I’m going to see him in three weeks I’ll let you know how he is in person
Meditations Practices/things that reduce suffering specifically?
The hardest thing about meditation is starting, because you don’t know how beneficial it is until you practice. The second hardest thing is feeling so good you start skipping the practices.
Walking Meditation
Walking meditation is a great way to begin integrating the power of meditation into your daily life. It is the first stage of meditation in action, that is, learning to be meditative while "out and about" in the world.
It is great to do while, for example, taking a walk in the park, at the beach, or in another natural setting.
Walking meditation is often recommended for people who are doing a lot of sitting meditation. If you are getting to sleepy, or your awareness is getting to "muddy," walking meditation can perk you up. Alternately, if you are getting to concentrated and mentally "stiff," walking meditation is a perfect way to loosen up a bit.
Walking meditation is a common practice in Vipassana and Zen Buddhism.
Pay close attention to the physical activity of walking slowly
1. Before walking, stand still in an open, balanced posture. Bring your awareness to the feeling of your feet touching the ground.
2. Now begin walking. Keep your gaze fixed on the ground about six feet in front of you. This will help you to avoid distraction.
3. Note and mentally label three parts of each step you take. The labels are "lifting," "pushing," and "dropping."
Lifting - when you are picking your foot up
Pushing - as you are moving it forward
Dropping - as you are lowering it to the ground
As you make each label, pay very close attention to the actual physical sensations associated with each of these actions.
4. After these three components become clear, you can add three more, so that the entire sequence is: "raising," "lifting," "pushing," "dropping," "touching," and "pressing."
5. Your mind will probably also engage in thinking extraneous thoughts, but just allow these to go on in the background. Your foreground attention should stay on the physical sensations of walking.
6. If you find that you have been completely lost in thought, stop walking for a moment and label the thinking as "thinking, thinking, thinking."
7. Then re-establish your awareness on the feeling in your feet, and begin the walking meditation again.
8. A typical session of walking meditation lasts a half an hour.
Make sure to watch where you are going, especially if you are around traffic, other people, etc.
Awareness of Thoughts Meditation
By learning to watch your thoughts come and go during this practice, you can gain deeper insight into thinking altogether (such as its transience) and into specific relationships among your thoughts and your emotions, sensations, and desires. This practice can also help you take your thoughts less personally, and not automatically believe them. Additionally, this meditation can offer insight into any habitual patterns of thinking and related reactions.
Observe your thoughts as they arise and pass away.
· By “thoughts,” we mean self-talk and other verbal content, as well as images, memories, fantasies, and plans. Just thoughts may appear in awareness, or thoughts plus sensations, emotions, or desires.
· Sit or lie down on your back in a comfortable position.
· Become aware of the sensations of breathing.
· After a few minutes of following your breath, shift your attention to the various thoughts that are arising, persisting, and then passing away in your mind.
· Try to observe your thoughts instead of getting involved with their content or resisting them.
· Notice the content of your thoughts, any emotions accompanying them, and the strength or pull of the thought.
· Try to get curious about your thoughts. Investigate whether you think in mainly images or words, whether your thoughts are in color or black and white, and how your thoughts feel in your body.
· See if you notice any gaps or pauses between thoughts.
· Every time you become aware that you are lost in the content of your thoughts, simply note this and return to observing your thoughts and emotions.
· Remember that one of the brain’s major purposes is to think, and there is nothing wrong with thinking. You are simply practicing not automatically believing and grasping on to your thoughts.
· When you are ready, return your attention to your breath for a few minutes and slowly open your eyes.
· There are various metaphors and images you can use to help observe your thoughts. These include:
o Imagining you are as vast and open as the sky, and thoughts are simply clouds, birds, or planes passing through the open space.
o Imagining you are sitting on the side of a river watching your thoughts float by like leaves or ripples in the stream.
o Imagine your thoughts are like cars, buses, or trains passing by. Every time you realize you are thinking, you can “get off the bus/train” and return to observing.
Awareness of thoughts and emotions is one of the areas of focus developed when cultivating mindfulness. In Buddhism, mindfulness is one of the seven factors of enlightenment and the seventh instruction in the Noble Eightfold Path.
