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Everything posted by Matt8800

  1. @Beginner Mind I have used cannabis very effectively for spiritual growth. Go sit outside (on a deck, etc) without any music, conversation, etc. Just silence. Silence your mind and be fully present with natures beauty. Smoke and contemplate. You will get a lot of growth that way.
  2. @Anton Rogachevski You decide what is moral, ideally in sync with your values and path of evolution. Its only a "disaster" if you decide its going to be.
  3. @AlldayLoop What you are supposed to take from it is that you have a hard time letting go. When you meditate, imagine bright purifying light filling your body on the inhale. On the exhale, let it all go. Feel yourself dissipating into the nothingness. Accept EVERYTHING, including your own death. Initially you might feel like you are dying. that is your ego. Keep letting go and be mindful of the bliss, joy and freedom you are filled with when your ego dies. This is a critical lesson to learn on the spiritual path. Keep at it and stay strong. This is the biggest reason seekers dont reach enlightenment imo.
  4. @Truth Addict Nonduality and duality paradoxically both exist. You last sentence is evidence of ideological aversions and attachments. Let it go and let it be.
  5. @Rilles According to western mysticism, thoughts are "located" on the astral realm but space-time does not exist there. It is a different dimension. This makes more sense to me the more I travel there.
  6. Dont rule out that you are holding eye contact too long. People find that socially awkward and strange. Look away very quickly and then make eye contact again.
  7. @AlldayLoop 1. Do whatever you want to do whenever you want to do it as long as it doesnt hurt others. 2. Live in balance. Want to eat junk food? Do it, but within balance. Apply that principal to everything.
  8. @PretentiousHuman Get that figured out in the next week or find another solution. Waiting is just deluding yourself to think there is a solution. If you have the attitude to do it today, you have a plan. If tomorrow, tomorrow never comes.
  9. @PretentiousHuman I'll be very blunt.... GET THE FUCK OUT OF YOUR PARENTS HOUSE! GET YOUR OWN PLACE! Your life as an adult hasnt started yet. You have hit the pause button on life until you separate from mommy and daddy.
  10. @Wisebaxter Western mysticism would have some things to say about that: 1. When it comes to the ego, the will of the ego is an illusion. When the ego is dissolved, the True Will of the eternal True Self/Atman can be expressed. By surrendering the ego will, a new Will expresses love, beauty, truth and strength. 2. Lack of personal power is something that needs to be worked on on the path of spiritual evolution. One should progressively work on their strength of will with the goal that they develop a will of steel throughout this life. When that happens, their True Will expresses itself without attachment, fear, hesitation or failure. It wins in the end, every time. It doesnt stop, slow down or give up. It is indestructible. There are specific occult techniques to develop this that are extremely effective.
  11. @swedishmystic Why dont you just learn to do those things yourself? One of the easiest things to prove to yourself a non-physical reality is out of body experiences. John Kreiter has a great book about it. Go explore the astral realms and meet some non-physical entities. It takes some work to develop your abilities though...but can be pretty interesting imo
  12. @Mezanti I think Leo should authentically follow his instinct as his spiritual evolution unfolds.
  13. lol, yeah. It would sound creepy. She's a clairvoyant so she's done it to me. Its mutually understood that we practice on each other. If you want to learn how to develop it more, there is a good book called Gifts of the Soul by Constance Rodriguez. You can do things like contact your spirit guide, access the akashic records, etc.
  14. @Autumn I just started to do this. I visited my fiances bedroom 30 miles away and whispered in her ear. I didnt say anything to her about it but she told me the next day she sensed me in her room and told me what I whispered. Astral travel is legit.
  15. Exactly. Siddhis are just another manifestation of the One. That diverges from the original point of the post however.
  16. I never said I was trying to become conscious of the Absolute through relative experiences. That is yet another assumption
  17. Then we agree on objective existence Did I say I coveted experience? I dont remember stating that Im not talking about clinging to experiences. If you believe clinging is required to get perceived benefit from experience, we will have to agree to disagree. I suspect our fundemental disagreement lies with what we believe is our True Self. Buddhist think there is nothing. Yoga says there is nothing but there is also paradoxically something (the atman). When someone is enlightened, the false self no longer exists yet there is still "something" that continues to be refined. Yoga doesnt have much to clarify on this point but the occult would say that the True Self/individuated subjectivity is refined for eternity without denying nonduality. Although, I used to align more with the Buddhist philosophy in the past, I currently think the occult view ties in better with my experiences in non-physical realms and people's NDE anecdotes.
