The Don

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Everything posted by The Don

  1. The electoral college exists so the majority of the states can decide who wins an election. Is that simple! That's the essence of democracy. All people have a voice, not only those in bigger states. Otherwise, people would campaign only for bigger states like New York, Texas or California. All people must have a voice. That's why every state is so important. That's why every state matters. The US is a nation-state. A constitutional republic. It's very hard to keep it that way without an electoral college. That's why the founding fathers brilliantly designed the electoral college. They knew that the US wouldn't stand a chance without an electoral collage. Western Civilization is the greatest civilization in human history. We should keep it or at least, keep what's good from it. Science, philosophy, medicine and so forth. President Trump gave a speech in Poland. He talked about the need to protect Western Civilization.
  2. Știam eu că ești din România, @Codrina. Mă bucur că mai sunt și persoane din România care scriu și cer sfaturi pe forumul ăsta. Orice vrei să îndeplinești e realizabil; îți poți atinge obiectivele însă trebuie să te dedici total și să aplici disciplina în viața de zi cu zi. Cu toate că mulți dintre cei care vor să realizeze obiective mari știu lucrurile astea, le este frică să acționeze. Meditația e un mijloc prin care dezvolți disciplină. Meditația e un mijloc prin care-ți dezvolți capacitatea de a procesa informații fără să fii nevoită să faci eforituri care nu sunt necesare. Ca să fii de succes și să realizezi ce ți-ai propus, trebuie să-ți dezvolți intelectul. Cititul, scrisul și comunicarea orală sunt fundamentale în ecuația asta. Este o carte extraordinară, intitulată „The Road Less Traveled”, scrisă de Scott M. Peck. Citește-o căci te va ajuta enorm de mult.
  3. You can order drugs from other places like Mexico or Latin America. They don't cost as much there. You can always find a way to suit your needs. If the prices are too high when it comes to drugs, buy from other places. You can start your own business by using other countries as a supplier for drugs and sell them in the United States. You help yourself and other people. You can use Google Trends to find out what kind of drugs are needed in the US at lower prices. There are lots of drugs that can be sold without a prescription. When you buy something in the United States, you vote for it.
  4. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for recommending Dr. Gabor Mate. I found out about him a few days ago and since then, I'm getting better. Just the thought of The Possible Human makes me happier and hopeful for the future. Seneca would say: "Always decide in your own favor. Wash your doubts with hopes." Love, inner peace, health and the present moment are fundamental-basic human qualities. When people take drugs, they are separated from those qualities. Then what separates us from all these inherent human qualities like love, inner-peace, and overall happiness? Childhood trauma. It deprives us of love, inner peace, health, and happiness overall. We can heal but it's painful. P.S: I often think about those people who have happy childhoods. Are they able to sympathize with us? Can someone understand what emotional pain is unless he experiences it?
  5. Yes. But they aren't willing to give up their system which is a form of communism or worse. Many of them are complaisant in communism. We had communism here in Romania too. Ceaușescu was a dictator, but we couldn't take it any longer and we executed him. It was a revolution. People died for freedom.
  6. I understand your concerns. I fully sympathize with what you just said about the farmaceutical industry. The prices are extremely high. But don't conflate Capitalism with Modern Global Corporatism. You live in a basically good country with lots of opportunities. Be grateful for it. Here in Romania, we earn about $300 a month. In the United States you can earn $1500 a month ore more. Make the difference.
  7. Obama didn't know how to deal with Kim Jong Un. Trump brought him to the negotiation table. I care about the facts and what happens.
  8. Thank you, guys. I'll start with a smaller dose then I'll gradually increase it. I want to use Psychedelics for growth. I need to heal my childhood trauma which highly affects my self-improvement performance. I'm sure I have some emotional blockages that are holding me back. Sometimes I notice radical mood changes that affect my well-being. When something doesn't feel right it's because I'm still holding to childhood emotional blockages. Anyway, these blockages are subconscious, that's why I need a Psychedelic trip. If it's gonna be bad, let it be bad. These Magic Mushrooms know what I need.
  9. Liberalism is OK. Leftism is not OK. Take a look at the difference: You decide.
  10. Every objective truth you tell them about Trump is in vain. People who despise Trump will have an inclination to believe the falsehood assigned to President Trump. If you hate Trump, you are more likely to believe in conspiracy theories that diminishes him. Those who hate Trump will align with falsehood and ideas that are against Trump; ideas that demonize Trump. Those people lack a sense of impartiality and objective perception. For example, they falsely accuse Trump of separating kids from their parents and putting them in steel cages. The truth is that Obama created the policies that separate illegal aliens, meaning non-citizen kids from their non-citizen parents. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez talks about those steel cages built by the Obama administration in terms of concentration camps and she blames Trump for the sins of Obama. When you consider the irrational possibility of concentration camps in the USA, you are highly delusional. Show me a concentration camp in the United States and I'll join the left. Until then, with all due respect, f**k off. The left is highly delusional. You can't argue with them. All I wanna say is this: every spiral dynamics stage contains some truth. The blue stage, for example, teaches us the importance of community and family. Without community and family societies die. The orange stage, for example, teaches us about science and technological progress. Without this stage, we can't eliminate unnecessary suffering. And so forth... The immaturity stage of the left (because they are in between stages) doesn't take into account the importance of nation-states, family values, and community. But as conservatives, we don't impose our point of view on them. We let them walk freely in our societies. I despise the fact that these leftists don't appreciate the necessity of capitalism for human growth and progress. They want Socialism which is a form of tyranny and control over others. Socialism spends what Capitalism creates.
