I studied what would be the best place to live and potentially die bla bla.
My requirements were that I wanted it to be close to Europe, language that I can potentially learn , good weather during the year (20-25 or so), great nature, reasonable health-care (not that yogies need it).
I end up thinking that the place where I would like to live is/are Canary Islands so I went there in January, specifically, to Gran Canaria island and I traveled around etc.
To be honest, I already had plans for schools, potential jobs, potential properties, and other relevant stuff.
However, it was all a lie, I had the worst time I could have there because it was really cold (7-18), windy, rainy, not friendly people etc, ok, it was not all that bad.
It completely crashed my vision but I realized when I returned home (Slovakia) that I do not have to move anywhere and I'm fine whenever I go or move.
All is matter of perspective !