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Everything posted by RawJudah

  1. Mark Manson Troy Casey (certifiedhealthnut)
  2. Of course it’s getting worse. Not the internet - but social media. It’s become more interesting than talking to people in real life, because you’re safe on social media. You can hide behind a screen and say what you want. Our real life social skills are fucked. You try to talk to a teenager these days, it’s like getting blood from a stone… And you try getting off it! Within a couple of days you’ll be back on Facebook. The Jack is out of the box, and he isn’t going back in. It’s too late. We’ve woven the internet and social media into our physical lives.
  3. Haha yeah. The dating posts are almost cringeworthy… The oldest posts on here were amazing. Thoughtful questions were being asked.
  4. It’s too easy to simply listen to Leo’s videos but not actually do the practices. We don’t want to sit there and meditate for an hour…
  5. I think most people get excited about Actualized.org, then realise that it’s nearly impossible to live that kind of life. It is possible, but the basics of life take over and then you realise you’re alone on this journey. I’d say 90% of people will never reach the heights of actualized.org.
  6. @ActualizedJohn I doubt stage turquoise people socialise much, especially with normal folk
  7. Actually… if you seriously love the person and all they stand for and you want to go down the family fun with the house route then yes, marriage is great. But most people get married to the wrong person, not knowing what they miss. I’ve never been married myself or plan to in the future but I’ve seen what it’s like, and I’ve had men tell me what it’s all about. There’s clear evidence that it can be a trap. This should be common sense to you dudes
  8. If you get married to a gold digger, yes. A massive trap. Why get married these days?
  9. Osho was a beast. A one of a kind. Something special…
  10. I’ve found that talking to people about the popular things in life affects me. My voice and way of speaking literally changes. You have to talk to people on their level. And that’s not to say other people don’t do that to me too. Everyone adapts to the other person they’re talking to. You have to talk about popular stuff that’s happening in the world right now. Where are highly conscious people? They aren’t around normal people that’s for sure haha
  11. I always wonder if I was fine before I found ‘self help’… in a weird way it kind of isolated me.
  12. Absolutely. If you’re not looking at a screen all the time and are instead doing productive things outside - the shit that’s on the internet falls away. You forget about it… I swear, without the internet none of this ideology shit would exist (or be as mind controlling). The problem is that’s it’s everywhere now. You try and get off the internet for a whole week. It’s extremely difficult.
  13. Don’t ever start to listen to him, it’s painful. You can just by his constant anger that he’s got something wrong with him. But like I said, he’s making money out of being like that, so I guess it’s better than working a job. In fact, I don’t think anyone would actually hire him in the first place…
  14. Tommy Robinson has literally made a career out of being angry and aggressive. Do not listen to this guy. It’s crazy that Jordan Peterson can’t see through Tommys bullshit.
  15. Is meth bad? The questions on this forum are getting so ridiculous these days. Come on dude
  16. I’m a happy drunk, but I always end up saying something stupid. Every single time. When I go out sober, nothing stupid gets said and it’s like I’m boring. I seriously wish alcohol was never a thing. It causes so many unnecessary problems and ruins so many lives. I’ve said things that I wish I never said because of me being drunk! But at the same time we do need to let our hair down now and again, and alcohol is the perfect thing for that…
  17. Try going out sober while everyone around you is drunk. It’s painful!
  18. I’d say alcohol is the big killer for me… if I go out drinking on Saturday night - the whole week after I feel completely hopeless. All my mind can think of is negative stuff. Most people are fine with alcohol, but for me it causes so many problems.
  19. How does fun backfire? Is it better to be a somebody than a nobody? What IS the hidden cost of selfishness?
  20. @Leo Gura I understand all of what you’re saying. I’m now 30, live in a small town and like it, and like my job. It seems so psychologically jarring to quit it all, move to a city, find another job, and learn how to approach 4000 women in the street/in a nightclub. I didn’t go to university, I’m not an academic or a doctor. I was good with girls and was really popular in school, and that was years ago now. It would feel like I’m going back 10 years.
  21. @Leo Gura @Leo GuraThought so. You can’t really be getting laid like a rockstar whilst also working a full time job. It’s a kick in the teeth because it sounds so good to be living the player lifestyle but it simply isn’t practical. I could be wrong.
  22. @Leo Gura so taking a year out of work is totally worth trying to get better with women? Can most people quit their job to learn game?
  23. In the UK, the housing market is insane! In a nice area a 2 bedroom house is like £200,000. Renting in the UK is also ridiculous. A lot of people have to move back in with their parents because they thought they could pay the rent, but in fact they can’t. Houses are for families. Absolutely. Renting a flat is not for families. Buying is very permanent, and renting is very casual.
  24. I was seriously worried it was gone forever. A complete distraction from reality but I had lots of gems saved in my bookmarks!
  25. Understood. It could be a massive regret not to go travelling. I know people say on their deathbed that they wish they worked less. But also I won’t be doing the ‘touristy’ shit that most people do.