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Everything posted by Matt8800

  1. In your direct experience, is consuming food, water and air the same as not consuming food, water and air? If so, what is the longest you have chosen to go without food, water and air?
  2. You could always try an experiment. Plant some seeds, water half of them and see what happens. You might discover the "why"
  3. Neo Advaita also says that no evolution or growth is necessary since there is nothing separate that would grow or evolve. This is a misunderstanding of the paradoxical nature non-duality. Its like saying that watering the acorn isnt necessary because it is already a tree.
  4. @Michael569 Nisgardatta was asked once why he was attached to smoking. His response was to ask why the person was attached to non-smoking.
  5. For me, when I take psychedelics, my blind spots are illuminated. When they are illuminated, I go to work on them. I think you might have some points that psychedelics are a distraction from what needs to get done. My makeup is very different from the typical spiritual seeker however. Regardless, I agree that if people cant be honest with themselves as to what is a true asset and detriment, then they might not have the attributes it takes to reach the higher levels of awakening. Some people need a guru. To some people, a guru is just a distraction. I see psychedelics the same way.
  6. I think we might be using different methods and reasons for psychedelics. I look for attachments and aversions like Im on a mission and when I find them, I am merciless with them. Psychedelics to me are like a scope for a sniper so it makes it easier for me to identify, hunt down and annihilate those "emotional worlds" once and for all. I guess that just illustrates my point that everyone's path is different. What you found is true for you regarding psychedelics is the opposite of my direct experience. I dont take psychedelics for mystical experiences. When I take them, I roll up my sleeves and get to work. Some people take the Buddhist path. Some take the yogic path. Some take the shamanic path. Some take a little of everything.
  7. Each path is unique. I would caution anyone that assumes that their path must be identical to others' paths. The Gita points out that it is not what we do that is most important, it is our motivation. Just because someone uses psychedelics does not mean they are attached. Psychedelics are tools that can be used in many ways - it is not just for mystical experiences. I get the impression you assume others that do psychedelics are not stabilized in non-duality (there are many levels of non-duality stabilization). That is just an assumption. Its not possible for you to know my degree of stabilization in non-duality nor how and why I use psychedelics. Someone once asked Nisagadatta why he was attached to smoking cigarettes. Nisagadatta's response was to ask him why he was attached to non-smoking of cigarettes. Although I dont think one can compare the massive benefits of psychedelics to smoking cigarettes, I think the point is relevant here.
  8. @corndjorn Psychedelics are responsible for my awakening. I smoked some DMT three years ago. I had never heard of non-duality and didnt understand contemplative traditions in the least. When I smoked dmt, I saw clear as day that I wasnt my body, suffering is an illusion created by thoughts, beauty is all around but we just sometimes dont see it, love is the most important thing, the only place to find happiness and beauty is in the present moment and I needed to start meditating daily. The next day I started meditating and have meditated every day since. I also discovered that Buddhism, Vedanta, etc taught all the things that DMT taught me but in more detail. You can judge the tree by the fruit on it and psychedelics have been the most influential thing that has ever happened to me.
  9. There is always going to be someone to disagree. The important thing is what do you think and why.
  10. Start meditating DAILY and investigate your thoughts. Investigate the 3 characteristics of suffering (Buddhism). Start reading. What you had is an important break-through but your ego is fighting for survival and will pull you back if you let it.
  11. Here are some ways a high consciousness person would look at them: 1. They are in a different part of their evolution. They might be many lifetimes behind you. Being frustrated with them is like condemning a 5 year old for their lack of artistic skills. 2. They couldnt act any different because of where they are in their evolutionary path. I dont get made at my dog because he cant read. 3. There is only one consciousness. The awareness that is observing your senses is the same awareness that is observing their senses. 4. Your love and understanding could be a part of their evolution. 5. Your love and understanding could be a part of your evolution.
  12. @Serotoninluv Yes, I get myself into a state of samadhi first, then I take the ketamine and continue meditating with headphones in. Surprisingly, the headphones do not detract from the meditation in the least. The ketamine makes you sensitive to feeling your energies. You can dig down and investigate your awareness for aversions and attachments that may be creating negative energy that is attached to you. Then you can process those energies by identifying them, totally accepting them and then releasing them. Some of the feelings I like to cultivate before and during the trips are love, acceptance and surrender. DMT is also a favorite of mine and I use the same way.
