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Everything posted by Matt8800

  1. I drink one cup of coffee per day. That feels better to me than no coffee or more than that. Listen to your body. If someone's statement contradicts your personal direct experience, their statements have little value to you.
  2. Sorry to say this but there is no natural way of treating most forms of psychosis naturally just like there are limits to treating diabetes naturally. To a large degree, most psychosis is a result of physical wiring in the brain that needs to be manipulated to work somewhat normal. What you can do is do tons of research, find the best medication for you and take the smallest amount that works. That may come with a lot of experimentation.
  3. Looks for someone that shows love and respect to the people around them. Everything else will fall into place if you do the same and grow together.
  4. The only thing you can know for sure is that you are having a subjective experience in the present moment. All other knowledge is based on varying levels of estimated probability. Epistemology deals with how to attribute probability to a belief.
  5. MRIs confirm that certain areas of the brain correlate with feelings of empathy. Empathy can be impacted by environment and conditioning but natural brain wiring is a huge factor also. As someone with a touch of Aspergers, my brain does not naturally produce feelings of empathy like many people's brains. With that said, true love is not about what you feel, it is an ability you have to give love regardless of how you feel. Someone that is naturally wired to think and feel like a sociopath can choose to rise above it if that is their karma/destiny in this incarnation.
  6. In other words, truth is irrelevant. We would have to agree to disagree
  7. @Zigzag Idiot I dont understand why people feel the need to bring religious dogma into realization. The fact is that writings about Jesus' life was written almost 100 years after his death so nobody really knows what he said or did. Formula for combining religious dogma with non-duality truth: Your personal favorite religious mythical figure + the word "consciousness"
  8. I eat meat because studies show that vegans are not as healthy and it is not death I oppose, but suffering that can be avoided. I dont think it matters much as to whether a chicken sees a few less sunsets than it would otherwise. With that said, I think animals should killed with the least amount of suffering as possible.
  9. Why would you ever be in a relationship with someone that tells you what you can and cannot do? How are you going to take responsibility for your own evolution?
  10. I use psychedelics combined with meditation very frequently and get amazing results in my spiritual growth. Many times, I might use DMT 2x/week and that seems to work great for me. DMT only lasts a few minutes so its not a big commitment and neurotoxicity is nill.
  11. Neither does it mean that it is false or I should take someone else's interpretation of my experience over my own. The fruit that psychedelics has produced in my life speaks for itself. Just because some are delusional does not mean that you shouldnt make the decisions to direct your life. That is why it is my responsibility alone to interpret my experience. Never relinquish the responsibility to make your own spiritual decisions. So far, my approach to my spiritual path has been working exceptionally well for me so I'll stick with it. I once read about Lahiri Mahasaya (prominent figure in Kriya yoga) extolled people to listen very carefully to their inner guru. That is some of the best advice Ive received and followed.
  12. @Epsilon_The_Imperial I have used psychedelics very successfully at detaching from attachments and accepting aversions. Psychedelics can be very powerful spiritual purifiers if used correctly. That is my direct experience. I consider any statements that contradict my direct experience as false for obvious reasons, regardless of who is making the claim. That philosophical approach has worked exceptionally well for me.
  13. As someone that has a dedicated daily meditation practice, I can stop my thoughts. Anyone that reaches states of Samadhi can confirm this.
  14. Learn martial arts. I used to be fearful when I was younger. I took MMA for 6 years and now am a blackbelt. Knowing you can take care of yourself completely changes how you carry yourself. Carry yourself differently and people treat you differently (including women).
  15. Agreed. This is one of the reasons I resonate with Vedanta.
  16. @triadne If loud noises make you feel violated and it is that emotionally loaded for you, I think you should see a therapist. I think it is healthy to keep things in perspective that for many people around the world, if the worse thing in their life was a family member playing his guitar too loudly, that would be heaven for them. Its not them, its you.
  17. @NahmPowerful techniques. Great post! For whatever its worth, I can tell how powerful a technique is because when I do it on some psychedelics, that technique will cause the psychedelic effect to get more profound the deeper I go. The awareness of thoughts technique produced one of the most psychedelic effect out of all the techniques Ive tried.
  18. I also had this insight. It is more powerful than people might give it credit for. This is largely a yellow insight. Tier 1 stages will reject this truth, including green. Its very hard for humans to accept that they are simply a particular species of animal. They accept that non-human animals dont have free will but they reject that for humans, despite what they say. After all, if other people dont have free will, how can they choose to adopt your ideology
  19. Yes, it is addictive. Strengthen your mindfulness through meditation so you can increasingly catch and release the thoughts before you attach.
  20. If your highest values are love and beauty in the present moment, you dont need to ask the question.
  21. You cannot take action tomorrow. There is only the present moment. Take action now or realize you simply arent ready yet. A question to ask yourself every day - "What am I going to do today?"
  22. Concentration and insight meditation and self enquiry by far. Once that happened, I could identify attachments and aversions and drop them. Everything else falls into place.
  23. The anti social thing is going to be a problem in finding a quality women. Shy and introverted is fine but aversion towards others is not something most women are interested in. Besides, evolution involves learning how to love others where they are. If there is no change, the results you are getting will not change either. Learn to accept and love yourself and others. Learn to be complete by yourself. When that happens, you will have no problem finding a girl.
  24. What traits do you value in friends? What values are important to you? How do you define happiness? etc, etc....
  25. I see a lot of people on this site that at the foundation of their problems is attachments and aversions. I think some thoughts on how to detach from attachments, accept aversions and how to identify each would be helpful to a lot people