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Everything posted by 8Ball

  1. My guess is 2C-T-7. I believe Alexander Shulgin gave it a plus four rating.
  2. Yes, it was deleted from Youtube. You can find it on Leo's website though.
  3. Here are some of the objections I've had: - Isn't all of this stuff rather impractical for society at large? What good of use could you possibly be when you meditate all day long? - Aren't psychedelic insights just based upon who we are as a person and what we're interested in? If a spiritual person gains spiritual insights, and a recreational user simply gets a fun, hallucinatory trip, isn't that proof that a psychedelic trip happens BECAUSE of us, and not TO US? - Why should I waste years of my life meditating, when I don't even know if I'll ever be enlightened? After all, some people might meditate for 40 years without being enlightened. Is it worth it? (This is a huge objection in my opinion) - If I take a picture of the moon, I'll get a picture of the moon. Isn't that proof that stuff exists independent of a concious observer?
  4. While attempting a summit push in the mountains last week, I encountered a smiley face
  5. I was watching a talk recently from a biblical creationist and someone in the audience asked a question. It went something like this: If God is outside the Universe, outside space, matter and time i.e outside of everything we know, how can we logically assume that there's only one God? His response was rather brilliant, although he doesn't know how close he is to figuring out what God really is. He said: 1: An infinite being lacks nothing 2: For two beings to differ, one must lack something the other has. 3: But a being that lacks something is not infinite 4: Therefore, there can only be one infinite being. Even though this was coming from a Christian creationist trying to make his point about the Christian God, I couldn't help but smile how beautifully he summarized absolute infinity. I understand much better now, logically speaking that is, how there can only be One. Just wanted to share this
  6. DPT gave me the best psychedelic trip I have ever experienced. Nothing has come close. I bought DPT back in 2015 when it still was possible to buy it online in Sweden. Unfortunately it was scheduled in 2016 I belive. I insufflated around 120 mg, a pretty strong dose. Now, I didn't experience nondual states, I was just 23 years old back then and wasn't into spirituality at all. If I would take the same dose today, I would go DEEP. I experienced: - Synesthesia - I could see music (mindfuck) - Incredible open eye visuals. - Extreme levels of love permeated all the cells in my body. The love you feel on MDMA is nowhere close to the unconditional love surrounding your presence every second during the trip. - Auditory hallucinations like you've never experienced them. Music is 1 million times more beautiful and powerful on DPT than on shrooms. - At one time, it felt like my ego was about to disintegrate but being young and clueless, I resisted and ecentually came about pretty much instantly. Like I said, had I taken DPT today I would feel confident that I could reach ego-death.
  7. "Are you saying 'boo' or 'boo-urns?"
  8. Rejection will only make you stronger. Don't fear it. Embrace it. I didn't have a girlfriend until I was 26, I also lost my virginity at that age. Prior to that I've been rejected a lot. I never saw rejection as a big deal, and this is coming from a rather insecure guy. If you find yourself one day being rejected by a girl, don't start making up crazy stories in your head about why she rejected you. Just move on. Don't even waste a minute trying to analyze it. Rejection is awesome, don't forget that. Rejection will harden you. It will make you a man! As long as you don't see it as a failure but rather progress.
  9. I rarely express my emotions, and throughout my life I never felt loved. Maybe that's why I never had a girlfriend until I was 26. Just before we were going to sleep, I found a strong urge to tell my girlfriend that I love her. I had been thinking about our relationship for a few days and when I realized that I'm extremely lucky to have such a wonderful and caring girlfriend I decided to say the L word. I never once thought about if she would respond back with the L word. I didn't care about what her answer would be. I just wanted to say it, to show her that I appreciate her. To express my feelings for once in this life. You'll find yourself in the same position one day. It's not a big deal. You'll say it when you feel the time is right.