  18. Nobody is trying to make the point that experiences are lasting. If you are trying to say that IF someones motivation for siddhis is experience, I agree but nobody is making that point either. That is an assumption on your part that may or may not be true, depending on the situation. Regarding people pursuing siddhis out of their own fascination, attributing motivation is just another assumption that may or may not be true. As I previously referenced the Gita, it is all about why you do something, not what you do. You state that one should not place any value on the physical realm. That is based on your subjective values that have no objective existence. My subjective values are love, beauty and truth. For this reason, I place subjective value on the impermanent experiences such as sunrises and sunsets, regardless of the realm. I think the claim that those experiences enslave the experiencer as short sited and unfounded. As someone that has experienced some siddhis, I can say that very much consider wisdom a "siddhi". The definition of siddhi doesnt necessitate that it is something useless like walking on water. That is another assumption.
  19. @Nahm Its such a blessing to be used as a tool by the divine for the healing of others. I love your gentle nature in your response. Its an inspiration to us all
  20. @kieranperez Is watching a sunrise or sunset a sugary, unfulfilling experience? There are plenty of enlightened beings that consider the divine beauty of nature anything but silly. The claim that the physical realm should be completely rejected is esoteric dogma. All realms, including the physical, are divine. Once the illusory nature of the ego is seen through, there is much beauty to the physical realm. Occultists fully embrace non-duality yet they reject no realm. If rejected, it cannot be fully used for evolving to our highest potential. The Gita says it is not what you do but why you do it. There are abilities that can be far more useful in spiritual development than walking on water. To me, your blanket claim that all siddhis are useless is like saying the development of wisdom is useless. We will have to agree to disagree
  21. @Danioover9000 Nothing happens until the mind is concentrated. I would start with concentration techniques. Insight meditation doesnt work until the mind is concentrated. Most people have never experienced a truly concentrated mind in their whole life. Stare at a dot or candle for 20-30 minutes. Focus as intensely as you possible can and your ego will dissolve. Rest in that state. When you do, it starts permanently changing the brain little by little. People use this technique in the occult to train their mind because supernormal abilities correlate to ones ability to concentrate their mind. If you do this and stay consistent, you will be glad you did After a month, start adding in Vipassana techniques and you'll see a massive difference.
  22. @swedishmystic Some of the most powerful ways siddhis show themselves is subjective and hard to describe. Regardless, I have experienced telepathy and have projected myself outside of my body. I have also been shown things about certain people's past that they never told anyone and what I needed to tell them to release themselves of those burdens. Of course, they are completely shocked anyone knew. I am saying this as a former hard-core skeptic. I projected myself into my fiances room 30 miles away and whispered something in her ear. I didnt say anything about it and she told me the next day that she felt me in her room and told me exactly what I whispered in her ear. Dissolve your ego and purify yourself of attachments and aversions and they will show up. The occult will show you how to refine them further and develop others. I wouldnt suggest studying the occult until you have made a lot of progress on purification however because the power can lead to a reinforced ego. Once the ego has been dissolved, refining these abilities is taking spiritual evolution to a new level that has eternal impact imo. You become more of a spiritual being that can operate on the astral realm. This is where one can do things that manipulate physical reality if they choose. Many spiritual seekers have an aversion towards developing power as if impotence and weakness are somehow inherently spiritual and awakened. I think this is an unbalanced approach. Love + weakness cant do much. Love + power can do a lot. In every energy tradition I mentioned, the abilities always involve combining a highly concentrated mind, visualization and breathwork. If you want a single resource that breaks down all the techniques to develop these abilities, i would recommend the Magnus Opus by John Kreiter. I have spent literally hundreds of hours reading books and resources from countless sources and that is the only book that has it all in one place. If you get it and ask yourself if those techniques are really what people use for those powers, I can assure you they are (including people like Sadhguru). The book looks like its cheaply made but I wouldnt underestimate the content.
  23. @swedishmystic Regarding what @leo said about scientific validation, Dean Radin has some great info on this.
  24. @Danioover9000 Its all a concept in your head. "Authority" has no objective reality. Chimps have hierarchy. In their chimp tribe, it is their reality. Outside of their chimp tribe, it is nothing. Its based on instincts of social animals.
  25. @swedishmystic I used to not believe in Siddhis until I started looking into the traditions that work with energy, such as Qigong, Tantra and Reiki. That made me open minded. Then, when I started studying the occult, I was convinced. I have started experiencing supernatural abilities myself. If someone wants these "powers", my question would be why? To develop them, one must purify themselves of aversions attachments. Wanting to show powers to others is all ego. Thinking you can change the world by showing them siddhis is also ego. The world is evolving just as it should and things couldnt be different. The Yoga Sutras say that these abilities will develop naturally with purification. That is true. The Sutras just dont tell how to refine and use them. That is what the occult shows, however. Be skeptical of gurus that use occult knowledge for their own reasons but disparage occult knowledge to their followers. They dont want their followers to realize that the guru is not much further than them. Sadhguru does this IMO. One benefit that Sadhguru has over his followers in his development though is that he is not a blind follower, which is a spiritual weakness.