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Everything posted by Matt8800

  1. 1. Absolutely. 2. That sounds like premonitions. 3. Shamanism works a lot with dreams. If you dream a lot, i would get some books on shamanism and experiment. 4. You might have natural clairvoyant abilities. Many entities like to create fear or doubt, which puts out a burst of psychic energy. Then they can feed off it like parasites. Clairvoyants are susceptible to this. Id suggest studying witchcraft or Wicca if you want to manage it. 5. Very common for witches and Wiccans. They are very connected with nature and mother earth. I think you would be a natural for either tradition and would probably find great benefit and spiritual growth. 6. I personally believe that dogs (and many other animals) have a form of psychic abilities where they can intuit intention. 7. Sex puts out powerful energy so there are sex magick practices. They are also in Tantra. I havent experimented with them much but they are interesting. I think societies "rules" about sex are nonsense and certainly dont apply to me. With that said, I think sex should be treated as sacred and holy, whatever that means to the individual. 8. The best resource to explain this full is a book called "Desire, the tantric path to awakening". Anyone that believes that desire and experience is always without value should keep an open mind until they read the book. Basically, it is about absorbing the maximum amount of love and beauty for spiritual fulfillment and evolution. I include beautiful experiences in "beauty". I dont reject beautiful experience, I embrace it. 9. A clairvoyant "sees" and a mystic "feels". I feel other realms but it is just the very tip of an infinite iceberg so its hard to define it. Thanks for the kind words
  2. I love the Yoga Sutras of Patangali. Master and concentrate the mind and get the ego under control and the true Self will awaken. As the yoga sutras point out, this leads to natural abilities starting to show themselves. Id start here. Taoism is a powerful tradition and a good one to study. I study a bit of all of them but I usually get the best resources from the Occult because it incorporates the best and most powerful of all the energetic traditions. For example, the Taoist microcosmic orbit meditation is used by a lot of occultists to raise power.
  3. Some people demarcate between white and black magick but I think that is a false distinction. The Dalai Lama has Tibetan black magicians that protect him and the Tibetan cause. Many people say white magick is when you use magick just for spiritual evolution and black magick is magick used for egoic means. I dont think it is that simple. We must all earn money to live. If you have a job, does that mean you have an unhealthy attachment to money? Maybe and maybe not. Does the income you make determine your attachment? If you make a million dollars a year, is it an egoic attachment? No necessarily. I would suggest reading the Baghavad Gita and the story of Arjuna struggling with hard decisions to kill people in war and what Lord Shiva told him. Its not what you do but why you do it. That is what determines karma imo. Sometimes traumatic experiences create dark entities that attach to us. I know a guy that was raped as a child that this happened to. Yes, they can be cleansed but it takes some focused work. Concentrating the mind through concentration meditation daily and continual purification through dissolving attachments and aversions is a great start. Once you dissolved the ego through concentration meditation and/or psychedelics, tell your spirit guide that you are reaching out to a relationship and you need guidance. Requests for help involving spiritual evolution and purification are never ignored. My powers come from total surrender to the divine and granted by the divine. 1. Work on concentrating the mind and go deep in your complete acceptance of reality as it is. Dissolve attachments and aversions by seeing through the ego construct with your increasingly concentrated mind. 2. After you have integrated radical acceptance of ALL there is, surrender to the divine. This is a continual process of surrendering. FEEL yourself completely surrendering when you meditate. 3. Once you surrender, now you have to build a relationship with the "thing" you are surrendering to. That is between you and the divine. Dont underestimate prayers of devotion and simple offerings like incense, etc. Your will has to be completely surrendered to its will. 4. If you are completely surrendered, you will only desire power because it is a part of your spiritual evolution and to manifest the Divine will, not because of what it does for the ego or your personal will. Carefully consider and search your motivations.
  4. You are not separated from the universal mind while simultaneously you are separated. The occult recognizes that non-duality AND duality both exist and they are both divine.