  13. I have found it very valuable in combining with meditation. A little goes a long ways so not much is needed (20-60mg). It can be addictive so be careful. Also, regular usage can cause very serious bladder problems. I never exceed 100mg per week.
  14. 5meo is not like most other psychedelics with regards to safety. It is one that can result in a fatality if too much is taken.
  15. I meditate for about 30 minutes prior and focus on being hyper-present. I always have headphones with music on. Once in the trip, I dive down inside and search myself for aversions and attachments. One by one, I process accepting aversions and untangling the attachments. I also set my intention prior to the trip depending on the area of growth I would like to contemplate, such as love, acceptance, etc. To say that psychedelics have been a benefit to my spiritual growth is a massive understatement.
  16. Many enlightened teachers admit to eating meat and that seems to shock some. Here are a few points that may illustrate why meat eating may be a non-issue: 1. Many consider taking an animals life the same as causing it suffering but that is not always the case. If the death to an animal is painless and sudden, how did it suffer? Conscious experience is all that matters. 2. People project their dualistic and delusional identification with their own body to animals. The consciousness of any animal is sacred (although ultimately, there is only one consciousness). Meat of any animal, including human, is just matter. 3. People talk of major life changes as the result of what they learned in Near Death Experiences. I have yet to hear of a meat-eating person experience a NDE and come back to try to tell everyone to abandon their meat-eating ways. If I eat a chicken that was grown humanely and killed instantly, where is the suffering? "Who" suffered? Where is the "evil"?
  17. (Sigh)...Ill try to explain again. Rape, murder, stealing, manipulation = suffering in conscious experience. Even if murder of a human was painless, their destiny may have been movement towards realization and that should not be interfered with. Killing an animal instantly for food = no suffering You insist that your subjective morality is objective. Now you are saying it is OK for Nisgardatta and Tolle because they dont "justify" it? Do you feel that actions are bad if the perpetrator justifies it but is a non-issue if it is not justified? Ive never heard that reasoning before but ok For people that dwell in non-duality, there is no such thing as justification. Who is justifying and to whom? To be clear, I am extremely sensitive to an animal's suffering. I have always had a great love for animals and still do.
  18. Again, you are attributing "badness" to something when no suffering in conscious experience happened. Nobody has answered my question on how something can be considered "bad" when there is no suffering.
  19. Someone that is enlightened has no aversions or attachments. With no aversions or attachments, what would there be to fear? Lose the ego and fear goes with it.
  20. Vegans dont bother me in the least, nor did I say anything like that. That is your own projection. There seems to be a strong aversion in spiritual communities towards meat eaters. For whatever reason, some seekers seem to think they need to hide it from others in the community. I think that is unnecessary and feel discussion is warranted for that reason. I feel no need to be involved in any spiritual communities but they are helpful to some.
  21. Do you say that because you dont believe anyone could possibly see through the self if they are on or because you dont believe its possible if someone eats meat? Or maybe you feel that someone couldnt see through the self if they dont share your opinions Im genuinely interested in how you came to those conclusions based on the information that I put up.
  22. That is an assumption that I would have any concern about someone killing me. I havent had a sense of self for over two years and have zero fear of death. If The Source is done with my body, I will be very happy to transition to the next realm. This obsessive concern for the survival of the body is based on illusion. I am not debating from an illusory standpoint. Regarding the "morality" of eating meat, those are just your subjective opinions on what you think is "bad". If there is no suffering, there is no problem. Some enlightened people eat meat, some dont. Its a non-issue.
  23. My argument for eating meat is that you should do it if you feel more healthy and the animal doesnt suffer. Labeling it stupid is simply your subjective opinion. Regarding cutting my head off: 1. I havent had a sense of self for over two years. Not only do I have absolutely zero fear death, I am fascinated and excited about the idea of my own release into the next realm. 2. I have a strong sense that everything happens the way it should its own time. If The Source is done with my body, then so am I...have at it. Ill put my neck on the chopping block for you 3. I believe humans are capable of enlightenment and animals are not. If you can explain no-self, impermanence and unsatisfactoriness to a chicken and get them to comprehend it, then I suppose you would make your point and prove me wrong