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About Frylock

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  1. If you love him so much, why don't you marry him?
  2. Just a token right wing buffoon. Nothing spiritual about him.
  3. Is there any way out of this, or are we doomed to continue down this path?
  4. Just like circumcision, it's an antiquated, vestigial social practice that is not relevant to the modern age.
  5. I should know better than to have hope in the uneducated, lizard brained electorate, but the only thing we can hope for now is that the non-radicalized swing voters pull their heads out of their asses and rightfully condemn the Republican party. Russia has been an authoritarian country forever, basically. The US has been a democracy since its inception. People aren't going to like their rights, power, and money being impacted in the long run.
  6. Such efficiency!
  7. What have you got against Canada? 😜 But for real, I'd join Canada's side, as an American. Hell, I'd join Mexico's side if he invaded them. This as a lifelong American patriot.
  8. Lmao, baby Elon is feeling the burn to stage this publicity stunt. Too little too late, that's what you get.
  9. Holy crap this got a chuckle out of me 😂 If I recall, quite a lot of not-so-unsubstantial moderate/swing voters went for Trump because, and I quote, "He'll be good for the economy." That's like saying that the loggers will be good for forestation. Or the poachers will be good for endangered animals. We live in a time period where all of the world's information is readily available at our fingertips. And we choose not to do some basic fucking research from credible sources. The irony isn't lost on me.
  10. It's textbook late stage corrupt corporate capitalism. Crash the market, the rich swoop in and buy everything up, everything is now privatized and ran by the elite wealthy few. Never thought America would devolve into this dystopia in my lifetime, but here we are.
  11. Ironically, it's not the hardcore MAGAts that I disdain the most. They're so far gone, so delusional and distorted that they're basically certifiably insane. The swing voters, on the other hand, are the ones most at fault. They're supposed to be the middle ground, the more rational side. What in the hell did they misunderstand about Trump and his blatantly obvious corruption? Trump basically plastered in bold, neon colors saying "Hey, I'm gonna cause chaos and fuck over the economy!" and they missed the cues.
  12. I mean, who's to say that the world is better off now than when the dinosaurs ruled the planet? An asteroid really fucked up that dynasty.