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Everything posted by archi

  1. I studied what would be the best place to live and potentially die bla bla. My requirements were that I wanted it to be close to Europe, language that I can potentially learn , good weather during the year (20-25 or so), great nature, reasonable health-care (not that yogies need it). I end up thinking that the place where I would like to live is/are Canary Islands so I went there in January, specifically, to Gran Canaria island and I traveled around etc. To be honest, I already had plans for schools, potential jobs, potential properties, and other relevant stuff. However, it was all a lie, I had the worst time I could have there because it was really cold (7-18), windy, rainy, not friendly people etc, ok, it was not all that bad. It completely crashed my vision but I realized when I returned home (Slovakia) that I do not have to move anywhere and I'm fine whenever I go or move. All is matter of perspective !
  2. Leo, fuck channel, fuck money, also you do not need to create any more videos anymore, you should not need any of this where you are going, surrender means surrender, just give up and be! You will be just fine whatever happens.
  3. I was contemplating about evolution theory and somehow I got to a problem of body vs. mind dilemma. I came to conclusion that body trough evolution created structure in our brains that served purpose of self-preservation created sense of consciousness. I.e. body was before mind In Leo's Goedels video I got impression that he and positivists assumed mind before body. Did I miss something?