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About shamaanitar

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  1. I understand that this is what you wished women would be. Just as, from a female perspective, we would wish men to be looking for love, something deeper etc. You are asking us, women, to try to see this from a male perspective. Yet you are trying to push your experience as a male into the experience of a woman by comments like this. Please note that comments like this devalue your teaching which I find highly valuable. Reading comments like this show you in a rather unattractive, unintelligent, misogynistic light. This comment said to a woman in real life, could be considered sexual harassment. You are adding to the problem. Please be more aware. Women are not sluts even though you would wish us to be. We, like you, are human beings first, female second. Please, you must take resposibility as your word has a lot of meaning to a lot of men. I'm sure you don't intend for men to see women as mere objects. You have a tendency to view women to be either hot or intelligent. This is a simplification and from my experience: simply not true. Intelligent and beautiful women tend to hang out with other intelligent and beautiful women. But as our intrests are to do something bigger than just play the social game, we tend not to go clubbing. I understand that your perspective is different as you most likely have hung out with Vegas girls, who, due to their cultural background, are socialized in a different way. Please keep in mind that your experiences only give a tiny glimpse into this complex group called women. I mean no offence, but this really made me see you in a different light.
  2. Please consider not using any substance. You are obviously sensitive to these kinds of experiences so I'm sure yoga, meditation and breathwork would be tremendously helpful for you as you are tuned that way. "The mystic swims in the waters where the psychotic drowns" - believe me, you do not want to experience drowning in these waters. I speak from personal experience, I am extremely sensitive as well and in all honesty, any psychotic break has only scarred me and made things much harder. I wish somebody told me earlier that this should be considered as a message to go towards a more "natural" route. Wishing you all the best! <3
  3. @Leo Gura Girls fall in love with you but do you fall in love with them? Like merging into one, yin yang meeting each other. Recognizing your Self in another literally. The beloved and I are one. Would be intresting to hear your experiences of this type of ”true love”, not dating or social games etc.
  4. I absolutely love Rumi! These are a few of my favorites: - The minute I heard my first love story I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They're in each other all along. - Love is reckless; not reason. Reason seeks a profit. Love comes on strong, consuming herself, unbashed. Yet, in the midst of suffering, Love proceeds like a millstone, hard surfaced and straightforward. Having died to self-interest, she risks everything and asks for nothing. Love gambles away every gift God bestows. Without cause God gave us Being; without cause, give it back again. Gambling yourself away is beyond any religion. Religion seeks grace and favor, but those who gamble these away are God's favorites, for they neither put God to test nor knock at the door of gain and loss.
  5. Why do certain plants have flowers and certain plants don't? Are flowers more or less concious due to them being flowers and not grass? Or are blue flowers more beautiful than red ones? You make a choise regarding the way you look to show off what kind of person you are. Either you are the kind of person whom does not have any tattoos or whom does. Both of the choises are a expression of "you". If you are a sim in The Sims and realise that you are the whole game, does it matter how you wish to customise your sim?
  6. (Helios - Unity) I woke up one night very lost, the world seemed like it did not make any sense and I felt panic. Then I got an email from bandcamp that hey this song has now been released. I listend to it and started to cry and realised it's myself sending me that song. That all is fine. That all will be fine. That I am here.
  7. Extreamly well put. This is really not awakening, yes it can teach you about sanity and other intresting this but it is HORRIFIC. In insanity, your mind takes over in a very painful way. It is all mind, which is taking over by creating meaning to everything. There is no peace. There is no love. There is violent delusion. After awekening there is peacefulness, understanding. After and during psychosis there is horrible depression, suicidal thoughts along with other very mind related things.
  8. ”The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight” - Joseph Campbell There are many kinds of psychosis and it is difficult to speak of insanity as it could refer to quite many different states. Having experienced both something that could be classified as psychosis (altough luckily quite mild) and mystical states and awakenings, there is a big difference between them. The problem is that whilst you are in the state of psychosis, you can believe that it is awakening etc mystical state. But if you are able to introspect, it is VERY different. One makes you feel free and one makes you feel, in the lack of a better word, insane. It’s important to note that in psychosis every single one of your delusions has a logic to it and makes perfect sense to you. It is just very difficult to explain this logic to others, actually quite impossible.
  9. Agreed, answering with knowledge or language will never answer the question. Perhaps you should ponder what love has lead you to in this life and what that has taught you etc. Not just universally what love is. Have you ever fallen in love? One cannot properly explain why you meet certain people at certain times, but you are able to recognize your essance with a certain person easier than others. Why is it that the experience of falling in love is similar (much milder ofc) to enlightenment? No. Words. Can. Describe. Either.
  10. Love you <3 I hope you are doing well. Have a lovely day.
  11. Look at those almond eyes of infinite awereness ??
  12. Don't take lsd. Don't lie to yourself that it's doing you any good if the end result is your mind wandering even more. Psycedelics don't help all people for some they are too strong. Be brave
  13. @George Fil haha, I can definitely relate to the movies part as well. Also happens when I look at trees, dogs, flowers etc. And it isn't like "normal" crying (i.e. sobbing) it's more happy tears. Yes, the feeling of warmth I also experience usually after I feel as if my hands dissapper. @Nahm Thank you for the encouragement Love feels like the natural path/way yet sometimes I must check whether I'm fooling myself or not. Perhaps I need just to trust love.