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Everything posted by Matt8800

  1. You are so welcome and Im glad it helped. Feel free to message me any time if you have more questions. I know you can become the powerful goddess you were meant to be. The message wasnt a coincidence. Something told me what to say. It is your destiny
  2. @enderx7 Im not impressed much by Sadhguru. I bought one of his books awhile back and ended up throwing it away. I didnt want anyone to look through my library and see a book that I would never endorse in the least. He talks non-stop and many of the things he talks about, he clearly doesnt understand. Hes very talented about talking about how great he is though without any embarrassment whatsoever. He does have some wisdom and he is a natural mystic but i think he is using his talents to feed his ego. There are other wise mystics that dont act like that and are not self serving. Self serving gurus try to keep their devotees away from their own powers. Western mysticism says the individual should be empowered, which is the path I follow. I try to help other people find their own strength and power. He might say it doesnt matter that I used certain abilities to heal my fiance but it matters to me and her. The fact that he doesnt care about healing someone in pain says a lot imo. Im all about healing and will heal anyone I can if they ask.
  3. Gurus are typically pretty adamant to avoid developing the same powers as them. They need their devotees to be enamored by the GURUS powers. Gurus encourage guru ass kissing. This is made easier by keeping their devotees weak. This is why they cry, beg and whimper at another man's feet. Thats not my style, has never been nor will ever be. I think Sadhguru, like many self proclaimed gurus, has wisdom, has a concentrated mind and is a true mystic. I also think that, like many (not all) gurus, he is also full of shit on many things
  4. @enderx7 Focus on the yoga sutras I mentioned. Make it your bible. The ego is the problem. Master the ego and all the problems become easily managed. The suffering of the ego (and some inherent mental illnesses) can cause addictions. Mastering the ego will also allow you to increasingly master addictions. I know about this well.
  5. While that sounds like it is kind of funny, stuff like that actually is a thing imo Luckily, usually people with those gifts are typically more spiritually advanced than the average person. Otherwise, every creepy man out there would be hanging out in women's bedrooms. It probably does happen occasionally though.
  6. @enderx7 One of the most important things you said was mentioning being a servant. What would it look like to be a powerful and loving god/king while simultaneously being a servant to others to lift them up and encourage them on their path for their highest good? This world desperately needs more of that. Help the powerful find love. Help the loving find power. If you feel any fear, incorporate the practice I put up of summoning and building inner power. Use that power to exercise courage and ignore any fears. Study the yoga sutras like I mentioned. If you do that, you will master your ego. If you master your ego, you will know what to do and it will be the right thing. When you master the ego (or dissolve with concentration meditation) it opens a space for your spirit guide to communicate to you. If you ask for guidance, your request will not be ignored but it will not shout over the noise of the ego. Watch your self-talk. Know that you are raising yourself. How would you talk to your son when he falls short? You wouldnt put him down or make him feel bad. You would lift him up and encourage him. That is how you should talk to yourself. Embrace love Embrace power Embrace service to others Refuse to let fear hold you back on your path of evolution. Feel it to the bottom of your soul that you will not be stopped. Press forward on your path of evolution like you have no time to waste.
  7. @d0ornokey Many people think love is a feeling. It cant be merely a feeling because certain drugs can manipulate your feelings of love. Love is a choice. It is action. It is a decision to serve the other person for their best and highest good, despite your feelings. Feelings do not minimize real love. Many relationships suffer because people wait for the feelings to show up to express love. Hopefully, the other person is moving in that direction too or it will be unbalanced.
  8. @Ero What Ive found is that there are many levels and "flavors" of conscious states. It goes far beyond just low vibration and high vibration. If music is from vibration, think of high vibrational states that can play many different songs for different purposes. Another thing I have notices is when you get to these states by combining psychedelics and concentration and then resting in these states, you can start reaching some of these states completely sober. The way I think of it is our consciousness learns how to quickly resonate with that vibration we are trying to reach with practice. I like to reach those high vibrational states and rest there.
  9. @Wlangr Allow yourself to fully feel the pain and fear. Embrace it and accept it. Keep doing this. Once you have accepted it, you can release it. This is counter-intuitive because we usually want to avoid pain and fear. It cant be released until it is accepted though. Once it is accepted, there is nothing for the entity to feed on. Its a process and takes time. You can do it Leo does a good video on releasing negative emotions. I would suggest reviewing that video as it is the same concept.
