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Everything posted by Matt8800

  1. @enderx7 Just know that Kali will not do anything that is not in your best interest. If you feel some fear, she will probably be very gentle. If someone is in deep grief, she might comfort. If someone is disrespectful, she might instill fear. I like to do a banishing ritual before any working as a precaution but I agree that it seems unlikely a spirit would cross her purposes. Spirits are like people though - some are stupid Just be respectful and grateful and you will have a beautiful experience. I would also suggest asking her any questions you want to know prior to the ritual, such as why does she want to help you, what does she want from you, etc. Im not as familiar with Kali but Hecate told me that she respects my sovereignty and I can make my own decisions. She is just there for my evolution and boundaries are respected. She would not respect me groveling in the dirt like a worm. Religion treats the god/devotee relationship like a small child/disciplinarian parent. This is more like a fully autonomous adult child that is seeking wisdom and guidance from a wise and powerful parent that can sometimes choose to grant requests.
  2. @khalifa Ah, the ego is still fighting. This is what is making it so difficult for you. Sounds like you have a long fight ahead of you. This could go on for a long time. Im not sure if a Kundulini can be reversed. I think the only way is forward imo. I dont think you understand what you are saying no to. I would never take my old life back in a million years.
  3. @enderx7 Yes, Kali is similar to in many ways to Hecate, who called to me. I think Kali can be used to greatly empower witchcraft and sorcery also. You might consider looking up some Kali evocation rituals to call her down to you more directly. I like to combine that with some psychedelics to turn up the volume. If she is reaching out to you, she is most likely going to show up. Be prepared lol. Say a prayer to her beforehand and tell her that you want to get to know her and thank her for calling you. Kali could become an important "evolutionary mentor" to you (term Hecate used to me). "Dark" goddesses can be both fierce and incredibly tender and loving at the same time. I would look up a standard witchcraft banishing ritual ahead of time to clear the area of troublesome spirits or energies. Would love to hear how that goes Once you start understanding some of the basics that you are now reading, I would suggest Sorcerer's Secrets by Jason Miller. Great book. There is also a banishing ritual in there that I use. He also has a Strategic Sorcery course on which I would highly recommend. Its only $150 but you will learn a TON. History will remember Jason Miller as a powerful sorcerer and great teacher imo. He's also a all around great guy. Might also want to learn some basic witchcraft philosophy and techniques also. Its shocking when you first find out that your magick actually works lol
  4. @khalifa sounds like a kundalini awakening. It is trying to kill your ego and your ego is fighting for survival. If you want to learn how to let the ego die and accept all the implications, there is a good book called Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha by Daniel Ingram. You make it through this via radical acceptance of all there is. The faster you can learn to accept all, including the death of all your ego's dreams, desires, etc, the faster you will get through this. It also means you have to accept that your life does not have the meaning and purpose that you used to think it had. Accept it does not matter if "you" live or die. It will open up to just existing in the flowing present moment. When you learn to settle into this, that is where you will experience beauty and true happiness unlike anything you have ever imagined. Keep working on locking yourself into the present moment and staying there. Ask yourself, what is "bad" in your direct experience of the present moment? You will notice all your suffering is an illusion you are creating, made worse by your ego's fight for survival. When you meditate, purify yourself by letting go of all your resistance, attachments and aversions on the exhale. Keep doing this and settle into the acceptance. I went through this a couple years back and came out the other side permanently changed. VERY difficult but necessary for the path. You have no idea what kind of beauty is waiting for you According to sacred Buddhist texts, once you make it out the other side to equanimity, you will have reached the first level of enlightenment.
  5. @SQAAD Its like a virgin giving sex advice. He should know better than to talk about stuff he has no experience with. If all enlightened people completely escaped delusion and bias, than they would all agree with each other, on all subjects at all times. Therefore, this proves that enlightenment may dispel the identification with the ego does not completely dispel all delusion.
  6. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali with commentary by Swami Satchinanda
  7. @LucyKid Some people think that if meaning is not objective, there is no meaning. Only consciousness can attribute meaning or value to something. Consciousness is pure subjectivity, therefore "objective meaning" is an oxymoron. What is meaning and value? Whatever YOU decide it is. Do not underestimate this power. It makes sense if you remember that ultimately, you are God.
