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Everything posted by RawJudah

  1. @Charlotte I’m going to Rishikesh, India for a week in April. To get some inspiration for my yoga practice. I’d love to go to Goa too!
  2. @Girzo I thought Leo said everyone will suck at meditation for about a year? My advice would be to question what you’ve learned already, as it’s probably mostly bullshit. And start meditation, yoga, eating healthy, exercising and reading books. And try not to chase girls as with my experience it’s a massive distraction from looking inwards. Most importantly, have fun! Your young so have fun but don’t waste time doing things that aren’t worthwhile.
  3. There’s always room to improve myself. But I know I can improve my belief system, stop being so fearful and to stop other people having a bad influence on me. Basically I need to toughen up more.
  4. Hello everyone. i have been considering travelling for a couple of years now, and now I have the money to do it I think I will be fully ready to go this October. So my question is this - will it help me to grow as a person and help me to gain more life experience? Or will it not benefit much at all? Has it helped anyone else to grow on this forum? I am from a small town in the U.K. and I feel I’m starting to get stuck in my ways and stagnant, and I am desperate for more experiences with different places and cultures, more so now I have money to do these types of things. I am worried that I will get too stuck and not travel and meet new faces and places. (Because it’s looking that way) Should I just shut up and go for it? I am 24 years old. Got a pretty decent job but am willing to quit it for travelling. Im not tied down to anything either, hardly paying out for anything. Any advice or help would be much appreciated. also, I know it’s a pretty blunt topic but ask me anything and I’ll reply when I can.
  5. Stop binge drinking buddy, it’s not worth it
  6. As humans we shouldn’t be eating meat at all, we are frugivores. Our digestive system isn’t meant for meat. Try it if you want, but like, why? Your only gonna make yourself ill
  7. @Rilles what made me quit time after time is that it’s a stimulant/drug, and I don’t want to be addicted to any kind of drug. Also, there are no calories in coffee/tea. So the ‘energy’ I was getting wasn’t actual energy from calories, so then came the crash about an hour later, feeling lethargic and irritable. It literally made my skin crawl - I’m probably ultra sensitive to it! I wish there wasn’t 10 coffee shops down each high street but because there’s money to be made on our sly addictions, they aren’t gonna go away.
  8. @Rilles I’m the same, I go from addicted to non addicted with caffeine. It’s such a sly addiction. I hate how it’s almost like a clutch for everyone to eat through their terrible days at work? And I’m exactly the same. whenever I do have periods without it I feel clear headed and can sleep better at night and no jittery irritable moods all day. hate the stuff, wish it was never considered a normal thing to drink!
  9. Regular exercise will give you more energy, so you won’t be lazy anymore! Simple, get off your ass and go for a bike/run
  10. I think the work part about the video is most important. Im at work 55 hours minimum a week and it’s good money, but at the same time I would love to work part time to do the things I enjoy more with the spare time I’ll have. Im from the UK and it seems not do-able. The majority of people here have to work crazy hours just to get by ckmfortably. It can’t be good for the body and mind because depression is at an all time high. Angone else working part time to live full time?
  11. Whatever you do, don’t get married
  12. @MarkusSweden I was kind of joking. The last thing I want to do is add to the population, but I rang up for a vasectomy the other week and got turned away because I’m ‘too young to make these choices’ at the age of 24. All jokes aside though, I think it’s all about finding your authentic self and doing the things you most enjoy in life, whatever that may be. And happiness will follow. For me that’s Yoga and cycling.
  13. @Sahil Pandit incredible isn’t it? No self - no problems So funny, but at the same time with such a deep meaning to it. The whole world needs to watch this video.
  14. @Deep brilliant answer, it’s refreshing to see someone point out Leo’s flaws rather than make out like he’s never in the wrong. i really enjoy his videos and insights, they have helped me realise stuff I never would of thought of myself. But he does seem a bit detached from the world and maybe slightly negative about how the world works, but it is what it is... i too know that the world can be an ugly place but there are so many things about it that are out of our control, I just let it all go and generally feel better for not overthinking it. lifes way too short as it is, I think we should enjoy it without taking enlightenment or ego or anything along them lines too seriously...
  15. @Truth you betcha! So much mental masturbation!
  16. @pluto what does that pay per hour?!
  17. I’ve been trying this technique since 23rd November last year and just recently I’ve stopped because all I’ve really been doing is daydreaming and not focusing at all. Which I only come to understand by reading another post on here the other day. I’ve been daydreaming instead of actually meditating lol. Such a waste of time when I thought I was getting somewhere with it! And I know exactly where your coming from with the eyes open and it hurting/constantly trying to keep them open. To me it seems when I’m not tired it makes it easier, but I work a full time job and when I get home I’m so tired it’s unbelievable. I’m going to give it another try Next month I reckon.
  18. @ZX_man As humans we are social beings, so it’s in our DNA to want human connections and company.
  19. @Leo-Tzu I think he means people who take action in everyday life
  20. The effects of NoFap are life changing, try it and go as long as you can, but don’t obsess over it. Just do it. Cold showers help with willpower, strength, depression, better skin and hair, more alertness, the list goes on... Do them both for a month and you won’t want to go back to looking at a screen and jerking off ever again!
  21. The sad truth is, we’re all addicted now. The internet/cell phones/TV and everything else has become part of our daily lives. I’d love to not use any of it but it’s so damn addictive I’m scared of what the other side of life looks like! Madness...
  22. How are you going to make a living playing chess? Anything is possible I suppose...
  23. I work a ‘normal’ job and I’m fine just doing personal development work when I finish the day. My passions aren’t going to pay the bills and I’ve come to accept it. I can still do my passions as soon as I finish work and get home. It would be incredible to be financially independent and making my passions my work, but I’m happy with what I have now for the time being...
  24. You’re absolutely right. Most self help books are just someone else’s opinion, or perhaps what has worked for them might not work for us, whereas we find out what works for ourselves through seeing and believing and living in the real world. I honestly think that almost all of the self help material out there is just entertaining for us. And makes us think better for a slight fraction of our time. And only some of the self help material out there helps us in the long term.