  10. Here is a short one I found. All the gurus compete and try to outdo each other in who looks more impressive to attract devotees. They come in chariots, have a bunch of devotees marching in formation in front of them with banners, etc. If they put their tents next to each other, sometimes arguments and fights break out among the gurus over the devotees. For being supposedly enlightened gurus, it sure stinks of ego to me. This manipulation and guru worship is a problem in Indian spirituality imo. For some reason westerners are vulnerable to this. They seem compelled to find someones ass to kiss so they can grovel like a worm.
  11. @The Blind Sage Here is my technique I do often - Its crazy powerful. Have some fun experimenting with it but it will definitely open some spiritual doors.
  12. @Mulky Sounds like a classic parasitic astral entity to me. They create a situation of fear or negativity and then feed off the psychic energy that puts off. I believe that these entities are attracted to you because you are an easy lunch. Im going to be real honest about what my intuition is telling me. You are a very loving person that is able to saturate yourself with beauty when you are around it BUT you have not developed the strength that you have been needing in your evolution. I believe this has been the case for multiple life times. Although love and beauty are very important, your main mission in this incarnation is to build your internal strength/power. These parasitic entities stay away from people with lots of internal power. If they do try to harass them, someone with internal power can just shoo them away. Right now, you are the prey. We either have prey energy or predator energy. You need to shift yourself to start building energies as a predator. What are you a predator of? Negativity, darkness, hatred, etc. Cultivate the mindset that these entities better stay away from you or they will suffer consequences BUT you need the power and the will to create those consequences. Know that you are loving but you will not tolerate anything fucking with you. Ask your spirit guide if I am telling the truth. If I am, shift your spiritual life mission to align to what you are here to do. Develop a will of steel. Nothing will break you. Nothing will bend you unless you allow it. First, make sure you have a healthy relationship with strength and power. Here is a post that I explained my thoughts on that - I also posted something about how to build strength - Add that to your daily practice. If you chronically low on internal strength, you will be able to summon up gratitude but will have a hard time transmuting that into strength. Thats OK. Keep doing it. It will work but it takes time. It will eventually change you into something you have never been before. Develop your inner goddess. Do not invest more into building yourself into a goddess of love and beauty. You already have that. Spend the next several years (and probably the rest of your life) bringing out the goddess of strength and power. Consider this your life purpose in this incarnation because it probably is. Remember, strength and power is not something you do to others - it is what you can do, and do, to and for yourself. Real strength doesnt have to be communicated to others to know it is there - it reveals and radiates itself from you. People feel it when they are around it. They get needed strength themselves just by being around you. Once you have it, you can lift others up and show them how to empower themselves. What does it mean to balance love and power? That is for you to find out on your journey. Ask your spirit guide to guide you and she will. Also, study the yoga sutras of patanjali with commentary by swami satchianonda to master the ego. The ego robs one of real power and tries to establish fake power through just projecting the ego even more. This is the wrong direction. Make the yoga sutras your bible. Study it and follow it. You may want to consider spending some time familiarizing yourself with witchcraft. It is a legitimate spiritual path. It empowers women (and men) and is a way of connecting very deeply to nature and mother earth.
  13. Wow, there is so much at this point. Ive been digging into the occult for about a year now and it just keeps getting deeper and deeper. One situation is when I said god's name in my head while trying to heal my fiance and her strongly reacting when the healing energy shot into her body out of my hands. Ive seen spirits move things, my fiance has channeled them, my spirit guide has instructed me, etc...there is quite a bit at this point. Some of it is those "had to be there" things to fully appreciate how crazy it was.
  14. @Chrissy j sounds like premonitions. Its not uncommon for clairvoyants. I would recommend Keys to Perception by Ivo Dominguez. I used to think there is no free will but now I think there is mostly no free will. Almost all of the things that most people do are a result of the ego, which is just an animalistic mechanism. As one masters their ego, there is something else that opens up. What Ive seen is that we can choose our intention the more awake we are. Its the mechanistic ego that determines the actions and thoughts to execute on the intention. We direct our evolution based on our intention.
  15. There is no such thing as time outside of the physical realm. Ive heard stories of government remote viewers describing places what seemed to be incorrectly. Then they found out that they were properly described as they looked almost a century ago. To go there physically, i would speculate that it is not probable but I hesitate to make any judgments at all any more lol.
  16. Wow, thats a big one. I have no idea but I do believe that life forms everywhere if the environment is right - similar to crystal formation. Since water is common in the universe, I think there is a lot more life than most people could begin to guess....and that is just on the physical realm. The non-physical realms are populated too.