The Seven Factors of Enlightenment: https://www.accesstoinsight.org/lib/authors/piyadassi/wheel001.html
The Four Noble Truths:https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_Noble_Truths
The Noble Eightfold Path: https://tricycle.org/magazine/noble-eightfold-path/
Please be gentle with yourself if you notice that you are constantly caught up in your thoughts instead of observing them. This is both common and normal. When you realize that you are thinking, gently and compassionately return to observing your thoughts.
If the content of your thoughts is too disturbing or distressing, gently shift your attention to your breathing, sounds, or discontinue the practice.
· Remember that you are not trying to stop thoughts or only allow certain ones to arise. Try to treat all thoughts equally and let them pass away without engaging in their content.
· This practice can initially be more challenging than other meditations. As you are learning, practice this meditation for only a few minutes at a time if that is easier.
· It can be helpful to treat thoughts the same way that you treat sounds or body sensations, and view them as impersonal events that arise and pass away.
· Some people like to assign numbers or nicknames to reoccurring thoughts in order to reduce their pull and effect.
Breathe Awareness Meditation
Stress is an extremely unhealthy condition. It causes the body to release the chemical cortisol, which has been shown to reduce brain and organ function, among many other dangerous effects. Modern society inadvertently encourages a state of almost continuous stress in people. This is a meditation that encourages physical and mental relaxation, which can greatly reduce the effects of stress on the body and mind.
Sit still and pay close attention to your breathing process.
Take a reposed, seated posture. Your back should be straight and your body as relaxed as possible.
Close your eyes, and bring your attention to your breathing process. Simply notice you are breathing. Do not attempt to change your breath in any way. Breath simply and normally.
Try to notice both the in breath and the out breath; the inhale and the exhale. "Notice" means to actually feel the breathing in your body with your body. It is not necessary to visualize your breathing or to think about it in any way except to notice it with your somatic awareness.
Each time your attention wanders from the act of breathing, return it to noticing the breath. Do this gently and without judgment.
Remember to really feel into the act of breathing.
If you want to go more deeply into this, concentrate on each area of breathing in turn. Here is an example sequence:
1. Notice how the air feels moving through your nostrils on both the in breath and the out breath.
2. Notice how the air feels moving through your mouth and throat. You may feel a sort of slightly raspy or ragged feeling as the air moves through your throat. This is normal and also something to feel into.
3. Notice how the air feels as it fills and empties your chest cavity. Feel how your rib cage rises slowly with each in breath, and gently deflates with each out breath.
4. Notice how your back expands and contracts with each breath. Actually feel it shifting and changing as you breath.
5. Notice how the belly expands outward with each in breath and pulls inward with each in breath. Allow your attention to fully enter the body sensation of the belly moving with each breath.
6. Now allow your attention to cover your entire body at once as you breath in and out. Closely notice all the sensations of the body as it breathes.
Repeat this sequence over and over, giving each step your full attention as you do it.
Suggested time is at least 10 minutes. Thirty minutes is better, if you are capable of it.
If you find yourself distracted by a lot of mental chatter, you can use verbal labeling as an aid to concentration. For example, on the in breath, mentally say to yourself, "Breathing in." On the out breath, say, "Breathing out." Another possibility is to mentally count each breath.
Cancer cannot survive in an oxygen rich, alkaline environment. What you want to do is detoxing and fasting and stimulating the lymphatic system to help release toxins. If i had cancer i would only consume Organically grown raw fruits and vegetables and add a lot of strong anti-cancer herbs and spices like turmeric, cannabis, ginger, berries, cinnamon, oregano, cayenne, black seed, apricot seed, chaga mushroom, spirulina/chlorella ect... and drink a lot of herbal tea's and water and exercise daily(to sweat it out) paired with maximum bodily exposure to sunlight and probably go live somewhere up in the mountains (temporarily) or coastal or rural areas where there is fresh air and fresh water and abundance of nature surrounding you.