  8. @mulky Think of yourself as a dangerous, cold hearted predator that takes pleasure in devouring your prey. The parasitic entities are the prey. First, call on your guardian angel to guard over you. Picture it as a dangerous looking, intimidating being that is just itching to rip apart any entity that tries to do you any harm. Thank it for guarding you and know you are watched over. John Kreiter has a book on psychic vampire defense that would probably be good for you. In that book, it teaches a technique where if you see an entity like that, you take on a stance of a dangerous predator that takes pleasure in eating those entities that would mean you harm. This would be something like standing up straight, shoulders back, your feet slightly apart, your jaw set and a steely, cold look in your eyes that says "I DARE you to fuck with me because I will teach you a lesson you will never forget". Visualize a tentacle stretching out from your non-dominant hand (receiving hand) and attaching to the entity. When it attaches, see the entity get filled with fear and alarm and try to get away. You dont let it get away and you hold on to it. As you inhale, visualize yourself pulling all the life force out of this entity in an act of feeding. As you do this, the entity starts screaming in pain while you see it start withering away as the energy is drained out of it. After this, see yourself standing over it with a cold smirk on your face feeling satisfied with yourself. Allow yourself to feel all these feelings vividly. Allow yourself to fully feel feelings that you would normally never allow yourself to feel because they almost feel dangerous and dark. Realize that YOU are the predator now. Embrace those feelings. Feel the life force surging through your body that you have forcefully taken for yourself. Learning how to balance love and light with this "powerful and dangerous" aspect within yourself is an important part of the path. If you feel resistance to this thinking that it is dark, think carefully as to why and assume that everything you have believed up to this point might be false. If you are going to be powerful, that also means you can be dangerous to those that mean you harm and you are going to have to learn to embrace that. Those entities definitely do not like that if done with power. They wont want anything to do with you after a few times of that. There are much easier and less painful lunches for them out there and they will find that their old methods no longer work with you. Think about how this approach and those feelings are different than how the old you would handle it. Regarding people that try to take your energy, maybe you need less friends and/or new friends. Politely but firmly communicate your boundaries and if people wont respect that, actively avoid them. If you find yourself getting lonely, build a relationship with your guardian angel/spirit guide (that works surprisingly well for loneliness). Spend time with people that want to learn and grow also. Find some people that have the same weaknesses that you had, that also want to grow and change, and gently show them how you found strength according to their ability and desire to learn. Mentoring others is the best way to learn.
  9. In my opinion, we are incarnated for specific reasons and things we must learn. One of those things is to find a balance between love and strength. Ive noticed that many people that naturally have a lot of love are many times internally weak and need strength. Many people that have a lot of strength many times need to build their love. Ive seem to get a lot of questions from people after I post something about the occult. Usually it involves spirits harassing them or they just feel beaten down. Knowing how to build one's inner strength is important, which can help with both these issues. Some people wait for the universe to grant them strength just because they are loving but it doesnt work that way. We are responsible for creating ourselves according to our will. Only we can do it. We alone are our own creators. This might be a long post but if you want to build inner strength and your intention is pure, these techniques can radically change your life. I will underline points to pay particular attention to. In all energy work, the keys used are visualization, breathwork, emotion and intention. Ritual is used as a way of intensifying emotion and intention. This requires you to have a healthy relationship with strength and power. If you reject strength and power, it will always be a problem. This is similar to people thinking rich and prosperous people are evil and selfish. They attract poverty and weakness like a powerful magnet and repulse prosperity. 1. Get yourself comfortable in your sacred space. Breathe deeply through the diaphragm and scan your body to release any muscles that are not relaxed. Lock onto the present moment as it flows and stay there. 2. First thing is to concentrate the mind. Many "energy workers" have very little energy because they dont know whats important in building energy. This can be done by simply staring intensely at a point, such as a candle or dot. Focus harder than you have ever focused in your life. After about 10-15 minutes, you should feel an obvious shift in your consciousness. After you feel the shift, you are ready to work with energy. Skilled meditators can get into this spot like flipping a switch. When you are in this spot, lock yourself into it. 3. Next, I like to clear the area and myself of any negative energies. There are banishing and cleansing rituals but my favorite way to do it is to chant the divine's name 3-5 times. Then I express gratitude to the divine and ask for guidance. Chanting is done similar to how the Tibetan monks do it. Its like a low, monotone vibration. After you do this, allow yourself to fully feel the divine energy in the room. 4. Next, you will raise your vibration and purify yourself by utilizing gratitude. Gratitude is an extremely powerful energy that can be utilized for healing and building internal strength and love. Turn your attention to some things you are grateful for in your life. It could be something as simple as being grateful for the extreme beauty you experience in nature. See, in your minds eye, a small spark in your chest. This spark represents the gratitude you have summoned. As you exhale, purify yourself by releasing attachments, fears and aversions. Feel your body relax even more as you release these. 5. FULLY FEEL THE GRATITUDE. FEEL IT. FEEL IT. FEEL IT. - with all the intensity you can muster. I put this as a separate point because it is so important. 6. Turn your attention to the divine energy you have called into the room. As you breathe in deeply, see liquid light being absorbed into your body with with your breathe. This light represents the energy of gratitude. You are drawing it in from the divine as a source outside yourself to get something you dont yet have. As you exhale, you see the displaced negative energy being expelled. As you breathe in this light, see the light in your chest getting brighter and brighter until it shines like the sun. FULLY FEEL THIS INTENSE GRATITUDE. 7. Next you are going to transmute this high vibrational energy of gratitude into high vibrational inner strength. This type of transmutation is referred to as inner alchemy in the occult. Start to feel this strength. Allow this feeling to grow in intensity. Feel this strength coursing through your body. Notice your posture. Are you sitting like a god/goddess? How does a king/queen hold their head? FULLY FEEL THIS STRENGTH. 8. Know and accept that your "identity" is simply what you are in this exact present moment and has nothing to do with the past. Know and accept that this strength is "attaching" to your energy and permanently changing you bit by bit. Be mindful of doubt as that will detract from your efforts. You can work with this regularly and take it to whatever level you choose but its a very powerful technique. I like to end any session with gratitude and devotion towards the Divine.
