The Don

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Everything posted by The Don

  1. I noticed that after a few minutes socializing comes naturally. But in the next day it doesn't. I go through the same process every day, feeling awkward at the beginning of the socializing.
  2. Thanks for answer. I'm glad it helped. Of course I'm interested in positive affirmation for my social anxiety problem. Did you repeated positive affirmations every day? For how long?
  3. I'm always nervous around people I don't know & I sometimes get the feeling I can't even talk properly with friends. Sometimes when I feel I said something stupid I get really self-conscious. I start thinking about how I always end up saying something stupid and don't pay attention to the conversation and start being silent and awkward again. This is pretty much my social life. I've never had a girlfriend either... I've heard from a friend who often trips that another friend of his cured his social anxiety by tripping. So I started researching and found a lot of forum posts about this, but no real good information. Do you know anything about this? Any personal experience?
  4. Hello guys. I wanna start reading. A lot of books. I just watched Leo's books list. But I have a "problem". When I start reading and the time goes by (15 minutes) I get frustrated. I my mind tells me to stop. Why is this happening?
  5. Hello guys. I suffer from social anxiety and I would like you to suggest me a few positive affirmations to reprogram my subconscious beliefs. Thanks.
  6. Hello. If we disown the orange stage how can we ensure human existence? We need science to evolve technologically and preserve life. In reality there is no such thing as good or bad. Reality doesn't care about human extinction. Reality can't care. Reality doesn't have feelings. Reality is intelligent but can't think as humans do. For example if the Sun dies we die. Without technology how are we going to be able to go to another planet and save our existence? Do we need something from the "Orange Stage"? Without EGO "Orange Stage" is not important. I want your thoughts on this.
  7. Hello. I'll be very direct because I can't keep this to myself anymore. I feel like I'm consuming myself. In the past few months I've been feeling angry, hurt and frustrated. I had a "friend" and I helped him with $50.000 dollars. It was a loan over a two year period. I trusted him. In return he told me he would help me to build my house from scratch because he had experience in this domain. I agreed and I gave him the money for the house. He started the house but he didn't complete it. The house is only 25% built. I don't know how to explain this but you get the idea. He lied a lot of times using deception but I understood what was going on. Now he's not responding to my messages. I gave him lots of money for the house. I just don't know what do to. I've been meditating about four months and I feel like everything is gone. My progress with meditation is gone. I just don't know how to get over this. I have no money left and sometimes I'm panicking. It's hurtful. In the same time I don't wanna feel all these things but my mind comes up with thoughts. My mind is bombarding me with thoughts about what happened and how fool I was for trusting him. My mind is telling me all sorts of bad stuff. You help someone and you get nothing but damage in return. What do you think I should do? I don't wanna hate anybody. I don't wanna feel bad and hurt. I can't explain what I feel. I'm being aware but my feelings won't go away. Guys and @Leo Gura, any help on this would be much appreciated.
  8. Thank you guys for your insights. I'll do my best no to worry.
  9. Instead of feeling that awareness is identified with everything, in other words identical to everything, that all experience is equally pervaded by awareness, we feel that awareness is exclusively identified with one particular object. It is not the identification of awareness with objects that is the problem, it is the exclusive identification of awareness. We could say that naturally awareness is equally identified with 'that' is the same as all objects. Naturally awareness is one with all objects. That is equally intimate with all experience. For example the sound in the so called distance is as close to awareness as my most intimate thoughts and feelings. From awareness' point of view, it is always identical to the totality of experience. What we have to understand is that the exclusive identification is never for awareness. Awareness is always one with the totality of experience. In that sense it is identified with everything. It is thought alone that says awareness is identical to some things and not others. In other words what is commonly called identification. Identification with a thought or a feeling which is a shorthand for saying the exclusive identification with a thought or a feeling is for thought, never for awareness.
  10. Hello. I would say Magic Mushrooms.
  11. Hello. For me the best therapy is meditation. Soon I'm going to try Magic Mushrooms.
  12. Hello. Thank you for opening this great topic. Yes, of course. My life is so much better since I started my Self-Actualization journey. I feel like I've developed a stronger sense of awareness/consciousness and when I have a negative thought I just remind myself that it's just a thought and there's nothing to worry about. Meditation brought me to progress. I meditate for 30 minutes every single day. I feel more relaxed and I have fewer thoughts. That's great because I had a negative psychology. I was very judgemental towards others and always mad at the world. But not anymore thanks to meditation. I'm more present than ever. A very powerful thing if you take the present moment into consideration. I say this because there's not past. There's not future. There's no time. It's only the present moment and with meditation you can tap into the present moment. I eat healthier. No sugar. Only fruits when I eat something that tastes sweet. Great, ins't it?