Ultimately you don't want to eat or focus on food too much, your body is infinitely intelligent it can heal itself from any disease all on its own by fasting but initially you want to aid and give a helping hand to the body with powerful herbs/spices and anti-cancer substances like these below. https://naturalon.com/top-20-anti-cancer-herbs-plants/view-all/
Dr Sebi, Dr Leonard Coldwell are two names that ring a bell which have had very high success rates for helping patients cure not just cancer but all known diseases. Urine Fasting and Urine Therapy also has been shown to cure all known diseases. Read The Water of life by J.W Armstrong.
Technically you want yo allow nature/your body the freedom to take care of itself, you just have to be a side nurse for your body and assist. Essential Oils are very powerful too and Dr Hulda Clark also rings a bell and Dr Robert Morse.
Many people have cured their cancers with simple fasting and or juice fasting on fresh fruits and vegetables and some herbal teas to assist. Our mindset and belief systems also play a big role and vibrational therapy, sound healing, pho-tonic emitting technologies have also been shown to neutralize cancers. Dr. Royal Raymond Rife and Wilhelm Reich are two names who used similar technology to cure people.
Nature has always had an answer to every known disease but the westernized drug industries cannot profit from cures. A cured patient is a customer lost. Cancer has always been about business and its because our bodies become acidic rather than alkaline and pharmaceutical drugs only make our bodies more and more acidic and the body has to deal with the foreign substance and never has change to focus on the cancer itself.
The list for foods, substances, supplements and methods to cure cancer is endless, sometimes just be using your mind and re-wiring your belief systems can neutralize any threat to your body. There have been many cases where 1 the patient believed the doctor and died exactly on the same day or time-frame the doctor gave them or 2 completely ignored the doctor and did not believe them and continued on with their life only to find out few to several months later there is no longer any trace of cancer in their body.
Nevertheless, don't want to drift too far of the subject but ultimately everyone should know and understand these things by now.
Hope this helps
Business The untold secret of a successful business
Hi there.
Are you started a new business or wanna do? Did you find your specific niche or wanna narrow deeper your market? All of that are good but if I tell you that 90% of your focus must be directed towards marketing and traffic; this is the real secret of a successful business.
So I wanna share with you few ways of getting traffic to your Web and I hope that you too will share with us your knowledge a about this subject.
Pay traffic :
Facebook ads
Google ads
YouTube ads
Instagram influencers
Email marketing - check udimi.com
Microworkers. Com
Free traffic :
Blogging articles
Comment on blogs with your Web link attach
Facebook groups
Comment on forums ( like this one or warrior forum - Google it) with your Web link attach
Email marketing - If you have an email list
Social media accounts
What are your paid and free ways to get more traffic?
@Bojan What is your heart more excited to do, regardless of all the practical obstacles and limits? Assume for a moment that you can be equally wealthy and successful no matter which career on Earth you pick. Which would you pick?
Do that!
In order to determine this, you really have to be able to step outside your cultural programming and various pragmatic fears that will arise. The fear is clouding your judgment, drowning out your heart's inner guidance.
The heart knows what it wants, but the ego is too scared to listen. The counter-intuitive move here is to listen to your heart despite the fear, trusting that there is a higher intelligence at work.
The more seriously you listen to your fears vs your heart, the more miserable, depressed, and regretful you will be in life, no matter how much money or success you achieve. It could even end up destroying your mental and physical health in the long-run. So don't take this lightly.
Dare to live life offensively rather than defensively. Especially if you're young.
The only difference between Fake Jed and someone like Adyashanti for example, is that nobody ever bothered to expose Adyashanti. They may be enlightened but that doesn't mean they're not taking you for a strange loop.
But the fraud that this one guy in Cambodia perpetrates is less than nothing compared to the fraud of society at large. And the ones who cry outrage the most, are the least conscious of their own part in it.
This is also a central topic in many of Leo's videos including his latest "The Deep Problem of Marketing". And in fact Leo himself is no better. Nobody is. There's no such thing as "concious marketing", although that phrase is a wonderful Orwellian testament to itself. When the end justifies the means, the means are always fraudulent and the end is always a phantom.