  5. Anyone that thinks they get this doesnt get it. It is way beyond our ability to understand. It takes more than listing the desires. Also, one can also manifest purely selfish desires if they know how to manifest selfless desires.
  6. @Yog Ive been studying it for a year but when I study something, I go hardcore. I read about 3 hours a day and do my practices and meditation about 1.5 hours a day. Thats a very complicated question. We usually associate death with the end of the body. In this case, it has no body so defining death for it is difficult. I lean towards believing that the servitor/tulpa is actually a part of creator that gets reintegrated when it is dissolved. I have heard that they have no eternal spirit nor can they evolve. One of my spirits did express a concern that he would be discarded once I am done with him. Since I dont know for sure whether he can continue to evolve on his own, I told him that I would give him a chance to continue to exist but he has to do it my way. I am going to build him a home in the astral realm that is surrounded by immense beauty and give him a pet that loves him. Im curious if he can integrate love and beauty into his being. if so, i think love and beauty are necessary for the healthy evolution of benevolent spirits. Besides, he is tasked with doing some things that some might consider black magick and I dont want him to develop a taste for causing unnecessary suffering and destruction.
  7. Thats a misunderstanding of the word "Adonai". There is no definition of Adonai. It is simply a sound that human apes can utter out of their ape mouths that point to a non-dual reality with infinite intelligence. It points to the Source, the One, the All. Whatever that is, that is what Adonai points to. There are other words that point roughly to the same thing, like Brahmam. To say another god created Brahman is a misunderstanding of what the word means. I choose the word Adonai because it is a Jewish word that has been integral in their very powerful magickal tradition for thousands of years. Words can carry magickal charges, just like sacred places. Because of how the word has been used, it has an extremely powerful charge to it. We'll have to agree to disagree
  8. Different traditions vary but they all involve certain visualizations, breathwork and intention. Kriya yoga will be enough for a couple of the siddhis your guru has developed IF you have all those three and he will teach you those three. Most gurus are not going to teach their powers to their devotees though. Otherwise, why would they need the guru I would say that Yoga is not really designed to maximize the full array of powers of some of the other traditions like Taoism, the occult, chi-gung, Cha-an and kaballah (practical). For books, I would recommend Magnus Opus by John Kreiter and Keys of Perception by Ivo Domingues Jr I told one guy that DM'd me those books and he messaged me back that he thought they werent interesting lol. I wont promise interesting books but I will promise that if you have any natural abilities at all, those books are the ones you want to develop them.
  9. I have never seen or reliably heard of anyone manifesting a physical object out of pure will but i certainly wouldnt say it was impossible. It just means that it might take a more evolutionarily advanced consciousness/being than just the most advanced ape on one planet. Affecting the material world via magick is usually done with creating what is normally called a thought-form that is charged with a certain intention. I conceptualize it like a ball of energy that contains information that exists on the astral realm. One of the principals of Hermeticsim is correspondence - "As above, so below". While it seems like any effect would be causeless empirically, the "cause" is the ball of information/energy on the astral realm that influences the probable and possible futures. Many people bring in Chaos Theory as a way to try to describe what they believe is the mechanism. This is why people can do stuff like heal cancer through visualization. The visualization is your direct connection to the astral realm and manifesting magick. When people astrally project, they start off visualizing. It is literally nothing more than imagination. Then, things start to take a life of its own that is increasingly beyond your imagination. With practice, many people claim that it becomes more real than real. You start interacting with beings that act on their own autonomy completely. The further I go into this, the more I ask what is real. I think it makes more sense when I remember the real self is not physical anyway. This is why all energy working traditions use visualization. The breath builds the power through gathering chi. You infuse the energy with your intent. You release the intention charged energy onto the astral realm with your visualization. If the energy is strong enough and is infused with the right intention, it effects physical reality due to correspondences resolving between the realms. According to occult philosophy, you are God but you are also simultaneously an individuated conscious entity that is evolving for eternity. Non-duality doesn't mean that duality discontinues its manifestation. When that individuated awareness is no longer focusing its awareness through a human body (physical death), than it focuses its awareness somewhere else beyond the human body. The subjective experience continues unbroken. The individuated being continues to get closer to merging with the One but never quite does fully imo. Kind of like dividing distance in half for eternity. Regarding manifesting as God- when I created a spirit (albeit, in God's name) and then it showed up saying he really wanted to talk to me through my fiance's body, isnt that god-like in many ways? It doesnt make me more of a god than anyone else. We are all sparks of god in duality and can create in duality. It just means that Ive studied and practiced the Occult so I know how to manifest my god-like abilities whereas many others never know how (or care). I have shifted through many layers of consciousness but have not been conscious that I was tapping into the collective consciousness. But that just may mean that its not there. I suspect a clairvoyant might be better at that but not sure. I did combine weed, a half tab of lsd and mdma at a concert in a sold out massive stadium once and I swear I totally tapped into collective consciousness at that time. That feeling was so far beyond what ive ever experienced, its hard for me to remember what it felt like.