  10. A brief summary. 26 years old, been working as a claims handler for three years now, salary at 35k a year, own a Mercedes CLA 250, model 2015 which is paid in full and own my very own apartment which I've fully renovated. Not saying this to boast or anything, explanation will follow below. According to my contract, I still need to work there for three more months after quitting, but man oh, my man, does it feel good! It took every strength I had, all the willpower and conviction to have the guts to tell my boss that I'm quitting! Been wanting to quit for a while now because I want to support myself with something that fulfills me and adds value in my life. I want to escape wage slavery as in Leo's video. Now, it's usually best not to quit your job if you don't find another job or some other means of supporting yourself. I don't plan to ever get a regular job, so I quit cold turkey I guess. However, I've decided to sell my car, about 25k right there, and I'm soon about to sell my apartment which is completely renovated, at least 50k there. Been flipping real estate since 22, my fourth apartment this time around. So I'm going to do OK money wise after quitting my job, but now I can't seem to choose what path to go. I will still look for new jobs the coming three months because you never know how all of this might turn out. I will sell my car and apartment and use a part of the capital to start my own business. Not sure what kind of value my business can give the world. Take the money and travel the world and I'm fairly sure that this will be the most exciting time of my life. Exploring, travelling to remote places, trying new things, hiking, mountainclimbing etc. The problem here is when my long journey is over, I come home to nothing. Focus full-time on my YouTube channel. I have around 3k subscribers which I hope to increase to 30k in a year if I put out good content, promote the videos via adwords etc. Finish writing my book. I came in contact with a writer who had over 10 books published kn the 90s, and he really belives that my book has a chance of being published. Not just something he says, he's the most honest man ever, way to honest. I don't know what to prioritize! I want to do it all but in order to support myself I should find my purpose and pursue that thing and that thing alone. Anyone else with experience of quitting your job, just like that, without a plan B or C? Please tell me everything about how your life turned out. Success stories, failures, things you learned from mistakes, the struggles you had to face. Tell me everything!
  11. @Emptystickfigure I wouldn't say it was my intuition. I think it had more to do with that I wasn't spending my life the way I should, the way I want. The last 16 - 18 months or so I've had a strong desire to live life on my own terms. My ego fought me to hell over this decision. "What will my family think?" "What if I fail miserably?" All these what ifs circulated in me. I knew 100% that I wanted to live a different life so the first step was basically quitting my job. I wanted to take that first step, to ACT for once in my life. @Iksander Thanks man. Last night I had a very vivid dream of being shot and trying hard to stay alive. It's like in real life, like I'm aiming at rock bottom but really struggling and working hard to get up on my feet again. Word of advice to anyone here wanting to quit your jobs. Make sure you're covered financially for a while after quitting or have some other source of income when you quit. If I had quit without selling my car and making a profit off of selling my apartment I would surely be completely miserable right now.
  12. @nahtanoj I've heard good things about his course and if there's one person I would trust my money with by purchasing something like that, it would be Leo. His youtube videos changed my inner mechanics so to speak and a lot of my limitings beliefs are now distant memories and I think completely different now... in a good way. My problem is if I should pursue success or just live out my passion. I've been thinking a lot these past few days and combining both seems to be my best option I'm currently writing down a three month plan (last day at work is May 21st) I am beginning to renovate the final remaining things in my home and will contact a real estate agent within three weeks. Hopefully at least 40k profit. I'll sell my car within two weeks so money won't be an issue, at least not at first. When my money run out and I haven't progressed anything, that's when I've failed. My passion is very simple. I love mountain climbing, hiking and doing all sorts of adrenaline-laced activities like skydiving. In August 2018 I skydived from 220 m and a few weeks earlier I climed the highest mountain in Sweden. I'm thinking I should pursue a career in Youtube and upload my adventures to, hopefully, inspire other people. Starting with 3k subscribers is good, but the problem with all of this is that it will take A LOT more than 3k subscribers to live off of youtube.
  13. @ajasatya Yeah, I'll raise hell when I tell my family about this. I am definitely striving for a more minimalistic lifestyle. There'a a part om me inside telling me that "why of course you can support yourself, you set your own limitations for how to live your life." A part of me says that it makes sense to start my own business, and intuitively it does indeed mighr be exactly what I should strive for. But what value can I bring to the world? Hmm, it's gonna be looong three months now trying to organize all my thoughts.