That is what makes the world go round, and nothing else can. So, whoever is reading this, if you like life you should be grateful for fraud, because they are one and the same. Nor does enlightenment change that in any way, it just makes you intimately aware of the hypocrisy, and of the fact that this is simply how it works. Always has and always will, there is no alternative, no better world on the horizon.
Make no mistake, Leo is brainwashing you with bullshit just as much as anyone out there, and he is just as fraudulent in how he presents himself as anyone out there. In some ways that he is probably aware of, and in many more ways that he is definitely not aware of.
And he is no closer to enlightenment, or to knowing what it really is, than those he vouches for, despite all their clever talk or even genuine insight. Sadhguru is a party trick, Kahn is a pink soapbox sophist, Mooji is a cosmic carebear, Tolle is Oprah's butt slave, Spira is everyone's mom, Swartz is everyone's pop, Shinzen is goody two-shoes, and even the remarkable Ralston is just a guy in a cape.
People say that being constructive is hard whereas dumping on others is just too easy, and that's very true. But it's easy for good reason. Truth is easy, illusion is hard. Truth is not constructive and is not a construction, illusion is, that's why it's hard. Whenever you can conceivably imagine someone snickering at you behind your back about something, it's likewise for good reason. And deep down you know it, that's why you're afraid of it. You just don't want to believe it or admit it even to yourself.
If you put a chimp or a robot in your shoes and clothes, maybe add some lipstick or a bow tie for good measure, and then have them do exactly what you do, or what anyone else in the world does, you wouldn't just snicker at them behind their back, you would laugh your ass off at them, right to their face. And rightly so. It wouldn't even occur to you to consider their feelings about it, you just couldn't take it seriously no matter how hard you tried. It's the stuff of satire skits.
It's also not too flattering to the chimp or robot. But guess what, that's you, and everyone else. No difference whatsoever. Everyone is inescapably part of the same ridiculous facade and there's nothing outside of that. That's how god/maya "loves" his "children" (his masks) and that's how the truly enlightened "love" you (at arms length): You are tonight's entertainment and you are friggin' hilarious, precisely because you're the butt of a grand joke that you're not in on. You are the unwitting mask, the sock puppet on god/maya's hand.
If man must strike, strike through the mask. That means stop taking the packaging at face value but look at what's really behind it. Which is, literally and figuratively, nothing. And by the way that's something that Tano/EnMyth is clearly not aware of, but Fake Jed is, and I can't blame him for doing what he does if he sees humanity for the fraud that it is. Tano did not strike through all the masks or she wouldn't act like such a sock puppet.
If I were in a position to get paid for saying shit like "truth is love", and if I could stomach it, and you would happily pay it, then I would happily say it. There's one born every minute, and all of them grow up to be part of the very same mob that would pay me for being dishonest and keelhaul me for not being dishonest. So it's a pretty easy choice to make. Have it your way, right? Why not. Let's just say if an enlightened person is supposed to love you then he wouldn't argue with you, he'd simply give you what you want. And what you want most of all is to be deceived.
So I would say shit like "you can't possibly hurt others if you see them as yourself, because you would never hurt yourself". As long as you want to believe that, at least it will keep you from burning me at the stake for a while. Even though right now you're already better at hurting yourself than you are at anything else. And even though god/maya (you!) can't be hurt, and doesn't give a shit about who gets hurt as long as they do their jobs. And is in fact hurting everyone all the time just to watch them dance to his guns and frantically deny their predicament to eachother.
Once you're into all the spiritual bullshit thinking it's a step up from mainstream bullshit, it's close to impossible to come out of it again, unless you are determined to put it all through the wringer to determine if it actually holds up for real. Only then do you discover that it does not. At all. Spirituality does not hold up at all. It's more ridiculous than anything else out there, and a way more effective prison. If you think breaking free of the programming of society's is hard, try breaking free of spirituality.
Spirituality is not the path to truth, it's a giant impenetrable bastion of defense against truth. It's the heavy artillery that god/maya deploys when someone starts asking questions, in order to pacify them and keep them occupied. It's a grotesque exhibition of exactly what ego is all about.