  10. @mandyjw Yes, many people in the occult tend to ignore the dissolution of the ego, which is why I think it tends to be an incomplete path. Conversely, most sects of Yoga and Buddhism reject the physical realm, along with much of its beauty. Many live their lives as if they are simply waiting to die so they can move on and call that extreme ambivalence enlightenment. I think that is an incomplete path also. Study both of them and follow a complete path Spirits are like people. Some are bad, some are good and some are indifferent. I grew up as a Christian also and had aversion towards the occult for the exact same reasons. It is simply indoctrination that can severely limit you. Witchcraft/The occult is simply a tool to increase your personal power, further develop your spirituality and put the power into your hands so you can use it according to your values. How you use it makes it "good" or "bad". This world needs more good people that also have power. Religion is about limiting its members' power so that the religious leaders can exert all the power. Study how the Christians burned and tortured all the witches and you might start feeling that Christianity is more evil than you thought. Of course, they would call witches evil - you cant round up woman and burn them alive and torture them in horrific ways unless you can think of a way to take away the population's empathy for them.
  11. @Leo Gura 1. Yes, but my abilities were that of a mystic, which is different than a clairvoyant or psychic. Mystics tend to merge their essence naturally with the divine. They get far more information/knowledge/insight but is usually pretty deep so it takes a bit for them to unpack it. Mystics are considered to be deep reservoirs of spiritual energy, which is why dark spirits tend to leave them alone. If spirits harass anyone, its usually the clairvoyants/psychics. I had a knowing as a child that spirits would not want to mess with me without understanding why I knew that. I did have an experience twice about 30 years ago where I woke up and saw a brilliant light in the room and felt like I started floating above the bed, which scared the shit out of me at the time. Clairvoyants talk to many diverse spirits while mystics tend to only communicate with the divine or a direct messenger of the divine. Psychics see; mystics know and command. You are also a classic mystic IMO. 2. I think everyone can develop their natural abilities much further than they currently are. The question is what are ones natural abilities? My fiance is a gifted clairvoyant. She can see spirits, channel them and speak with them but there is not nearly the sizzle and crackle in the air when she calls the divine into the room like when I do it. Spirits tend to do as I tell them but they might test her a lot more. With that said, I try to develop the areas that I am naturally weak as much as I can. My favorite books on that are by Ivo Domingues called Keys to Perception and the Magnus Opus by John Kreiter. 3. Many people that are highly awakened are mystics. Since they dont have the psychic sight talent, the spiritual world, along with all its possibilities and potentials is not as obvious. When a mystic steps into that realm however, they can usually summon massive amounts of spiritual power. The REAL power is making ones way through acceptance and finally making it to complete surrender to the divine. Once this happens, the divine may give the mystic authority to speak and command in the divine's name (I call the divine Adonai because I like how the Jews "conceptualize" God, which is actually no concept). The power that one has when this happens is ineffable. If the divine has not explicitly granted the authority, the Mystic can request this authority is granted to manifest the divine will he is surrendered to. Of course, he is responsible for how he uses that power but the mystic is expected to discern himself how to use it on his path of evolution. I think that this seems to be fairly uncommon because one weakness of the Occult path is the lack of attention to total acceptance and total surrender to the divine. Yogis typically get stuck on the being side of the paradox and occultists generally get stuck on the doing side of the paradox, which hinders that shift to surrender for the occultist. I believe this paradox should be resolved without leaving either out. 4. Great question...Im also curious as to why some are mystics and others are psychics. 