The Don

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Everything posted by The Don

  1. Nothing. I didn't do much of self-enquiry but I plan to do it. On a daily basis. Then I need to realize that EGO is just a trap.
  2. In order to see everything clearly, I have to do a lot of work and that wouldn't be a problem. I just don't wanna do self-enquiry wrong. And I want to know that EGO death is possible to really get the motivation to do the work that leads to enlightenment.
  3. Thank you guys for the answers. I'm struggling to destroy my EGO once and for all, to escape the fear of death; it's so difficult. But maybe I'm doing something wrong. Can I get enlightened through self-enquiry? Is it possible? And remember, without life there is no awareness. Without awareness, consciousness can't be perceived.
  4. No, I didn't contemplate what I was before my birth. I understand that everything is consciousness but nonetheless, without life there is no awareness. Consciousness is existence itself. Life is the perception of existence. Without it, everything is dead and unaware of its existence (or consciousness). Awareness is the most precious thing in the world; and it's temporary so when it goes away, nobody talks about a damn thing. Picture yourself in a deep dreamless sleep. It's non-awareness. No sound. No colors. Not even a 'nothing'.
  5. Hello. The biggest problem with Spiral Dynamics: Stage Orange, is the fact that people aren't reproducing themselves. We are experiencing right now an absolute population implosion. (take a look, a short video with proof: How do you guys see this problem and how can we solve it? Almost all my friends don't have a family. Neither kids and of course, they don't plan to have them. P.S: please don't give me that bullshit about everything being just an illusion or why do you care. In this context, these kind of answers are not relevant.
  6. Thanks. I already did that. Marcus Aurelius once said that our behavior has to be for the social good. That means having a family and children. Without them, the Western World is going to die; I mean it is happening right now. China and India will survive. They will lead the world.
  7. I agree. But I'm not that fragile. I just wanna get rid of the fear of death.
  8. Great advice. I wanna try psychedelics as well. I believe DMT allows you to become comfortable with death.
  9. Your answers are a little bit spicy. I wasn't trying to be rude folks. We have airlines, trains, labs, technology and a medical system; all of those has to be taken care of. Who will run them? Don't you realize how bad this is? We need scientists and engineers. Western Civilization will go extinct if we don't reproduce ourselves.
  10. Thank you guys. I really appreciate your help.
  11. Hello guys. I want to start this topic because I'm into reading books and I want to retain that information in my long-term memory. I am a little bit envious of @Leo Gura but not in a bad way; rather in a motivational way. He's really eloquent and I want to be able to speak like him. I struggle with retaining information. I need a few suggestions on how to retain the information I read; or how to learn; how to study. Thanks.
  12. Thank you! Very helpful.
  13. Hello guys. I read about two to three hours a day (a book a week) and I feel like I have a lot to say but when I'm trying to articulate my thoughts, to communicate orally, I'm not able to. I don't think clear and it feels like crap. It's so frustrating. Or when I'm trying to write an essay in my native language, Romanian, I feel like I'm blocked and my words won't come out. What should I do? As I'm writing this, I'm feeling a little bit humble because I write more easily in English and it's not even my native language. I'm so confused. I want to become good at talking and writing but I don't know WHAT to practice to achieve these goals. When I try to write in Romanian I get frustrated because I know my writing isn't good. Not to doubt myself, but to prove this, I was asking for opinions from people who have experience in writing and they told me that my writing is terrible. I wasn't good in school because I didn't like it. I was raised in a dysfunctional family and since grade two or three I've been seeking constant gratification. I don't have much time to lose because life is short and I want to live the best life possible; I'm not saying that in an egotistic way. What/how should I practice? More reading? More writing? If I write there's nobody to correct me. It feels like crap. I want to be able to articulate my thoughts clearly in writing and orally. What do you guys recommend? Your advice and @Leo Gura's advice would be much appreciated.
  14. Hello. Thank you for sharing your opinion with us. I would recommend you a book called "Meditations" written by Marcus Aurelius. It will help you, believe me.
  15. No sugar. No potatoes. No bread. No carbs. AVOID them all and you will not have inflammation.
  16. No @Leo Gura, I don't wanna be like Elon Musk. All I want at this time is to be articulate. To know how to write properly. To speak my mind in a coherent way. To engage with people in a productive way. I'm sick and tired of my mind being in fog all the time. For example, when I turn on the camera and start speaking my word won't come out. Or if they come, they are too scattered.
  17. When I'm relaxed and in the no-mind state I have a lot if ideas that come from nowhere. I should have my Smartphone with me all the time to write them down. P.S: @Leo Gura, please help me with this topic:
  18. Thanks guys. I will do my best to solve my problems.
  19. Awareness yes. Consciousness no.
  20. Hello guys. I was reading a book and stumbled upon an interesting subject related to understanding unfamiliar facts in a non-complicated way. Here is what I've learned. If you are working on a project, this principle might be helpful. Peace.
  21. Hello guys. I've been watching this video and it is making sense. When I eat only a meal per day I feel better. I have mental clarity. I can read and learn effectively. What are your thoughts on this? Have any of you tried eating only once a day? A no carbohydrate diet.
  22. From my experience, what I can say is that I'm having a profound mental clarity. I can't even explain it. It feels like I'm on Modafinil or something. When I was eating two or three meals a day, I felt sleepy and I couldn't concentrate. One of the most important things in a self-actualizing (mastery) life is DIET. Without a proper diet, you can't do anything yield.
  23. Thank you all for your advice. I will use my time responsibly. Self-actualization means happiness.
  24. Hi. I still have social anxiety and it's very hard to get rid of it (for those who have it) because it's wired into our nervous system. Anyway, I have to be grateful for it because it pushed me towards self-actualization. Thus, I understood where social anxiety comes from. As I was reading a book this paragraph struck me: With that being said, I've never had a girlfriend and I'm 25 years old (you can guess that I'm still a virgin). At the moment I'm pretty fine with my social anxiety because I accepted it in the sense that I'm not beating myself up because of it. It doesn't bother me that much. Meditation and reading is helping me pretty much. The only thing that I'm afraid of is that not having intimacy and human contact will affect my health and well-being in a negative way. I would like to be fine and happy without a girlfriend or human contact. Is that possible? What are your thoughts on this?