That's the only upside of spirituality, it shows you exactly what you're up against if you have the eyes to see it. You could learn a lot from it if you really wanted to, just not in the way you think. It's more like a rookie trial or initiation or screening mechanism. If you ever make it out of spirituality (fat chance), then the real work can finally begin. Otherwise, do not pass go, do not collect $200.
Enlightenment is not a good thing. It's the ultimate bet against fraudulence, and everything about life including life itself is a fraud. And spirituality is certainly no exception. So it's a losing bet right from the start. You don't get there by defeating god/maya, you get there by being defeated, because you are as much of a fraud as any of it.
If you were truly enlightened, you would be lieing your ass off all the time even if only to prevent an insane world from hunting you down. It doesn't take a strategic motherfucker to know that if you don't act like a weasel in the world of weasels, then you will suffer the consequences.
In fact that's exactly what you've always been doing, you habitually weasel and lie just to survive and belong, but you can't get yourself to admit it. That's why you're in this predicament and that's why you are amusing to watch. It's pretty sad, and also funny as hell if it's not you.
Like sports bloopers, where players kick eachother in the nuts and tear ligaments tripping over the ball. Yeah no, it's not the least bit funny when it's you. But when you're god/maya and you don't know danger or pain or indignation or guilt or shame or any other problem whatsoever, other than eternal nothingness, then a gag reel and a big bowl of cheetos will be looking pretty good.
If you play a video game, you don't give a shit about your avatar, let alone other avatars or NPCs, except to whatever extent that you can express yourself through it and the game keeps you amused. You give it no thought for any other reason than that. And why should you, it's just a bullshit game and none of it is real. Well, that's EXACTLY what life is, and what you are, to god/maya and the truly enlightened (same thing pretty much). And the ONLY reason you don't see this is because you much rather believe ANYTHING but that. Right?
But that doesn't mean it's not true. It just means that god/maya holds all the cards and has you by the balls. Yes Leo's balls too.
But Leo is one of god/maya's more admirable lab rats, and he is very passionate about exploring and progressing through the maze and doing as he's told. And that's what he advocates. If that's you, if you like the setup and want to be engaged in a journey for hopes of growth and reward, then best you forget about enlightenment. And if Leo ever stops teaching (that is if god/maya lets him), then it's probably because he finally found out the unmarketable truth/disillusionment that he claims to want, and that it's nothing at all like what any of his books or masters or induced experiences made it out to be.
You might say that this is taking things too far. But if there is anything beyond your own version of enlightenment, any possibility of taking things further than you would like or were told or anticipated, if you have to be careful about how far this can be allowed to go, if you have to be selective about which illusions to destroy and which to hold sacred, if anything could be blasphemous, heretical, unorthodox, or otherwise out of bounds in your version of enlightenment, then by definition such a version could never be the ultimate truth.
Enlightenment is not about growing or exploring or becoming a better person or having an impact or saving the world, and your personal sensibilities do not factor into what actually wants to happen. You will simply learn that god/maya runs the whole show and he/she likes it just the way it is. Society didn't do this, people didn't make the world this way, god/maya did. He/she makes it exactly the way he/she wants it, and nothing you do will ever change that because everything you do is the mask of god/maya and always serves the grand facade.
Leo's vision won't change that. Your life purpose won't change that. No matter what it is. If your kids get raped by a priest, it's for god's amusement and serves creation. If your spouse gets killed in a freak deadpool zamboni accident, it's for god's amusement and serves creation. If Trump starts World War Three, it's for god's amusement and serves creation. Even if you become enlightened, it's for god's amusement and serves creation, the grand facade. That is to say, even enlightenment necessarily serves fraudulence in one way or another, and by that time you won't care that it does because you'd know there is nothing else, and that everything is exactly as it's supposed to be.
There's no way around it. Nothing and nobody, no person, no humanity and no world, is ever elevated. It's all part of the same freak show and it only works one way, the way it works now and always has. You're not smarter than god/maya, you can rest assured that Infinite Intelligence already has all the angles covered.
