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Everything posted by Matt8800

  1. @Gnostic Christian In the Old Testament Yahwah (Christian God) demanded blood sacrifice fyi. Also, nonduality would claim that God and "Satan" are not opposites, but that Satan is just an aspect/expression of God and ultimately one with God. Because Christian Gnosticism will not accept this, that path will only take one so far. Any idea of god whose ultimate will can be thwarted by another is that of a small god.
  2. @ltp Worrying is the whole problem imo. You are going to create a lot more unconscious problems to yourself and others as a direct result of your worrying. Try to be mindful of making wise decisions and let the chips fall where they may. Let go of your attachments to particular outcomes and FLOW with life.
  3. @Water To be honest, I dont know a whole lot about possession other than purposefully invited possession. It seems that some people are more susceptible than others for reasons I am unaware of. I would speculate that when protective spirits and energies are called on, they turn up the heat on the unwanted spirits until they have to leave. There are a lot of occult techniques for keeping troublesome spirits away, such as banishing rituals, amulets, etc. Personally, I think the most effective spiritual protection is building a close relationship with a powerful spirit that will protect you. Because of my close relationship with Hecate, no spirit is going to risk the consequences of causing me trouble. Is your background Muslim? If so, you might want to look into Sufi protection methods. Sufism has a lot of similarities with the occult.
  4. @Water Im glad you find it helpful 1. Ive never heard of spirits actually getting agitated by the Bible, or any other religious book. In Catholicism, exorcisms can take a long time..sometimes months. Ive heard occultists joke that the spirits finally leave from shear boredom and annoyance. Spirits will submit to higher powers though. If one were to use the name of the ONE (Adonai, IAO, Brahman, Allah, etc), they tend to take notice however. It seems that spirits from a particular tradition will respect hierarchy in that tradition. For example, a wrathful spirit from Tibetan Tantra is not going to respect much an angel from the Abrahamic religions; you would need to call on a higher power from the Tibetan tradition. I have some vague theories about this but hard to know why for sure. The movies tend to show there is power in the Bible because those movies were made in Western society, which is Christian. 2. Yes, my fiance is a gifted clairvoyant and we invoked Hecate. Hecate showed up and fully possessed my fiances body. My fiance didnt remember anything afterwards. It was an amazing experience but the details are too personal to disclose. 3. Ultimately, everything is One. I dont know if there is a difference.
  5. @ltp That is an unreasonable fear and you should process that and internalize it imo. We try to do the best we can in life and shouldnt worry about the future. That is an important part of waking up spiritually. Nobody is going to die because of unconscious manifestation.
  6. I think the better question is: when all you have is subjectivity, why would you think there is any meaning in objectivity? There is no reason to think the objective even exists at all. Love is an attribute of consciousness. Consciousness is pure subjectivity.
  7. @King Merk I would suggest researching two subjects: Tantra and the Buddhist concept of "right action". Tantra gives an intensity to the beauty of the journey. Strictly Buddhist and Yogic paths can be very dry by themselves. "Right action" is needed to become fully actualized imo. You dont need external purpose. You create purpose and meaning and move towards it like we dont have time to waste (we dont). Its a paradoxical striving without striving and attachment. A good book for Tantra is Desire - The Tantric Path to Awakening
  8. @SQAAD Everything is meaningless objectively but dont underestimate the profundity of subjectivity. If you are fundamentally God, then what does that make your subjective values? Only consciousness can attribute value to anything. Since consciousness is pure subjectively, "objective meaning" is an oxymoron.
  9. @Gnostic Christian Why do you believe something simply because you were told it? Your beliefs were determined by the geography of your birth. If you would have been born somewhere else, you would have been indoctrinated into another dogma. We must think for ourselves and go find Truth.
  10. @7thLetter If you try to cater to everybody, it will be useful to nobody.
  11. @ltp I would suggest forgetting about the beliefs and ocd for now and focus on releasing the fear. Whats the worse that can happen? Death? Do you fear your own eventual death?
  12. @VeganAwake Thanks I agree with you that living a life free and spontaneous while knowing we "need" nothing is an important realization. I felt I would throw a caution out there since it seems many times people confuse not needing/non-attachment with shouldnt have/rejection....or worse, as an excuse to avoid what the Buddhists call "right action". If I have to earn money for food and shelter, I will work to excel at it since I believe anything we do, we should do it with excellence. After that, let the chips fall where they may. If I am poor, I will be happy. If I am rich, I will be happy.
  13. @SQAAD As someone that has a reasonable amount of experience with spirits and non-physical realms, there is no contradiction between the existence of past lives/spirits and non-duality. It just means there are other realms other than the physical but they are ultimately all one. Think of the location you are at. Now think of China. They are two locations but that does not disprove the concept of non-duality in any way.
  14. @VeganAwake This is a reasonable approach if one is going live a monastic life or the life of a beggar. That is certainly one valid approach but most people that will be reading this will never choose to live the life of a beggar. Most people will get a job and pay bills so this approach is not reasonable. If one rejects money, than they will never have money. If they dont want money, than why are they working at a job? Regular yoga is body and physical realm negative. Tantra is body and physical realm positive. Tantra affirms that the physical realm is divine and should be mastered, like all realms. Like Yoga, Tantra denounces attachment and grasping however. Ancient texts say that Tantra is a faster, but more risky, route to enlightenment (I could probably find the texts if someone is interested). It would be a mistake to assume that asceticism is required for enlightenment. It is just one possible path. Either way, one should pick a path and commit fully. If one really wants the ascetic life, than anything more than being a wandering beggar is falling short. Whatever one does, they should do it all the way.
