Jamie Universe

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Everything posted by Jamie Universe

  1. What you got is a strategy game in front of you. You got your cards, and now you need to decide how you want to play them. Leo has videos on strategy. But you should know there's ways to make it a win-win situation. And I'm not going to give you any direct advice except you should just try and sit down/lay down and think about the situation and your options. I personally also fear that I might be wrong about all this enlightenment/personal development stuff to, even though I trust Leo, I'm still doubtful. But I hold onto any truth that I've heard from Leo, I made a list of techniques he's given me that works, all the facts that makes sense. I believe in enlightenment because of the facts presented in his Enlightenment video's. But you should know when it comes to conflict, there is no 'right path'. What there are. Is 'paths', at some point you got to choose a path, and experience the consequences. Sometimes people think "Ok what's the path I'm supposed to take?" But there are none. Think of it like this, If you had to kill your mom or dad, who would you choose? Which path would feel more right? Neither right? Both of those options suck.
  2. Hey world. So I know that weird shit can happen during meditation. I've watched Leo's "The dark side of meditation" video, and I think I made a list of all the random painful stuff. I've previously felt sharp pains in my face, in which the video said would happen. But recently my leg has just sort of been spazzing, and its not necessarily painful, just really uncomfortable. I would just let this pass, and hope it goes away. But it really gets in the way of me trying to meditate. If I try hard enough I can manage to get through it, but I'd like to know what I can about it. Or at least some reassurance that it will go away soon enough.
  3. From experience its been hard. I've taken courses/researched stuff, and have tried it for months, quitting and restarting a lot. If there's some secret technique or knowledge, that would be great. I understand for some people it comes easily, but not me. But in truth I don't know if I will pursue it again. I might later in my life, but for now, I don't really need lucid dreaming for my life's satisfaction.
  4. I'm so jealous. Yea I read a reply from Leo the other day on some random post. And everything clicked. The conversation was about people having moments of being in the zone and having some really great idea for a music album or something. And Leo commented saying something like "Oh yea, that's infinite intelligence at work." and also mentioned how your ego gets in the way of that. Then I also remembered hearing somewhere, someone saying that creativity was greatly increased during dreams. Then I made the connection. I mean I'm still not 100% sure its the situation but it makes sense from all the stuff I hear about doing nothing vs. monkey mind craziness. Also I doubt it, but I wonder if enlightenment is somehow possible through lucid dreams. Maybe doing self-inquiry in your dreams is a lot better or something.
  5. I used to practice towards being in lucid dreams, and the techniques were to be aware and ask the question "Is this a dream?" Because in reality you don't know that your not dreaming right now, and you figure it out by pushing your finger through your hand. Also meditation was recommended for lucid dreaming, so this makes sense. You might want to consider trying/pursuing lucid dreaming. You probably know, but just incase. A lucid dream is where you have control over your current dream, it will feel as real as you looking around right now. You have all the senses (except pain, some people experience pain though, very rare don't worry). And you can do all sorts of crazy shit. You can shapeshift, summon objects, people, places. And even have a dream in 2d. Pretty much anything imaginable. I stopped recently mostly because I realized I was pursuing all these materialist things. But a really cool aspect about it, is that it can be used for personal development to. I've heard stories of people who've asked their subconscious their dream job, or greatest fear. And then later on realized that was true. This one guy laughed when he was told his greatest fear was dying alone. But later he was talking to some girl and started crying in front of her because he had a sudden realization of his fear. Also what is this awareness meditation? I'm sort of curious now lol
  6. I mean I know the first obvious thought is. Well just wait a year and see the improvements in your life. But I mean I know that's true, and it probably wouldn't even be a year to see some kinds of improvements. But I'm curious/anxious to know if there is any type of way of noticing if meditation is working right in front of your eyes. I'm currently using the 'do nothing' technique, and I sit on my bed, with a wall against my back, and my legs aimed straight out. And I'm honestly just kind of becoming somewhat anxious that its not working. If I just got rid of the self-doubt and kept going It could just all work out. But my mind doesn't know that for a fact. And any advice/info would be great. thx!
  7. I'm not actually 100% percent sure, but I'd imagine it would be through contemplation.
  8. Here's what I got Today, science tells us that the essence of nature is transformation. You and I are Dreamweaver's of the multiverse. Dreamweaver's. Wow! That sounds like inception
  9. yes. if you can imagine it, its possible. Maybe not practical, but that's not the point. If you can imagine it, then that means that can be reconstructed somehow, in your experience. So right now if you can imagine everyone in existence, being loved. Yea. If your coming from a practical point of view, its still entirely possible.
  10. Maybe your focus should be aimed at why your unmotivated/unengaged to work. Rather than trying a bunch of techniques and getting confused
  11. Ok. So right now your dead on the inside. What do you do? Well first you should realize that you beating yourself up isn't some solid part of reality. You mentioned the thing about belief and how there sorta of not true. Well that part of the equation reveals all. To me at least, and I'd imagine everyone one else (though honestly I'm not sure). has a belief system. And right now you have a belief saying "I don't deserve anything good." Those things Leo put out about affirmations and visualizations are used to change you. And at least apart of them is to change your belief. But I mean you can't just be told information and expect it to work. If you really want to change a belief or opinion, you've got to be convinced to. A belief has some properties. It can be changed. Its sort of like a reaction machine, where based on (blank) I'll do (blank). In your case "Based on (I'm not worthy) I'll do/be (sad/other negative emotions)". A belief also has no cosmic importance, or magical truth to it. Which basically means that the term 'deserve' is a human construct, and not some unknown magical force, which some ideological people have. Don't underestimate the belief part of this. If you yourself go out there and just sit down and contemplate what a belief is, you'll be able to see like me how many things people say and believe are based upon beliefs and how much it affects their emotions. (And don't think this means that peoples ideologies are somehow not meaningful.) But realizing how much of yourself is belief alone you can use that truth as evidence to convince and change so much in your life to be better.
