Danny M

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Everything posted by Danny M

  1. Im confused..one minute im hearing self enquiry is the most efficient way to realisation and the next minute im hearing that im already realised and just be and "starve" the ego until it dissolves. Self enquiry seems to inflate the ego like a ballon until it bursts where as just being seems to let it die down automtaically until it dissapears ..would using both techniques cancel eachother out causing stagnation??
  2. I had the same thing and have since realised that I was focussing on the pressure in my head itself rather than an object, awareness, nothing etc..as soon as I stopped doing that, the pressures have decreased quite greatly, although not fully
  3. What do people mean when they say enlightenment is easy? Considering that going off of what I read here most people are not there yet?
  4. Hey all just joined and been enquiring for 2ish weeks now so pretty fresh to this. Loving all of Leos stuff and no nonsence approach. I did experience raised pulse feeling of fear once but stopped as had no idea what was happening and have not got there since.. What would be a good amount of time per day to enquire every day to give realistic chance of break throughs?..NOT including retreats? I understand that an hour a day is not generally enough time..