  15. @ltp 1. A placebo is just something that affects someone physically simply because they believe it will. There is no apparent cause-effect relationship other than the belief. It just means that our beliefs tend to manifest so be careful about what you believe. 2. God is different than gods. The latter is just evolved, powerful spirits. The former is ineffable. I wouldnt be worried about what spirits are doing to you or what you are doing to others; I would focus on your fears. You seem to be full of fear and that is the biggest thing that needs to change imo. You might have limited control (or none) over your OCD but you need to work on accepting ALL your fears. The worse case scenario is death. Totally accept death and you will find it is easy to accept everything else. 3. The very act of living is going to cause some "good" and some "bad". Just accept this and try to accentuate the good by increasingly learning to project love, kindness and gratitude. I suspect that overcoming fear and accepting reality the way it is and will be, is one of the main purposes of your incarnation. Get that done in this lifetime. Your other fears and worries are just distractions from overcoming the fear and worry itself.
  16. @ltp I answered your questions below: 1. yes, absolutely. Everybody is doing magick all the time, whether they realize it or not. People manifest placebos as reality even though they are not trained in the occult because it is an everyday thing. If we do it unconsciously, we can hurt ourselves and others. That is why I think it is important to understand occult principals and be mindful. 2. I dont believe in a God that punishes, and neither do ANY of the non-dual traditions. Other than you just being indoctrinated at a young age, why would you believe that? (think carefully about this) That is religious and dualistic dogma and was not a part of ancient, or current non-dual, spirituality. You didnt know better at the time so dont worry about it. With that said, in the future however, if you are not sure about an oath, dont make it. 3. Ill intent, hatred and wishing someone would fail can produce magickal effects on the target, along with ourselves due to low vibrational energy. That is why we must transcend egoic tendencies and resonate and vibrate with our true values. Whether you want to "do" magick or not, you are already doing it It is either conscious or unconscious with varying degrees of skill. I simply choose doing it consciously with a high degree of skill according to my values.
  17. @Raphael Thats a personal decision. I would try to avoid hurting people but in the end, Im going to do whatever is necessary to protect myself and loved ones from people that intend to harm.
  18. @Rujan Mehar Bajracha Enlightenment is not a destination. It is a continual and progressive unfolding and refinement. According to the Vissidhimagga, the start of the first stage of enlightenment is when one passes through the dark night into total acceptance of all/equanimity. This can only be done by transcending the ego and its grasping and aversions.
  19. @EricHanefi Those abilities are advanced ways of working with energy. If one wants to learn supernatural abilities, I think the low hanging fruit to get the biggest and fastest results is witchcraft/occult/Tantra. Add relationship building with spirit allies and you will have some powerful ways to manipulate your reality according to your will. There are some differences between western occult/Tantra and eastern occult, such as Taoism, Qi-gong, Cha-an. Western occult and Tantra focus a lot on building up the abilities of the astral body with some focus on the etheric body. Eastern occult works a lot with the etheric body, and its ability to raise and manipulate chi, with some focus on the astral body. Each way brings a different utility. If you want to learn how to start raising massive amounts of chi and build up your etheric body to be able to handle it, I would recommend start working with the microcosmic orbit meditation or Tummo reverse breathing meditation. Many of these techniques are also used in Western occultism (such as witchcraft) and Tanra to build up power. Ive been studying Tantra and the occult for over a year now and I can say it is no joke. If I told my friends everything I experienced, they would assume I had mental health problems.
  20. @Ampresus Fair enough.... Low vibrational power is being able to control others and exercising that control for your benefit and their detriment. High vibrational power is having the ability to do so but choosing not to. One thing I noticed when I was in mixed martial arts is that some of the most badass fighters would walk away from a shit talker in a bar knowing they could pulverize the other guy. It was always the new guys that needed to prove something. In witchcraft, one can use those abilities to influence people's minds and curse. While sometimes it might be appropriate to use those powers, it tells a lot about the witch when they choose not to exercise those abilities. Healthy power is when you have it but you choose carefully and mindfully when to use it. I should also say that I agree that we all need to add to our personal power but need to be careful how that plays out. There is nothing wrong with knowing we need to develop power.....its the craving of power that can be problematic.
  21. @Sartanion Good job! This is how one mindfully builds inner strength. Keep going on this path!
  22. @The Don BTW, the idea that one should have no desire is based only in some traditions. Its not an objective enlightenment "truth". Tantra, some forms of Buddhism and the occult say that desire and pleasure can be used mindfully as a potent tool for enlightenment. Ancient texts say that this path is a faster way to enlightenment but can be a bit more risky because of potential for attachment. If you want to explore that idea, I would suggest a book called Desire - The Tantric Path to Awakening.
  23. @The Don Nihilism shouldnt be escaped if one wants truth. Nihilism needs to be accepted and then one needs to transcend it through expressing their own highest values in the flowing present moment. There is no such thing as objective meaning. Only consciousness can attribute value and meaning to something and consciousness is pure subjectivity. "Objective meaning" is an oxymoron. Fully explore what subjective meaning and values are and can mean.
  24. @The Don Nihilism is the gateway that one must go through to reach enlightenment. Nothing matters except your experience of the flowing present moment. Focus on love, beauty and truth in the present moment. Then this opens up to what Leo calls actualized nihilism.
  25. @Serotoninluv I think the best way is to start interacting with the spirit world, which is also a great way to build spirit allies that can guide you and aid you throughout your life and spiritual journey. A book that I love for that is Six Ways by Aiden Wachter. He is someone who got involved in occult practices to turn down the volume but the same techniques can be used for turning it up, and more importantly, being able to control it.