  17. @Inliytened1 If we are talking about the totality of the absolute truth, we will have to agree to disagree. Ill reserve final judgement until I can get my hands on some 5meo though
  18. I would love to try it. Ive been trying to find some for over a year lol. Ill keep trying
  19. A highly evolved person, with the help of meditation and psychedelics, can get a glimpse of a corner of the tip of infinite iceberg of the absolute truth but nobody will see or understand THE Absolute Truth. Its like the blind men feeling an elephant and trying to describe it. You might feel the hair on the tail but that is not the truth of the elephant. Regardless of what the absolute truth is, are you typing on your keyboard? Me talking about the relative truth of you typing on your keyboard is no different than you saying communication with spirits is relative truth. Its true but changes nothing. You're still typing on a keyboard and I still communicate with spirits. You assume that duality only exists in the physical realm. That is why you dont mention the relativity of your mundane existence yet bring up that my experiences of non-physical realms of just being relative. Whatever the reality is of gods and goddesses, I dont think they even know THE absolute truth.
  20. @kieranperez Definitely. What one can do is limited by a few things, raising energy being one of them. Celibacy can raise energy but I would rather raise energy other ways lol
  21. @whoareyou True but irrelevant because EVERYTHING is only relatively true. That fact that you are typing on your keyboard is only relatively true. So then, are you really typing on your keyboard?
  22. Thats right...we should never abdicate the responsibility of our own path and evolution. Devotees of gurus should learn that too
  23. @student Sounds like a classic ego backlash. When you are doing things that will cause you to see through the illusion of the ego, the ego will take defensive measures to ensure its survival. When the ego is being dissolved, it may feel like death. If you are identified with the ego, and the ego is dying, fear is a result. Embrace the fear. Walk straight towards the fear with courage. Let your ego die. If you accept your own death, what is there to fear? Accept your own death. Realize "you" dont matter and accept that - be OK with that. When you awaken, you will realize literally nothing matters. At first, this may lead to dread. Accept it and live in the present moment. You will only be able to get through this if you concentrate the mind. This is required to see through the ego and deconstruct it. Fear is one of the biggest things that keeps people from enlightenment because it wont let their ego die. When you make it to the other side, it will open up to complete freedom. It will feel like a huge weight has been lifted off your shoulders. Your focus will go from thoughts, concepts and fears of the past and future to living in a state of hyper-awareness of the flowing present moment. The present moment is the only place true beauty, love and truth exist. I just posted a thread on how to raise inner strength in the same forum section as this. Read that and make it a part of your regular practice. Transmute the gratitude into strength and courage. Courage is the ability to do something even though you have fear - it is not the absence of fear. Daily meditation is required to make it through this. Study the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali with commentary by Swami Satchidananda. Make it your bible until you master it. If you do that, you will make it to the other side
  24. @kieranperezMy first conscious contact with my spirit guide happened the first time 3.5 yrs ago when I smoked DMT. It showed me that all suffering is an illusion, I needed to start meditating every day, beauty is all around but I many times just dont see it, love is the most important thing and I needed to live in the present moment. It has guided me since in helping me through the dark night, continual unfolding of insights, etc, etc. I had heard about the goddess Hekate and was increasingly drawn to her after some interesting synchronicities. I didnt understand what a god/goddess is in relation to the One/source/all/brahman. I decided to do a ritual for her last night and asked her what that relation was and why do people follow gods/goddesses like her. here is the response I got: After doing the ritual and called her into the room and then I smoked some dmt. Everything changed in a way that I had never experienced despite tons of dmt trips. First, she showed me her immense power and pinned me to the bed. I felt her over me and knew she could crush me without a thought. I told her I surrendered, which meant I was basically saying uncle and acknowledging her total dominance over me. Then she showed me an infinite void where all the physical and non-physical beings, gods, goddesses, demons, angels, etc were moving forward in eternal evolution. The infinite void represented the Source/Absolute/the All/Brahman. It was the duality contained in the non-duality. She told me that I can try to evolve on my own or I can get the assistance of beings that are far more evolved. She told me that she could, and wanted, to help me evolve in this life and beyond for my highest good. She told me that I am free to learn as much as I like from her and leave her mentor-ship any time I like if I choose. She was not jealous like the Christian idea of god, meaning I could get knowledge from other spiritual beings or gods if i chose. The word she gave me is "evolutionary mentor". Ive always been aggressive with getting information from other people that know things I dont know so this seems very attractive to me. Am I delusional? I have no idea simply because it all still seems so weird but Im gong to explore this more. My significant other is a gifted clairvoyant. Im going to do the same ritual with her and see what she sees. My guess is that she is going to see something powerful. Im going to take this slow to make sure im not just looney-tunes lol.