5. My healing abilities have been getting quite a bit stronger but when i was granted the authority to speak and command in the divine's name, that was a game changer. Im still exploring this but the first time I used it, my fiance had a back that has been in extreme pain for years. I started rubbing her back muscles and in my head, said "I command the muscles to release and be healed in the name of Adonai". As the word Adonai entered my head, a massive surge of energy came into my body, shot down my arms and hands into her back. Even though I was silent, she immediately yelled from the shock of energy and jumped up. She was totally healed in a way that was FAR beyond my previous abilities could even come close to. I experimented with it and found that if I say it out loud, it is even more powerful. This ability is something I am still experimenting with to see how far it can go. I also created a servitor and used the same authority/command and the spirit showed up and requested to speak directly to me through my fiances body as a medium. This spirit was far more real and powerful than the two other spirits I made without using that method. 6. I have projected myself 30 miles away into my fiances bedroom and whispered into her ear. I didnt say anything to her but she told me the next day she felt me in her room and told me what I said. The healing abilities at this level are new and Im just familiarizing myself with it. Ive been shown deep insights where I had complete knowledge about very complex subjects but this is common for mystics and you have also experienced this. Whether it is a spirit guide or the divine, its spoken to me telepathically but that is also common for mystics. I created a servitor/spirit and infused it into an object. I started talking to it and "charging it" and the object started moving on its own (very shocking). It did the same for my fiance. Ive summoned spirits that spoke through my fiance several times. I just started shifting my attention to the occult a year ago. Its been a pretty crazy but extremely interesting ride. Im sure it will get crazier and even more interesting as the years go by
  12. When I evoke a spiritual being in the room, the air in the room seems to sizzle and crackle and the hairs on my arms stand up...thats the only way I can describe it. Im not a clairvoyant; im a mystic and they sense a bit differently. I dont have the sight of a clairvoyant (which you probably are one) Im sensitive to feeling energy and communicating telepathically with spirits and the divine. It feels like a knowing.
  13. @aeris I wouldnt know where you are on the magic scale. Do some googling on servitors....there are TONS of creative ways one can use a servitor. I definitely dont think Trump is doing dark magic intentionally. He is too stupid and unfocused. I do, however, think he has powerful strength of will which is considered a magical force. Some people utilize magic and they dont realize it.
  14. yes, some areas definitely have a powerful charge - either positive or negative. Have you asked yourself exactly why you are not interested in studying witchcraft? Many people dont know this but it is a legitimate path to spiritual awakening and enlightenment. Even though it was the Christian church that burned and tortured people, christian societies ironically still somehow see the witches as the evil ones. Sometimes cultures "rules" influence us in unconscious ways that are not in our best interest. Witchcraft is a powerful way to connect with nature/mother earth. They also use a lot of plants, gems and minerals in their magic. My guess is that you were a witch in a previous life.
  15. @Yog yes, John Kreiter and Damon Brand have some good books. Kreiters books look cheap but dont let that fool you - Its profound knowledge One thing they are not always very clear about is the importance of concentration meditation. Stare very intensely at a dot for 15ish minutes prior to any working and your power goes way up.
