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About princess

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    United Kingdom
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  1. I watched Leo’s video on YouTube about 2 years back about how to stop caring what people think I applied everything he suggested and did the mantra it worked wonderfully but then at some point I stopped the mantra because I got busy then I back slid right back into my old habit. I immediately picked the mantra back up and ever since I’ve been struggling but to no avail. I’ve watched the video over and over again and done the mantra over and over again but it doesn’t seem to work anymore
  2. Hi all, so about a year and a half ago i watched leos video on how to stop caring about what people think about u cuz i had this people pleasing mentality and it was eating me alive, the video helped me completely i became a none people pleaser and was on my own track in life it felt really good, then i went back to my home country i do not if it was due to it being the very environment where my people pleasing habits developed but i lost myself again and since then i havent been able to get back on track. ive watched the same leos video on how to stop caring what peope think of you but it doesnt seem to have that punch anymore and its not helping. ive done the affirmation times and times again still nothing an im getting really frustrated now.someone help!