  13. Hello. Thank you for opening this great topic. Nobody can know for you what to practice next. It's YOU that has to identify what comes next in your Self-Actualization journey. Let's say you can't speak English correctly. Identify that and start learning English. Let's say you don't understand what emotions are. Figure that out and start studying emotions. You have to identify what you don't know or what you would like to know. Then learn and practice. If you want to get better at something, let's say swimming, you have to practice a lot. Be aware of the fact that the map is not the territory.
  14. It's only when an apparent object comes into existence, an object that is singled out from the rest of the totality and that singling out creates what we call the object. It's only when that takes place that there seems to be this focus of attention onto an object. But awareness never really knows an object. Thought thinks that it knows an object. But awareness doesn't know a multiplicity and diversity of objects and selves. Awareness has to first take the shape of mind before experience can be divided up into objects and selves. Once that has taken place then we can give one of those objects or one of those selves attention. It is thought that abstracts from the seamless intimacy of all experience. Seamless because it is not made of parts. An intimate because it's close to awareness. It is thought that abstracts objects and selves. Separate objects and separate selves from that seamless intimacy. But in order to abstract an object from this seamless intimacy we have to first overlook our true nature of awareness and imagine that we are a subject. So when this simple knowing of our own being is overlooked, at that moment, we, awareness, seem to collapse or contact into a separate object and at that moment a world of objects and others come into apparent existence. That subject can the pay that object attention. Awareness is not the subject of experience. Awareness never actually becomes the witnessing subject of a multiplicity and diversity of objects. The subject and the object, they rise together that created in thoughts imagination. It's thought that divides this seamless intimacy into parts.
  15. Your longing always takes you towards something. You are longing for something. For union, for God, for happiness, etc. This longing has driven your life. Your longing always pulls you forwards. To turn your longing around, ask yourself: what does this longing arise from? Not where is it going towards. You can't find it anywhere because your longing... longing is to our feelings what attention is to our thoughts. Attention is awareness directed towards an object. Longing is love directed towards an object. Do you get this? As long as our attention is directed towards the object it is facing away its essence. As long as our loving is directed towards an objects, even the ultimate object called God, it is directed away from that for which it truly longs. Your longing for God will take you on an endless journey away from that for which you truly long. Beware of making a persona out of your longing. What you are longing for lives at the source of your longing. It will never be found as an object of longing. In other wards you will never find it. You will be kept perpetually in a state of mixture between nostalgia and longing.
  16. If we invest our happiness in anyone or anything, at some stage we can be faced with this feeling of being let down, feeling of being abandoned or rejected. It's inevitable. It has to be that way. If we invest our happiness in an object, a situation, a person, a state of mind, because all objects, situations, people are intermittent, sooner or later we are going to be abandoned. It's a law. I can't be any other way. The feeling of being abandoned or being let down is the symptom but the cause is much deeper than that. The cause is this investment of our happiness in a person or a relationship. The cure for that cause is not to get busy with the person with the relationship but to discover where happiness really resides. In the simple knowing of your own being. Once you discover that then you never again invest your happiness in anyone or anything. You're free. If you find somebody that you like and that you can share this happiness with then that's beautiful. You get together for a few weeks or a few years or a few decades or for the rest of your life. But the purpose of being together with that person is not to find happiness, not to find love. If we approach another person with the desire to derive happiness or love from them, the relationship is doomed. At best it will just be a pact between two people investing their happiness in each other. There can't be true intimacy. There can't be true love. It's dependency. It's not love. It looks like love from the outside but it's not. It's actually fear of losing one another. Masquerading as love for one another.
  17. There is a fear or a resistance in us to let go of our sense of separation although it is at the same time the one thing we long for above all else. For instance is that sometimes people are long for intimate relationship and at the same time they fear intimacy. They keep finding themselves going towards intimate relationship and just as they get to the brink they pull back again. Why? Because in intimate relationship there is a brief loss of the sense of separation. It's what we long for. That's why we love intimate relationship. There is a brief, a temporary cessation of the sense of separation in which the separate self effectively dies, temporarily, doesn't die, it just goes to sleep. We long for that because that is the end or be the temporary end of separation but it is also a kind of death. And for that reason we pull back because we recognize we are going to dissolve. We're going to lose our customary boundary.
  18. Hello. It's not about the money. It's about life. We need to shoot for Enlightenment. Non-duality. No-self. Infinity. That's what matter.