  10. @Jj13 If you google it, there is some commentary on it but not much. I think its much more widespread than one would think by looking at the internet. It definitely turns the volume up on magick. I do it regularly but I also take my purification seriously and think carefully about what I do with magick and why. At minimum, I would approach with caution
  11. @Danioover9000 Yes, I absolutely believe in some places being power hot spots - sometimes negative and sometimes positive.
  12. @lmfaoThe claim that Muhammad transcended the ego is suspect imo based on his communicated desire to control. I will admit that he was most likely a gifted mystic. The true mystics combined what Muhammad had said and Sufism was the result. Sufis have a more live and let live credo, unlike a warlord's mentality. I think many people try to put a positive spin on other peoples' dogma for the same reason people give trophies to kids just for playing - it makes every feel good but has no basis in Truth. In the long run, it hurts more than helps.
  13. @Danioover9000 Im not sure, Ive never heard of it. What context are you familiar with the term?
  14. @tatsumaru This is exactly why my picture is just black. The closer one gets to enlightenment, the less identification there is with anything. Truthfully, you have no identity other than what you are in this exact present moment, which is just awareness with directable intention. You are going the opposite direction of ego death, which just leads to more suffering.
  15. @ActualizedDavid 1. I believe we were meant to come to this incarnation to evolve spiritually. Careers, while necessary, are irrelevant to our real purpose. 2. One mode of evolution of consciousness. 3. The people are weak and vulnerable or they allow dark spirits to possess them. Internally strong people with guiding values of love and beauty dont get possessed. 4. The occult is a non-dual tradition that works with energy. Most eastern traditions tend to claim that their particular path is the best and only path. They all have their own form of dogma BUT they all have something valuable to contribute. The other consideration is gurus arent going to be excited about telling their devotees how to get powers they themselves dont have. Many gurus maintain a strict relationship of superiority with their devotees as a method of control. 5. Its not possible to sell our soul for eternity but some people do make deals for this particular incarnation with spirits, dark or otherwise. They may think the "deal" is forever but that is a lack of understanding. 6. Yes, he was just another enlightened mystic. Kabbalists generally accept that Jesus was one of them, and most likely was. Kabbalists have powerful magic which would explain the miracles. 7. I heard a Reiki master say once that the most powerful force in healing is gratitude. I use the power of gratitude for purification and raising vibration so I can work with other energies. I have a post on this site about Building Inner Strength - Occult style that I would highly recommend making a regular part of ones practice. It fills one with gratitude and then transforms that gratitude into high vibrational inner strength. 8. The problem with cults is not the belief - most religions have ridiculous beliefs. The problem is the ego of the leader. Never abdicate your authority as the master of your soul and destiny. If anyone tries to control you, leave and dont look back. Regarding the groups in general, some are higher vibrational than others. Satanists, for example, are low vibration because they embrace low vibration energies and mostly ignore higher vibration energies. It can be difficult to find any group that strikes a healthy balance between love and strength/power, which is why I stay away from spiritual groups.
  16. @Aaron p Yes, it is interesting but its also interesting to ponder what matter is. If you go far enough down, matter is not made of anything material. I suspect that consciousness "pools" together in individuated packets of consciousness similar to the way hydrogen pools together through gravity and finally ignites to form a star.
