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Everything posted by RawJudah

  1. Some people really want to be parents, some don’t. Personally at this moment in time I don’t want children, but that could change in the future. Kids are great if you aren’t gonna bring them into povity and unnecessary struggling.
  2. Don’t worry about it now. Who knows what will ACTUALLY happen? Society will adapt and there’ll still be plenty of work, I’m guessing mostly computer work.
  3. I keep thinking about this. Get a mortgage on a place or just rent? I don’t want anything to be completely permanent in my life, so maybe rent is the best way to go? I’m in the U.K., house prices are rediculously high but sometimes the mortgage payment can be lower than renting somewhere. Which is why I’m confused as what to do. Also I think it’s pretty vital about where you move to.
  4. Tried it a couple of summers ago and my hair started to fall out, back to a balanced diet and my hair doesn’t fall out. weird huh? i think you need an incredibly strong mindset and willpower to do an all fruit diet. It’s worth it for sure, cos it was the healthiest I ever felt! im gonna do it better next time round
  5. I am a binge drinker, whenever I go out and have one drink I can’t stop until I’m wasted. But I do yoga and keep active so it kinda balences itself out. I know it’s bad, but I like seeing friends when I’m out and I actually enjoy the feeling of being drunk. Only you know what effect it has on you
  6. @Deutsche22 it might sound bad me saying this, but I think it’s impossible. You need time on your hands to think and contemplate in order to become enlightened. Like Leo said in his Society video, people avoid enlightenment and consciousness work and end up getting married with kids. (The easy way out) Sorry.
  7. I really like women, I just don’t like the way their brains are wired. It’s personal preference though I think, if you want a relationship go for it if you wanna be single go for that too. Jack off, this stops the urging for girls. But in the end we’re alone so you can share your life with someone but you have to end it all one day, so I can’t think women actually fulfil anyone to the max. As lovely as they can be...
  8. @Psyche_92 it’s funny you say that, cleaning anything makes me feel incredible afterwards. It literally feels like I’m sorting my life out, even though all I’ve done is hoover and dust
  9. @Leo Gura I think he’s doing really good too. Considering heroin is one of the most addictive substances out there.
  10. I really like him, he speaks the truth not a lot of people will dare to say! But he’s more of a celebrity which makes it not as authentic. I’d love to sit down and have a cup of tea and a conversation with him! Genuine bloke trying to change this crazy world we live in, and it’s awesome that he’s British too, I get the feeling not many of us do self enquiry.
  11. Just read ‘The Rational Male’ by Rollo Tomassi explains everything about relationships, and personally I don’t think long term relationships actually work. We get bored of each other and like other people. also the trick is to never marry. It’s more beneficial for society than it is for people.
  12. @Vipassana you’re right about turmeric! It clears me out and I feel lighter and god-like after a glass of hot water, lemon and turmeric. Can’t praise it enough!
  13. I don’t think rice is really thaaaat bad. I eat it almost every day for dinner and I feel great afterwards. Limiting yourself too much is like torture, as we need variety in our diets to not get bored. But yeah, staying away from wheat and dairy is obviously a great move. I just can’t give up black tea, which is a shame!
  14. I practice with Yoga With Tim, awesome YouTube channel with loads of good informative videos. But when Leo says that western Yoga is all wrong I might need to find something else. Lol.
  15. @Spacious haha! Brilliant. I always cringe when I read people trying to protect their precious meat diet...
  16. @sarapr Lol. I can’t actually believe I’m reading this.
  17. @MarkusSweden haha! I was thinking the same thing. Making assumptions like that are why the majority of people are so dysfunctional. We need to get the facts before we say things like that
  18. @sarapr so sex is supposed to make men’s faces wrinkly and cause them to loose their hair? Are you kidding me? Lol... Struggling to come to terms with the fact that you might think your serious about that statement. and as for it helps women to live longer? I can’t imagine people having a lot of sex after the age of 60, but I might be wrong.
  19. All we need to do is eat whole plant based foods. Simple as that. Keep it varied otherwise you’ll get bored. Stay away from all animal products. Really we are frugivores so the ideal diet is just fruit but this is incredibly difficult to maintain. I thought the video was good with some good information, and I’m glad he’s doing some videos that get to the basics and don’t involve him talking about his awakenings on drugs, even though they can be quite interesting!
  20. @Star Net yes but, diet is everything. it always makes me laugh how far people go to protect their animal eating foods, and to think this is absolutely normal and a great thing to do. It just goes to show how powerful food can be. Animal protein causes so many health problems for humans, it’s like it’s the new smoking, people think it’s great but it’s secretly slowly killing them. Read the pleasure trap and then come back to me
  21. @Preety_India nope, deadly serious. It speeds up digestion so you have more energy for everything else, because we waste so much energy digesting food - that’s probably why your tired all the time. Usually we aren’t deficient in anything, just over tired.
  22. I’ve been both vegetarian and vegan for over a year now and I feel incredible. The benefits are too many to put down, and others have said the benefits already. you need to take a B12 suplement you need to eat enough calories you need to plan ahead more, as I’ve found anyway. try to eat as much raw food as possible, cooking any food kills the food and takes out nearly all the nutrients. More and more people are becoming aware that eating animals just isn’t good for the human body, in fact it’s like slowly committing suicide. I always thing to myself, to keep me on this path, why the hell are we eating animals in the first place?!?!? We should of just left them alone! Best book to wake anyone up and go vegan imo is ‘the pleasure trap’ read it and it’ll change the way you think about food altogether. peace!
  23. @Preety_India put turmeric in your dinner
  24. @Deepak sadhwani it’s probably safe, but aren’t you shitting all the time? Too much fibre isn’t good. Balance your intake of it. Saying that, I love spinach and try to eat it at least once a week.