  11. I can understand that. I was depressed as well. I've been deeply depressed. But I found a way out by myself. These people who suffer badly were highly traumatized in their childhoods. Study the work of Dr. Gabor Mate; he has a lot of YouTube videos about trauma and healing. Also, you can heal yourself from any chronic health problem that you have. Just give it a chance. There is a book that can help you heal: God speed my friend!
  12. Yeah. I grew up in a so-called place of privilege. The fact of the matter is that I grew up in a dysfunctional family. I was abused, beaten by my father. I didn't have any emotional support from my parents whatsoever. We struggled with money. I basically lived a living hell. So stop telling me about my place of privilege. The reality isn't how you think it is for everyone.
  13. The US intelligence agencies are telling us that there is no collusion with Russia related to the Trump campaign. Those agencies that you talk about found no collusion between Trump and Russia.
  14. Trump is an American citizen. Trump has nothing to do with Russia, I can ensure you of that. The left has a fantasy with Putin, so they think it's all about Russia and that Trump is somehow controlled by the Russians. Come on! We can do better than that. The main reason you see all this hype in the media is that Trump is pulling us back to the era of nation-states. The left doesn't like the idea of a nation-state and community; that's why they are screaming so much. The left would embrace globalism rather than healthy-nationalism. What I don't like about the left is the fact that they don't understand that Western Civilization gave us human rights. They don't grasp the importance of the concept of law. They think the justice system is somehow racist. But look at the fact that most people who are in jail are white. Anyway, we need a nation-state. We need communities in order to survive. Globalism doesn't work. Look at the rates of suicide these days. Look at the shitty pop culture we are getting from celebrities. We abandoned the family value. We gave up on the Christian God and then ask, who am I? What do you mean "who am I"? There is nothing to find. Happiness is found in meaning, family, and community. We gave up on those, of course, and we wonder why we don't have a purpose in life. I've been reading a book wrote by Scott M. Peck, called The Road Less Traveled. He pointed out that we can not subtract from obligations. He pointed out that we cannot subtract ourselves from the "freedom" of uncommitment. So yeah, there are rules to live that can't be disputed: 1. Having a family. 2. Being a good person. 3. The pursuit of happiness. When we substract from these rules, we wander off the path and hell breaks loose, as Jordan Peterson said.
  15. Come on, man. She's an American citizen. I'm not trying to dismiss your perception, but don't let the psyche's fantasy make bad judgments. People on the left often fantasize about Trump being controlled by Putin, which of course, it's a total farce. Don't let the MSNBC's of the world manipulate you. Don't let anyone indoctrinate you.
  16. We shouldn't be worried about anything related to Trump's actions. America is gonna be fine with or without Trump. All the turmoil you see in the media is not real, obviously. It's just a charade for tricks and clicks. The media wants to catch eyeballs for advertising and money. The media wants your attention because your attention gives them money. My advice to all of you that are concerned about Trump's behavior and the news you see in the media is to take a retreat and live in stillness. Or look around you and see the beauty of this world. Take a look at a beautiful sunset. That will give you a taste of happiness. I do the same. I look around myself and I choose to see the beauty in the world, despite the turmoil we see in the media. It's not healthy for us to feed ourselves with turbulent news related to Trump. All those news are points of view. All those news are subjective and a matter of personal opinion; not reality. When you believe a negative point of view, you'll feel negative. This may sound fishy but in fact, we take everything for granted and we fail to see the obvious things.
  17. Tulsi Gabbard is an alternative to Trump. Because I was sarcastic, lol. You shouldn't be triggered by sarcasm. Notice that.
  18. Hello. I'll start by saying this: DEATH IS A REAL THING WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT. Why am I saying this? I'm saying this because life is temporary. I'm not denying that after death remains nothing or darkness or a state of dreamless sleep or (a) void or even emptiness. After death, there might be something like consciousness. I don't deny it. Death means the dissolving of your body, your character or the disappearance of life as you know it. A lot of people don't like the concept of death because they resent the fact that life is temporary. Even in my case, I don't like the fact that life is temporary. Let me tell you why. The reality we live in is extraordinary. Life comes with an amazing structure. Noting is more beautiful than life. Not even the consciousness itself. Not even the entire universe. Because consciousness and the Univers itself are impersonal. Consciousness is not comparable to the human mind; the human mind is something unique; it's something much more beautiful than anything else. Why do you think that there is a human mind? Why do you think that the human mind is as it is? Because the human mind has found its way out of everything else... and that's the beauty of it. Our minds are unique and foreign to consciousness. They are not from this realm. Let me state it a little bit different. Our minds are alien to anything that consciousness produces because the mind is not a product of consciousness. This is not a delusion or merely just thoughts. It is something that has to be discovered by yourself. The only thing foreign or alien to everything that exists in consciousness is the human mind. Nothing can be more beautiful than the human mind.
  19. @Leo Gura, what's good about awakening and spirituality? How does waking or spirituality contribute to happiness? Why do some people become nihilistic and unhappy after they get enlightened?
  20. HINT: for consciousness to be possible; for consciousness to exist there has to be something deeper. That's God.
  21. Fine. Just a question: how can someone prove that consciousness is not a byproduct of the brain? You need a body to experience consciousness. You need a body and a mind to prove consciousness. I'm not denying that consciousness exists. Consciousness exists but it can't be experienced without a body. That's why I'm saying that consciousness is objectively impersonal. Consciousness is absolutely impersonal. Just because you've had a psychedelic experience, that doesn't mean that you know the essence of reality. The mind is a very deceptive thing. Buddha didn't know everything. Jesus didn't know everything. Spiritual teachers don't know everything. @Leo Gura doesn't know everything. So... the answer is to find the truth by yourself and not expect it from somebody else. We are prone to get answers from other people and not derive answers from our own observations and explorations. There is always a possibility to delude ourselves even when everything seems clear to us.