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Everything posted by Matt8800

  1. I cant tell you what your spirit guide will say or how it will interact with you. I only know my interaction with it. If you dont think spirits can show up in very dramatic ways, it sounds like you dont know much about the occult. I can assure you they can show themselves however they choose.
  2. Your ego will play on your desires and aversions. Your inner guru will lead you to your death, so you can be reborn. Fear of death is the reason why people ignore their inner guru, so it stays silent until one completely accepts their death.
  3. @Juan Cruz Giusto If you think psychedelics are just an experience, you clearly dont understand them. I had an awakening 3.5 years ago from the first time I tried DMT. I was not a meditator up to that point. I met my spirit guide and it told me I need to start meditating every day, along with a lot of other instructions on how to change my life. I have meditated every day since and my life is radically different. My awakening not only was never forgotten but it gained power as time went on. My direct experience proves your unsubstantiated assumptions, as stated above, are false.
  4. @Rilles In the occult, you can raise a lot of energy this way if you combine with hyperventilating. It can also create a powerful mystical experience. Maybe you were an occultist/mystic in a previous life
  5. @mandyjw Make no mistake, my inner guru/spirit guide showed up......and showed up in a dramatic way. I have made more progress than I have dreamed possible by following my inner guru/spirit guide. My spirit guide showed me how to concentrate my mind, purify myself of aversions/ attachments, awaken my psychic abilities/siddhis, surrender and merge with the divine, etc, etc. My spirit guide talks to me and guides me constantly. My spirit guide sometimes answers my questions before I finish the sentence to ask. You can keep your "outer" gurus. I dont need them.
  6. @Jkris Asana originally simply meant a sitting prose for meditation. The Yoga Sutras define an Asana as a position that is steady and comfortable (for meditating). If you think Patanjali was ignorant of a critical part of using Yoga to achieve enlightenment, we will have to agree to disagree. If you believe body contortions are going to give you an awakening experience, that is what you will experience. It is not because of the body position but your belief that something will happen. If you worship your guru and he tells you sticking a finger in your butt will cause a powerful mystical experience AND you believe it, you will have a powerful mystical experience when you insert your finger in your butt. Western Mysticism has a lot to teach on belief and how to use it. Regarding guru worship, that is where Indian tradition falls short. If a guru is telling you that you must worship a guru, doesnt your bulllshit detector go off even a little? Western mysticism says divinity is in you and that groveling at another human's feet is unworthy of that divinity. If you think you are a worm, you are a worm until you stop thinking that. When you dissolve the ego, the divinity of the Atman/True Self shines forth to express itself through a human animal body. That is a great example of why studying multiple traditions can be beneficial. Take the gold and integrate it and leave the delusion and imposed limits.
  7. @Anton_Pierre The belief is more important than any physical action. Imagine that your guru tells you you can achieve enlightenment by sticking a finger in your nose and another finger in your butt. If you believe that you will have a powerful mystical experience with this "sacred ritual", you will have a mystical experience. Then you would believe that your guru knows what hes talking about and you would tell people that the best way to achieve transcendence is with fingers in the butt and nose. You would tell them you experienced this ritual's power for yourself and so can they - if they follow the same ritual. If you call upon Thoth and believe his is going to powerfully interact with you, he will. If you believe in Shiva, it will be Shiva. What matters is your belief. This principle is central to occult techniques and the reason why they can be so powerful. Once you understand this principle, you can use it in creative ways to achieve many things rather than being limited by it. Empowering rather than limiting. If you believe there are 5 chakras and you work on all 5, you will get results. If you believe there are 7 chakras and you work on all 7, you will get the same results. etc, etc...
  8. @Anton_PierreLearn to think for yourself and get connected to your own inner guru. Looking elsewhere for awakening is just a distraction. People waste lots of time with nonsense because they cant think for themselves. The only reason that you think psychedelics are "bad" is because you were told to think that and you were obedient. Maybe psychedelics arent for you but isnt it a bit presumptuous to tell other people that you know better than what their direct experience shows them? Enlightenment is not as difficult as people make it out to be. Read the Yoga Sutras and follow instructions to dissolve attachments and aversions. Once the ego is dissolved and you come out the of other side of the "dark night" to equanimity, you will be somewhere on the enlightenment spectrum. No guru needed. The Yoga Sutras say that if you follow its instructions, you will develop siddhis as a natural consequence (this happened to me). Then you dont need anyone to do any reiki or anything else on your brain because you can do it yourself. Isnt that the goal? You should be asking yourself why you dont think you could do it yourself with proper concentration and purification.
  9. I would need to see his vagina before I believed it. I bet hes tucking the shaft between his legs. Prove me wrong People worship these gurus for the weirdest reasons. All someone would have to do is pretend they shit out their mouth and all of a sudden people are groveling at their feet. I dont get it.
  10. @Matteo Once you are in communication with your inner guru, you dont need anyone to tell you anything. Your inner guru/spirit guide will tell you what you need to know. My spirit guide started communicating with me after my first psychedelic awakening. I always follow its advice and have never regretted it. I have been shown the importance of psychedelics in my spiritual evolution. You can judge the tree by the fruit on it. Psychedelics have born incredible fruit in my life. If someone is extrasensory, then they will tell me the good fruit is good fruit. If they say good fruit is bad fruit, than obviously they dont know what they are talking about. Also, I am extrasensory so I can sense it myself. My psychic abilities started awakening about a year ago.
