Hello everybody!
Name: Jesper de Jong
Age: 44
Gender: Male
Location: Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Occupation: Software engineer (self-employed)
Marital Status: Not in a relationship
Kids: No
Hobbies: playing guitar, photography, personal development
I got into personal development around 2000 when I did a number of courses from Landmark Education, which my brother had pointed me toward. I learned a lot there, but it didn't really make me work on personal development for the long term. A few years ago I did a few other courses, from CSA. Again, I learned some things, but I also noticed that I was mainly learning theory, and I found that I have an enormous amount of resistance to actually practically applying what I learned.
Some areas of my life are going great, and some areas are not going well at all.
Work is going great. I'm very confident at work, and ever since my first job when I was 24, people always quickly viewed me as a valuable and knowledgeable expert. I made a big change in 2009, when I started my own one-man company. I'm very happy now working as a freelance software developer. I like my job and my income is great (although it won't make be financially independent), but I'm also trying to figure out what I can improve in this area. The main thing that I don't like about my work is that my income is tied directly to the amount of time I put into it (I am paid by the hour).
What is not going well at all is relationships. I've been without a relationship for a very long time and I've convinced myself that that's something that is not for me, that it doesn't fit with my personality, and that I have no idea how to get a girlfriend. I know those are limiting beliefs, but knowing that ofcourse doesn't make them go away. This area is where my biggest challenges are.
Personal challenges I've overcome:
Starting on my own as a freelancer
Used to be Mr. Nice Guy, trying to please everybody and not expressing myself - I'm slowly getting rid of this
Doing fitness on a regular schedule and not skip even if I don't feel like doing it
What I'm working on now:
Being more "out there" in my work life: started a blog, going to present at a conference in two weeks
Making changes in my work so that it is not tied so directly to my time (I want more freedom with time)
Finding out what my life purpose is
Committing to really get into personal development for the long term
Overcoming resistance to apply the theory in real life
My biggest challenge: getting a relationship with a great woman
similar Tell Us How You Got Into Personal Development
Share your story, how you discovered personal dev, and what struggles you've overcome.
Here's an example from me:
Name: Leo Gura
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Location: Las Vegas, USA
Occupation: Personal Development Speaker & Entrepreneur
Marital Status: Dating
Kids: No
Hobbies: enlightenment, meditation, personal development, reading, learning, nature, healthy eating
I got into personal development in 2007 when I started my first online marketing business in Boston and then Dallas, Texas. From there I started reading more and more self-help books until somehow I stumbled upon the pickup community -- a community of guys who learn how to get better at attracting women. I sucked with women and dating a lot back then so I hit it really hard and spent the next two years immersing myself in mastering the art of dating. In doing so I delved even deeper into developing myself. During that time I discovered life coaching and became certified as a coach. Then I launched Actualized.org, which was intended to be a personal development blog. Then I started making more and more videos until the thing ballooned into what it is today.
Personal challenges I've overcome:
Was fat my whole life until age 21
Absolutely sucked at attracting women
Used to be very shy, introverted, and socially awkward
Started my own business and became financially independent
Cleaned up my diet A LOT, now eating mostly vegetarian
Learned weightlifting
Changed careers and finally found my life purpose
Started my dream business: Actualized.org
What I'm working on now:
Working on enlightenment
Working on improving my health & diet
Working on being more authentic in relating to others
Working on growing and deepening Actualized.org