The universe is not slowly becoming more conscious or waking up to itself or any such thing, god/maya has always known perfectly well what he/she's doing. Everything you do, you do it because it amuses god and serves creation. All your hopes and dreams, all your successes and failures, all your pains and pleasures, all your laughter and tears, all your bitching and moaning and struggling, are the masks of god/maya's grand facade, and are there for no other reason than to amuse and serve itself for its own sake.
And the only reason creation is served at all, is to keep it going just a little longer, to keep god amused. If you decide to rebel against it, it's not you doing that, it's god, and it serves creation. Everyone has always been working for the same team without knowing it. You can't stop or defect or otherwise thwart it in any way. And very few ever get to the bottom of this to find out what the real deal is.
P.S... Cantor was a fool too. Infinity is not a set and can't be approached incrementally (for example 1, 2, 3, n... does not amount to infinity). Reality is not a strange loop, the dream is a strange loop. That's how you know it doesn't exist. Bottomless paradox and endless regression aren't ultimate answers, they're ultimate giveaways. The dream isn't reality, eternal nothingness is reality. There is no actual creation. The dream of phenomena is a vaporous mirage and does not factor into the truth at all. Nothingness is not the inclusion of all possible phenomena, the absolute is not the sum total of all relativity, nonduality does not encompass duality. Duality does not and can not exist, relativity does not and can not exist, phenomena do not and can not exist, untruth does not and can not exist, it's an arbitrary, fleeting, ephemeral dream with no substance and no reality to it whatsoever.
But Leo and others can't hear this because they can't hear anything life-negative, so if truth happens to be life-negative they just don't want to know. And they can't grasp that everything REALLY is perfect the way it is already, always has been, and could never be any other way. Even Leo's criticism of those who only pay it lip service, is just more lip service. And they can't admit anything that takes the baseline focus off of the colorful content of this dream and rightfully puts it on the clear nothingness in which it floats. Because that takes the fun out of everything, including Leo's business and lofty aspirations.
That's why nobody talks about it in this way and nobody knows about this unless they take it upon themselves to actually find out. For which, by the way, there is no technique or practice, other than to just use your damn head. Open your eyes, look around and look at yourself and stop being such a gullible idiot. Open-mindedness means ditching the bullshit you already have, it doesn't mean replacing it with all-new and improved bullshit (if you even want to call it an improvement).
And that's why everyone who claims to talk about "truth" must necessarily twist it in such a way that waking up has some sort of relevance to dreaming, the truth to the fraud, to a passionate life, to being a willing and eager lab rat in an endless maze experiment, selling out for all the trinkets and enticements and promises and specialness that it offers to keep you going, and all the ways in which you keep getting tricked into buying into it and doing whatever it is you do.
And they are generally fooling themselves at least as much as their audience, with such blatant doublethink as "the false is the truth", "the dream is real", "the groundless is the ground", "the relative is the absolute", "reality is a strange loop", or anything else that effectively serves no other purpose than to save your dreamstate from total annihilation. The wisest masters are the worst.
The ability to hold apparent paradoxes is not a license for "anything that sounds contradictory must be true, plus I'm afraid to seem stupid and unspiritual with my in-group if I don't uncritically accept it." It just means not to be confused when something look different from different frames of reference. It only appears contradictory when you're unaware of this trick, while it actually isn't.
The price of truth is everything.
Leo recently wrote that he was depressed for one week after reading Jed's books. That's how easily ego can stave off extinction, like an immune system rushing in to squash an invasion in a matter of days. All it shows is that those books were largely wasted on him, as they are on most. Almost every single sentence failed to get through with time.
Sorry, just had the urge to dump on our benevolent dictator and role model a little bit. Especially given the rise of Guraism. Frankly I'm not sure that that's something to be proud of. I guess I could post this anywhere but it seems relevant to the whole Jed thing, so there you go.
Now if you'll excuse me... I have a "omglulz I'm so enlightened now please ask me something" thread to craft, sothat I can consciously market my fraudulent no-self.
Merry Christmas