  11. I have noticed that most people that try to claim that psychedelics have no value in spiritual evolution have very little experience with psychedelics. Why would people reject something that they have no experience with? I believe its because they have chosen to not use psychedelics out of fear of losing control or conformity to societal rules. (more ego) They dont want to believe that other people have an advantage in spiritual evolution that they dont have. Its an unsubstantiated assumption that they protect for egoic reasons. If you dont want to do psychedelics, then dont do them but I would suggest searching yourself as to why you feel so strongly about OTHER people doing them. Why the internal aversion when others say they have found great spiritual value in psychedelics? The ego can be tricky PS Anyone that says that psychedelic experiences arent "real" have overlooked that there is no such thing as a "fake" direct experience. All direct experience is real. It is the only thing that is real.
  12. Dissolve your attachments and aversions and stay in the present moment.
  13. I got that impression because you seemed to state you did not like the direct approach. If I misunderstood, my bad.
  14. Maybe the direct truth doesnt work well with you but Ive helped a lot of people with that approach. Incidentally, if someone beats around the bush with me, that does nothing for me. Direct truth when I have been wrong has been most beneficial to me. I am not sensitive to criticism; I only expect it to be well thought out. I am a tough minded and thick skinned person and there are others that are also. The people that I mentor are similar to my style. BTW, my mental toughness and strong will have been some of my biggest assets on my spiritual journey. People that lack those will have some difficulty until they cultivate them. Everyone has a different role to play with different strengths. My approach isnt "wrong"; it is just different.
  15. @mindcentral The Kabbalists believe strongly that Jesus was a Kabbalist (Jewish mysticism). His statements as recorded were Kabbalist beliefs. Kabbalah has powerful magical techniques, many of which spread to the present day Occult. I used to believe that miracles were a bunch of baloney until I started looking into the occult (and Kabbalah, Daoism and Qigong). Those techniques produce real results but there is no reason to believe that any time someone learns hidden knowledge that they are no longer human. People underestimate what a "human" can evolve in to while still in physical form. Their beliefs and lack of will limit them.
  16. Thinking that only Indians can be enlightened is just more delusion....
  17. @garuda No, nobody gets enlightened on psychedelics ONLY but for plenty it has been a critical tool in their enlightenment. You dont know about Soma because nobody does. That substance has been lost for a long time. This should be an indication that you absorb beliefs without evidence. Your beliefs about psychedelics show the same thing. Something to think about.
  18. I am not saying psychedelics are for everyone. I am saying that some people get great value from using psychedelics. If someone claims, without evidence, that nobody gets real benefits from psychedelics, that is a false belief (delusion). My words are correct. People like Sadhguru, and other spiritual leaders, have no problem calling out delusion. Go read Ramana or Nisgardatta. They were extremely direct so I am in good company. People can continue in their delusion or they can grow but the choice is theirs.
  19. I stand by my words. The definition of "delusion" is something that is falsely believed. There have been times in my life that I held on to false beliefs. That means I held delusions, which made me delusional. People like to think that truth is a main value for them but many reject the notion that some of their beliefs are false because that would make them feel "bad". Sometimes delusion is temporary, sometimes it is permanent. Time will tell but if people cant discuss it honestly without their ego getting hurt, there delusion is not going anywhere. Maybe the answer is more courage in facing truth rather than looking for soothing lies that keep them trapped. Sometimes the truth involves tough love.
  20. That is very true. Belief and reality are like the chicken and the egg. The Occult, Tantra, Qigong and Daoism utilize that concept to bend reality.
  21. Yes, awareness of the present moment is all there really is BUT I personally think that gnosis and intention transcend the ego. Gnosis is spiritual knowledge that one acquires during periods when the ego is dissolved (such as with samadhi and psychedelics). Western mysticism would claim that gnosis and intention are subtle, malleable and "attached" to the soul/atman. Intention directs the actions and decisions of the ego. This is where the subject begins to delve into paradoxes and spiritual opinions that cannot be verified in this lifetime
  22. Thats a great insight There is another side of that however....the other purpose is evolution. I think both insights are two sides of a paradox. Buddhism and Yoga disagree as to whether there is an atman/soul. Western mysticism agrees with yoga. I think our individuated atman/soul evolves for eternity, in many realms.
  23. My direct experience is that there is awareness of thoughts, feelings and senses as they are processed by an animal brain and body in flow of the present moment. Whether you "really" burned yourself on the stove or you are in a simulation to make you think there is a "hand" that is "burning" on the "stove" is just more interpretation. What is "applicable" is just more interpretation. Pain is an illusion. There are signals that travel up the arm and are processed by the animal brain. The brain interprets those signals. The real Self is aware of those signals but "you" never came in direct contact with the source of the "pain" (you are not your hand). Anyone can short circuit their mind to separate interpretation from experience, which is the whole point of meditation. It takes a lot of meditation to dissolve the ego but it can be done. Many long time meditators will never accomplish it. I would have never gotten this far if my path did not include psychedelics.
  24. Thank you
  25. Sorry, I misunderstood why you were asking. This is a point that becomes much more clear with psychedelics. It is a very important insight in my opinion. I can use one example and that should illustrate the overall point. If you are looking at the monitor in front of you, is the monitor "real"? Quantum physics would say no (Leo does a video on quantum physics that covers this point well). Is the color blue "real"? You can go down the list endlessly and what you will discover is that only your subjective experience is real. Your awareness of thoughts, feelings and senses that are processed by the animal/human brain and body is the only thing that is subjectively real. Everything other than direct experience is simply interpretation of your direct experience as interpreted by the animal brain. Confusing interpretation of experience with actual direct experience is like confusing the map for the territory. The map isnt "real"; the territory is.