerk at a bookshop. She rejected me back then. We were both surprised. From all people, she was one of the last ones i would imagine myself meeting randomly nowadays.
  21. The last time i attempted to finish leo's LP course was in 2018.... wow. Since then i kept saying i dont have time for it. I quit it because i didnt have time to work on it. I feel anxious to work on myself during NYE and the end of the year. Each year i get excited and then end up dropping everything after a few months.... I attempted to do the lp course a few times. Never got passed values. So while working on this goal i need to push hard, because my mind wont believe me i can finish until i get over that step.
  22. I am more comfortable with the new types ok kegels. I am writing this from work. Another day in this dump Hope i will get hired sooner... I will start later Leo's LP course. I bought it 4 years ago.... and i always said i don't have the time to go through it... even if i had 1h /day time to watch some video game for over a year at work. Ridiculous. Started reading another book on sex. Wow. I thought it will just recycle info from the last one but the info is new. Had a zoom meeting with the guys from the first startup. I have been doing sales for them for 4 months already. Now is ''hibernating time'' during the holidays. I told him i will work for them until February 2021 because i dont like it and i am focused on getting a job in digital marketing. I thought i will stay with them until i live to Belgium for Erasmus this summer so i wont have to tell them i want to quit directly. But i cant tolerate this job anymore. I don't like it and never did. I had less motivation when i started to use the time on myself instead. Also, last night i finished Brian's masterclass on how to make the greatest year ever- love, work and energy wise. I have to stop doing many things and start doing other things. To quit working for them and my family is top in the work section. Moreover, i need to get a job in ads. Love wise, i need to learn and master multiple orgasms exercises, learn more about sex and relationships and make the decision to leave her eventually. Energy wise, i have to start eating paleo- wanted for years-, go to sleep earlier and quit fapping. I am quit upset on myself for not doing any of this work earlier on myself. Is unforgivable. I could have been in a better place. I remembered i dont enjoy going out with new people because i find it hard to have to keep a conversation. I dont know what to talk about. Seems i have nothing in common with most people and in the same time not knowledgable enough to speak with the people i do have things in common. Is ridiculous. In addition, I also remember about the things i am insecure about so i dont like it. Especially that until now i didn't actively try to improve myself.
  23. Today, i bought some gifts for Christmas for my family and gf. I got a small notebook i will write why i like/love her every day and then give it to her. I found this idea online a few months ago. Woke up but went to bed again... even if i said it will be just a few minutes not three hours. =))))))) Going to redo my assignment after i got feedback from my professor. Not sure what i am going to do for NYE. I thought i will spend it with her but her parents are crazy about the virus so it isn't a possibility. I will stay in my room and take some course or read some book. It wont make a difference if i party or not. Told my family this a few months ago and they were like but why aren't you going somewhere with your friends or smth? Felt inadequate for not spending NYE with my gf like my siblings are doing.
  24. Sarted a 2 weeks trial on Brian's site. I am watching learning 101: https://www.optimize.me/learning/ Lots of insights, amazing advice and frustration i didn't learn sooner all these topics. I meant forever to watch this module. I am going to move to how to plan your greatest year etc. I wanted to take the module last year but i got busy with some bullshit. I am still fighting this limiting belief that i dont have time. Finished some essay for uni, some assignment and looking to see what else i have to finish. I am continuing a udemy google analytics course i stopped preparing for the facebook exam. I am talking about this analytics course: https://www.udemy.com/course/google-analytics-certification-coursenvy/