  19. Hello. When the physical body ceases to exist, what remains? Pure consciousness? If so, how can we know? And what type of consciousness remains? (The one experienced when taking 5-MeO-DMT?) And WHO or WHAT is experiencing pure consciousness after we cease to exist? Consciousness itself? Is consciousness non-human? Can consciousness think? Is consciousness individual? Is consciousness conscious? We are aware of consciousness but without awareness who's aware of consciousness? And without awareness what's the point of caring about consciousness? My EGO suffers right now. He thinks it's a tragedy to lose itself when the body ceases to exist. We shoot for Enlightenment but the Ego is beautiful. Life is extremely beautiful. The human mind is extremely beautiful. I have a lot of questions and if I keep going like this I'll start to cry because I don't get answers and sometimes it feels like I'll never get the answers because the paradox intervenes. The human body can experience consciousness. Right? When the human body is gone, what remains? Consciousness? What or who will experience consciousness without awareness? Can consciousness be experienced without awareness? I'll stop right here. It's frustrating. Do you have answers @Leo Gura?
  20. Hi. Since last year I began my self-actualization journey. Now I feel like I need to be productive and I feel like I need to offer something to the world. I live in Romania and in my country there aren't so many Self-Actualizing YouTube channels. Not to be mean but many of these YouTube channels are bullshit so to speak. They all pray on people and offer them quick fixes and the promise of fast results. But in reality it doesn't work that way. George Leonard wrote a great book called MASTERY. I want to start my own YouTube channel in Romanian language because people need help. The single biggest problem I have is when I turn on the camera and try to speak, words won't come out and if they come out... they aren't well spoken. How can I improve my communication? Do I need to read more books? Do I have to write more? What should I do? Leo is the best motherfucker communicator out there on YouTube and I don't exaggerate that. I would like you Leo to make an episode on how to be a good communicator when you speak in front of a camera. I know it's all about practice. That would be fine but words won't come out and I don't understand why. Thanks in advance man.
  21. @Nick5050 thank you for your advice. I've watched Leo's video about Shamanic Breathing Technique. It's a very interesting one. I've tried it but it's very difficult for me to keep up. It feels so difficult to do the breathing.
  22. Hi Nick. Thank you for opening this great topic. I totally understand you because somehow I was in your situation... having a lot of bad habits. Habits like playing games, smoking weed, drinking alcohol, eating sugars, eating junk food and being lazy. My life was a mess and I lost a huge chunck of my precious time. I also had a lot of negative thoughts and I couldn't stop them. But guess what? I've installed a daily meditation habit into my life. I meditate every single day for 30 minutes. This is helping me a lot. I have fewer thoughts and the negative ones went away. In the first month you will suck at meditation. But with practice you will get better and you'll have amazing results. Meditation will make you more aware of the fact that you have negative thoughts. And you'll realize that it's not worth it to take those negative thoughts seriously. Over 2-3 months you'll feel better. You'll drop your bad habits, believe me. Just give it a try. Make a commitment. Your life will change. P.S: watch this episode made by @Leo Gura to develop your concentration. Good luck!
  23. An analogy. So you have undertaken the initial stages of the self investigation process. And the initial stages of self investigation involve what's called a 'neti neti' process: - I'm not this. - I'm not my thoughts. - I'm not my sensations. - I'm not my feelings. - I'm not my body. - I'm not my mind. The 'neti neti' process is only the first stage of the path of self inquiry. It only tells us what we are not. It is necessary to see what we are. It is not enough to simply see that the rope is not a snake. We have to see the rope. If our investigation only takes us as far as 'it is not a snake' then there is still the possibility that later on we may mistake it for a stick or a shadow. So we have to go further than just seeing 'it is not a snake'. We have to see it is a rope. We have to go further than seeing simply what I am not. We have to see what we are. In other words: 'what we are has to see what it is'. That I that I am has to know itself clearly. You are not a body or a mind. You have to see that you are pure awareness. You are inherently peaceful. In other words: 'you cannot be disturbed'. How do see clearly what we essentially are? In the exactly the same way that we see clearly what anything essentially is. If you want to know what something is, you give it your attention. If you want to know about Mathematics, you give your attention to Mathematics. If you want to know about music you direct your attention towards music. Whatever you want to deeply investigate, you simply give that thing your attention. And as a result of shining the light of your attention on that object, what it is gradually or suddenly becomes clear. If you want to know what you essentially are you have to give yourself your attention. That is the essence of self-inquiry or prayer.