  16. @passerby I had my big awakening from DMT. I consider psychedelics as sacred and holy, just like shamans have done for thousands of years. I use them regularly to speak to my spirit guide, spirits in general and the divine. I also use them if I need to raise massive amounts of spiritual energy for something Im doing (like creating servitors). Occultists categorize talents usually in the clairvoyant group and the mystic group. They have very different capabilities but one is not more powerful than the other (this is an interesting subject). Im a natural mystic but my fiance is a gifted clairvoyant and she may know if DMT has its own "spirit". I should ask her.
  17. @zeroISinfinity Gratitude is a VERY powerful energy for healing FYI. Before you attempt a healing, think of something you are grateful for. Imagine that gratitude as a spark in your chest. FEEL the gratitude as fully as you can (important). As you breathe in, visualize light coming from the divine up above and filling you up. This light represents the energy of gratitude. See the light in your chest getting brighter and brighter until it is like the sun. Fully feel the gratitude you have. When you have built up this energy, see yourself shooting the energy through your arms/hands into the person you are healing. If you have made a lot of progress dissolving attachments/aversions and have progressed to surrendering everything to the divine, add this: "in the name of (divine name), I command those muscles to release and to be healed" (or whatever needs to be healed). I have done this in my head without voicing out loud and when I got to the name of the divine, I felt a massive surge of energy through my hands. The person I was healing yelled when they felt it and jumped up out of surprise. They were completely healed. If I say it out loud, it takes the power up another couple notches. There is a long, personal story about how I was told by the divine that I was granted authority to speak and command in the divine name after years of working on acceptance and surrendering but its pretty personal. I can tell other people how to reach that themselves though.
  18. One risk is psychic attack from an occultist but that is very rare. The other risk is negative spirits creating negative energy in you through fear, doubt, hate, etc and then feeding off it like a parasite. if you know what to do, you can protect yourself and they will go away. They want an easy lunch and there are too many available to work too hard on one person. If you know what to do, you can also turn the tables and feed off their energy like they were trying to do to you using psychic vampirism techniques. They definitely dont like this and will leave you alone. I know one guy that was raped as a child and now he senses a dark being following him around and affecting him in his adulthood. This dark being was actually created by him due to a traumatic event (occultists call it a thought-form). I tried to tell him how to get rid of it but he couldnt bring himself to put in the work because it required meditation. If you google witchcraft and "banishing" and "sacred space", you can find more info.
  19. @Danioover9000 One should know how to raise power, banish negative energies/entities and create a sacred space before any magickal operations. John Kreiter has a great book called The Magnus Opus that does a great job of explaining what the core abilities are and how they are developed. One MUST develop a concentrated mind that they can concentrate at will. The best way to do this is a simple concentration mediation exercise like staring intensely at a dot until the ego and sense of self dissolves. Many magicians lack power because they dont do concentration meditation. This may shock some people but I am not opposed to doing black magick. As the Gita says, its about why you do it - not what you do. Karma is real but there are cases which may make it acceptable. Its kind of like I would never want to kill someone but if someone broke into my house and threatened my loves ones, and the only way to stop them would be to take their life, then so be it. My highest values are love, beauty and truth so I am opposed to casual evil out of hate, revenge, etc.
  20. @How to be wise Dean Radin has some studies that he has done on divination. Divination has not shown to be correct 100% of the time but it is correct far beyond what statistical chance would dictate. Divination is also not claimed to be telling the future; it is more illuminating probable futures out of possible futures. Here is a list of the studies you can check out for yourself -
  21. @Mikael89 Some traditions would agree with that and some wouldnt. Thats just dogma in my opinion depending on what tradition/sect you follow. Even in Yoga there is disagreement on that. Some sects of Yoga would agree with you and other versions, such as tantric yoga, would disagree. I used to agree with you but now I view that opinion as limiting and incomplete.
  22. @Joker_Theory Id recommend a book called spirit speak by ivo dominguez jr. Im reading it right now. I would recommend gaining a lot of knowledge first before attempting to speak to spirits. There are good and bad spirits. Its good to know how to tell them apart and how to handle "bad" spirits safely. When they show up, its surreal and shocking simply because of the strangeness of the experience.