  12. My reply to: What if “Enlightenment” is a secret evil organization? by egoless I know this post was locked. It does sort of look like that post could've been useless, but in other regards, egoless could've potentially dropped pursuing enlightenment because of lack of understanding, and to push the topic further it could've prevented others reading about it from pursuing enlightenment. I'm mostly making this post because I was about to reply to the topic but then it got locked. It wasn't confusing to me, I knew what he meant, I've actually gone through a very similar thought process, and in my reply I contribute my solution. I believe that the post had beneficial value, but if I'm wrong someone please tell me. I'll even delete this post if I'm convinced to do so. But anyways here's my reply: Well I think I know your problem. People here are trying to tell you to open your mind, and etc. But even an open mind won't blindly believe something if there is logical problems. The open-minded people here are right, but they could be telling you to accept the possibility, that religion could be right, and they wouldn't be wrong. But your implying to be cautious, which is strategically better. Its funny though because I've actually had a similar thought process, and I told myself. "If enlightenment is some huge mind controlling, manipulative, organization, with unknown motives, then how would sitting on my butt asking questions such as "Who am I?" and meditating (which is basically doing nothing) be the technique a mass organization would use to mind control me/etc." Of course you could come with rebuttals to that, like "just because you don't know how it works doesn't mean its impossible" So then I thought of my options, which are basically. Continue to live the average ego life, maybe living at an average level, maybe pursuing success. Which also might blow up in your face. so instead your trading a mass organization that manipulates you, with yourself. Which for all you know could be a lot worse. So at this point your options are purse enlightenment, or pursue anything else. Both could potentially be bad. Here's what you can do. You pick one of them, and you try them out for a little while. If one works out then you can try it for a little longer, and then a little longer, and keep going with it and see if it works, and if doesn't be aware and cautious of that. If your worried that your going to seek enlightenment and that its all going to end up with placebo effect or some high emotional state and not last, that's understandable. I think apart of the point is you don't know. But in Leo's introduction to enlightenment video, he explains, and makes logical sense about how your just a bunch of labels really, opening your mind to no-self. And that's true for me, and self inquiry work is based around this truth. The enlightenment work you do is not based around random shit, its based around legitimate facts which any plebian can find true in their direct experience. I think to get to the bare bones of this, if your going to pursue enlightenment, your going to just have to jump into the unknown. But if you want to go into full on debate/trial mode. The evidence points towards enlightenment being the better option.
  13. @see_on_see Thanks, I think I just realized I had a hidden stereotype about people who talk about spiritual stuff relative to this topic. I guess It sort of just developed with my life in mainstream culture. I sort of thought that people were worshipping this stuff like they would in a religion to god, and even though its fine for the most part, it sort of bothered me. And what I needed to realize is that this stereotype is just made up of above of assumptions.
  14. Are you saying that non-dual is 'without comparison?'
  15. I guess that's fair. (Btw I thought you people were doing it without any forms of direct experience, like religious people just believe things because they're told to). But to me reading this topic it mostly sounds like a bunch of random stuff which is kind of cool, but I don't get the significance of this. I mean I guess if your passionate about this stuff, then that serves as your life purpose. If it helps you reach enlightenment, that's good and helps. But it honestly sounds to me like your ditching out on doing your personal development work to find spiritual aliens. Really that's just a bias, I mean if its what you like, idk I guess that's cool. I'll definitely try and be less judgemental.
  16. Look I've had high pitched noises in my ear, and have seen numbers like 11:11 a lot, and etc. and I'm not saying that any of what you said isn't real. But you've got to realize how your communicating this information. What other way can you show/prove to me that this stuff is legitimate besides basically telling me to have faith or coincidence. I'm not close minded to this, but I'm not also going to believe it for no reason except faith or coincidence.
  17. I don't get why something has to be compared to something for it to exist. Is it perspective?
  18. I know how being suicidal can be. I got into it, and out of it. I'm not a hundred percent sure this will work for everyone. But basically I choose to see a part of my mind as a bunch of beliefs. Whenever I feel or have an opinion towards anything. I see it based off a belief. When your sort of worried because you don't care about anything in life, It shows you don't give a shit about life, or anything. I assume its a belief, that this is actually my current viewpoint on reality. That when you don't care you have a reason for it A belief is changeable (check out Leo's video on affirmations or visualizations) It also affects your mood. And a belief is based off information you believe (meaning that information could be false or proved wrong.) To prove this to you if you don't believe me, or don't quite get it. If I told you your mother died, and you started crying, and then right after told you I was joking, there might be a big emotional wound based off false information. See when your suicidal its usually because you think something horrible happened or is happening to you. And if try even at the smallest level to notice your thoughts and choose to think this way, it might snowball, and you might level up in the area of self-talk. If you choose to think in this way, to know that your moods based off a belief, then you can control yourself better, you can argue with yourself. I've gotten really good at killing my negative emotions with logic, mostly because of Leo's videos though. And I mean don't believe everything I say. Because sometimes negative emotions happen for uncontrollable reasons. Like when I'm hungry and my stomach is digesting itself I feel bad, and I'm pretty sure you can't just change that (though maybe that's what enlightenment does?...) Well anyways, there is my advice