  14. @Elia Thanks, I know I had to quit because I wasn't getting anything out of my life from a 9 - 5 office job. Especially when it comes to the insurance business. To every now and then have to reject a customer, sometimes huge sums of money in compensation, just because some small detail in the terms allows us to decline a customer. Breaks me apart sometimes. Yeah well, the videos I have on my channel are embarassing, or rather terribly made. I've been an amateur videographer for years now but the videos uploaded on my channel... I'm terribly dissatisfied with them and haven't deleted them yet since they bring me about 100 extra bucks a month. I'll soon delete the videos and make quality content, then I might reveal my channel
  15. Thanks man. Quitting my job meant going against almost every instinct. My job is a security, it pays for my home, gas, food and lots of other things. With the money I'll have after selling my car and apartment will allow me to support myself for quite a while but in the long run I need to come up with something. Not in six months, or a year, I nedd to come up with something soon. Yes, there's a lot of work to do about myself and there will be time for that for sure, so that's more like a daily routine I need to implement. My number one priority right now is not to reach enlightenment or self-actualizing, I first hope to establish a solid foundation for a means to support myself. I don't particularly strive to become successful and make tons of money. More like just living a life on my own terms by doing something I love. @ajasatya How did friends and family react to your decision and how do you support yourself nowadays?
  16. Okay so I used to post in this thread while on my NoFap journey. To sum up, I relapsed. I had a hard time getting hard with the girl I was dating, then started using viagra which helped me a lot. She'a my girlfriend nowadays and I can get hard when we have sex without viagra, even if I fap every now and then. PIED pretty much cured
  17. Seven Years In Tibet - powerful messages about ego, powerstruggles and narcissism. Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds - the four part documentary is on YouTube. I didn't know it then when I watched it the first time, but this is the documentary that opened me up to non-duality. Didn't understand shit the first time I watched it. Samadhi part 1 & 2 - also on YouTube. From the same creator as Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds. The "free of dialogue" movies Chronos, Baraka and Samsara. The most beautiful movies ever made. The cinematography is out of this world. Human part 1 - 3. All available on YouTube as well. Nothing but interviews with people all around the world. Watch without judging. The perfect documentary if you're into Spiral Dynamics. Thank me later.
  18. I think I'm around day 48 or so, so almost time for celebration when I hit that 50 mark. I have to admit I've had some cravingsthe past few days. Had a dream a few nights ago where I dreamt I was watching a lot of sexy porn videos. It was so vivid that I basically woke up the day after and thought to myself if I had really PMOd again or not. It's weird how it works but I guess this is part of the "healing process". Things are going great with the girl I'm seeing. We talked to eachother and both of us feel that things are working out great and that it can go far between us. The sex is great and all, more so for her than for me, my orgasms aren't very strong and my dick doesn't work properly. When we fool around I can get a full blown erection that lasts a short while, so I have to be quick and finish off in her.
  19. Which you contribute to your looks am I right or am I right? Why mention your "hideous looks" in every topic? Please don't lie to me about the answer whether I am right or wrong. ?
  20. @Shin No urges, but easy when you have access to sex. Occasionally I might be thinking that it would be nice to watch a really hot clip, but I know deep inside that it's not worth it. Guess I started when I was 20. I'm 26 now. During this period I never went all-in so to speak except for maybe half a dozen times. Longest was around two and a half months. How are you holding up there?
  21. Exactly six weeks as of today! Yesterday I did sole cardio for the first time in a long time, and today I'm cleaning up my diet and going to hit the gym hard as f*ck! I'm an amateur mountain climber so I need to get in shape for the Alps next summer!
  22. The thing is that OP isn't a troll. She's just a weird ass broad and makes these weird threads all the time. Yeah, you'll never find romance, a boyfriend or love if that's your attitude. Get a grip on yourself girl.