  17. @ActualizedDavid 1. I believe in reincarnation. I have read the studies by Ian Stevenson and the critiques but have not found an argument against that doesnt violate Occams Razor. 2. No, that would imply that there is an opposite of the All/Source/Braham, which includes all dualities of good and evil. There are evil beings and good beings (relative to a human perspective) and beings all along the spectrum in between, just like people. 3. That enlightenment is not really as difficult as many think. The biggest thing that holds people back is their fear of letting the ego die and fully acknowledging what that means. 4. I had been obsessed with the nature of consciousness for sometime so I sought out some DMT to investigate my consciousness. I met my spirit guide and my life was radically changed forever in one night. That was 3.5 years ago and ive mediated every day since. I spent 1.5 years heavily studying and practicing buddhism. Then I studied and practiced yoga. I finally started studying the energetic traditions about a year ago and found my way to the Occult. 5. I was raised in a Christian cult. It turned me off but I had felt spirituality enough that I knew there was "something" out there. It was a long search to get where I am now (Im almost 50). 6. Yes, I believe so although Satan is not what Christians claim he is. He is a dark spirit that surprisingly works towards his devotees eventual evolution to the light. This was a surprise to me considering my Christian background. Satan attracts people that get off on darkness and thats not my thing however.
  18. @AlphaAbundance I used to be the same way. I had tons of internal strength but no real love or empathy. Raised as a Christian, I remember praying that God would give me a heart. Ask the Divine/All/Source/Braham, etc to give you a heart full of love. That prayer will be honored.....always, imo. People usually have lots of strength or love but seldom naturally both. The one we are short on must be sought. Ive found beauty is tied to love. Once love blossoms, the ability to perceive beauty increases and the world is less grey. This is huge. It was critical to finding my way to true happiness. First, you must find for yourself what love actually is. It is not a feeling because drugs can induce those feelings. It is a choice to serve others and lift them up. It is not a feeling but an intentional state of being and action. Go seek it and you will find it - as I did. It might take many years of development.
  19. @ActualizedDavid The only way I can think of is to be hypnotized again
  20. @mandyjw maybe you should seek some direct mystical experiences of Jesus.
  21. @mandyjw If you see Jesus come and speak to you directly, that could be valid. I said that Jesus was most likely a powerful, enlightened Qabbalist mystic but that gives no validity to stories from other people. For example, early Christians believed in reincarnation, which would make sense because that is what Kabbalah believes. The belief of reincarnation was banned at the council of Nicea by the early church. There are many more examples of manipulation of beliefs by the church. Would you really choose to believe the document that you know has been changed and manipulated as an instrument of control? Why? Relying on what other people say he said is just hearsay and unreliable. A lot of people say a lot of nonsense. If Jesus is powerful, he can tell you himself (I believe his power and spirit does speak to people).
  22. @TrynaBeTurquoise Sounds like that cult dogma still has you. Why does it matter what an old book said? Why are you picking that old book to worry about rather than other old books? The bible also says you should stone homosexuals. Notice how you are not quoting the Quran. If you were born in the middle east, you would be worrying about a verse in that book. The geography of your birth has determined the dogma and fears that were imposed on you. Reject it! Jesus was probably a wise Qabbalistic mystic but nobody knows what he said. There is literally no reason to believe the quotes in the bible are true. Even if it was, there are enlightened mystics that disagree on things according to their own regional dogma. Its written by multiple people that clearly cant get their stories straight to agree with each other. For those reasons, I disagree with any current importance and relevance Leo attributes to Jesus. There might be a few wise quotes but one can find wisdom in any book of nonsense if they dig long enough. People find one grain of truth, ignore the mountains of lies and deception and call it good. Keep the truth for yourself if you want and ignore all the bullshit.
  23. @John Iverson If you are ready now, tonight is the New Moon, which is special to Hekate. If you want a sign, you can do a ritual asking her for a sign. I did this and she showed up in a very dramatic way and offered her assistance in my eternal evolution for my highest good. The other upside is that her influence makes one's witchcraft and sorcery crazy powerful. Some people focus on her dark aspects because they get off on darkness, trying to project a fake power compensating for their lack of internal power. Her darkness is not the whole story. She can move in the darkness to guide beings towards the light. An evolved being can move in both worlds while staying true to their guiding values. Here's an intro book for you - The reason I used to think that witchcraft was foolish is because I didnt understand how mixing some stuff together could cause anything. It is the symbolism of what each thing means while fusing the symbolism with your intention and psychic energy (intense emotion) that makes it potent. It creates an energetic force on the astral realm that has influence on the physical. Magical influence works like this - If you try to move a 2 ton boulder by pushing it, you wont budge it although technically, you are exerting "influence". Add a wisely place fulcrum and lever and the boulder will then move with your "influence". Effective and strategic magic is like a wisely placed fulcrum and lever to move an object that is reasonably sized compared to the leverage and force applied. Build strength and learn how to properly use leverage and you can move bigger and bigger boulders.
  24. @korbes In my opinion, that is coming from a place of inner weakness. You need to start with building your inner strength. Search for the post of mine which is Building Inner Strength - Occult Style and add that to your practice. Its extremely powerful and will change you by building real strength instead of pretend, faux strength.