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About JohnnyRocket

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  • Birthday 02/15/1969

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    South Carolina
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  1. Videos
    Inspirational Videos
    So hard to remember, but so so so important.

  2. Video
    Inspirational Videos
    Holy shit that's hard

  3. Videos
    Inspirational Videos

  4. Videos
    Inspirational Videos
    It's amazing how far we've come.  This video still manages to make me tear up.

  5. Videos
    Inspirational Videos
    I love Gary Vee 

  6. Videos
    Inspirational Videos
    I found this one inspiring but I did not cry
      Ok this one I cried.

  7. Videos
    Inspirational Videos
    Do it

  8. Video
    Inspirational Videos

  9. Video
    Inspirational Videos
    Prepare your tissue.

  10. Video
    Inspirational Videos
    Some new good ones:

  11. Video
    Inspirational Videos

  12. Video
    Inspirational Videos

  13. Videos
    Inspirational Videos
    Eben Pagan's most inspiring figure :

  14. Video
    Inspirational Videos
    I found this video very touching =) 

  15. Video
    Inspirational Videos
    Post all your inspirational videos here.
    What I mean by inspirational videos ?
    Videos that makes you either cry, experience intense joy, or, even fear (to ace your life).
    It's usually all of these feelings for me ^^

  16. List Of Enlightenment Exercises
    List Of Enlightenment Exercises
    This thread is meant to be a concise list of exercises pointing to the truth of enlightenment -- the truth of no-self.
    All of the exercises listed herein are PRACTICAL! They are NOT philosophical or theoretical. They are not to be debated or pondered intellectually. They are to be actually done! Do each exercise carefully and notice what direct experience reveals. Often times direct experience will reveal something counter-intuitive, something that goes totally against all common-sense and any models you have of how reality works.
    Feel free to contribute your own exercises to this thread. But do so in a concise and practical manner, so whoever is reading this thread can focus on LOOKING or CONTEMPLATION versus debating or asking theoretical questions.
    This document is a work-in-progress. I'll keep adding more exercises to the list.
    Here are some of my favorites so far:
    Exercise #1: Drawing An Imaginary Line
    Exercise #2: Noticing Space As Unitive
    Exercise #3: Noticing That All Phenomena Is Democratic
    Exercise #4: Noticing Objects Exist Only Where They Are
    Exercise #5: Sensory Field Connection
    Exercise #6: Noticing There Are No Objects
    Exercise #7: Noticing The Self-Image Isn't You
    Exercise #8: Noticing You Are Not A Point-Camera
    Exercise #9: Noticing The Gap Between Thoughts
    Exercise #10: Noticing The Source Of Thoughts
    Exercise: #11: Noticing That Sound Occurs Exactly Where It Is
    Exercise #12: Noticing The External World Doesn't Exist
    Exercise #13: Noticing Other People Do Not Exist
    Exercise #14: Noticing That Nothing Is Hidden
    The above exercises are true enlightenment work. This is where the rubber meets the road.
    Keep practicing all of these exercises diligently, for months, until all your imaginary paradigms of reality break down and you are left only with direct experience. When you start to feel like this silly creature below, you're on the right track:


  17. Jordan Peterson
    Jordan Peterson
    You can split hairs over all sorts of nuances of JP's work, but in the end, it's still thoroughly grounded in the classic dualistic Christian paradigm of meaning, morality, order, right vs wrong, good vs evil, etc.
    Which is, ironically, the opposite of what Christ realized.
    You are not going to realize Christ through studying myth. You will realize it through hardcore spiritual practice and deconstruction of all belief systems, morality, value, and meaning.
    The paradox is, you will find Christ at the very bottom end of nihilism.
    And the distinction JP draws between the individual self and collectivism is a duality which did not exist for Christ.
    The individual self and the collective self are in fact one and the same.

  18. Jordan Peterson
    Jordan Peterson
    I should clarify by the way that I used to be a hardcore JP fan (I would watch his newest uploads before Leo's :P) back in 2016. Then he blew up in fame, and he just isn't the same anymore. I can't tell if that's because he's gotten worse, or I've gotten better. I would guess both.
    I actually take back what I said earlier, there's absolutely nothing wrong in saying that the ying and yang symbol represents order and chaos. In a certain sense, it does, so it's fair to point that out.
    But the issue remains: He uses that particular representation of order and chaos to "solidify" his conclusion, that conclusion being something along the lines of (paraphrased) "what better thing could you do as an individual other than to carry the heaviest burden you could possibly bear and put one foot forward at a time? Life is suffering! The only way to justify the struggle of existence is to persevere through the pain and find meaning on the other end regardless of the pain! One MUST have a foot in chaos and another foot in order for such meaning to manifest itself!"
    That's quite a dense solution there, honestly. I mean look at the poor man's face during interviews. He's so tense and rigid I just want to massage him lol.
    Life is suffering. Yes. I agree. IF, that is... IF you are an ego. If you have identifications to cling to. If you have something to guard. From the beginning, he has an apriori axiom of "life is suffering." As a professional psychological clinician, he's probably seen the worst of the worst. And he's been through so much trauma in his own life from early childhood to raising a family (and a near terminal daughter). He's the sharpest of the sharp in terms of intellect, and he still struggles to find happiness. It's no wonder he would come to the conclusion that "life is suffering."
    But he's already led astray the second he lays down a metaphysical claim as "given." Ironically, again, he even points to Buddhism as "proof" of this. He always says, "Life is suffering. That's what the Buddhists have always said!"
    No, Jordan! No! Life is suffering if you choose finitude! Infinitude IS an option!
    From this shaky groundwork, he builds the rest of his life's work claiming that you must carry a burden. What the fuck?
    No, like really. Given that life sucks and you have no way out of it, I can see how Jordan's solution of "carrying a burden to justify the suffering" can seem useful. But what if life can straight up NOT SUCK? Suddenly, this whole idea of a burden seems really stupid. 
    JP goes to great lengths to justify carrying a burden. He pulls from all the myths, all the stories, all the religions and all the cultures to find any semblance with his own personal philosophy. Though this may make him seem worldly and wise, it does not change the fact that he is fueling his own delusion.
    The greatest "sin" in this case is when he comes across nondual references such as yin and yang, the proceeds to IGNORE THE NONDUAL ASPECTS OF IT, and uses it as an indicator of his "carry a burden" philosophy.
    Yes, yin and yang can be interpreted as order and chaos. But the key insight here is that the order and chaos are one and the same. Does JP see/advocate that? No! JP sees order and chaos as two distinctly separate states of being that one must seek out sequentially. "Oh now I'm in chaos. Time to balance it out with order!"
    The proper response would be "Oh now I'm in chaos. Wow, this is literally no different from order!"
    JP is actually tragic in some sense, he's so utterly devoted to the search for Truth, but he's hopelessly tangled in the deathtrap of meaning. Meaning is absolutely amazing, but it is NOT Truth.
    I hope this clarifies exactly in what ways JP falls short. Here's a rough archetypal analogy for ya if you're into it  Imagine that "Truth" is akin to sailing home in Homer's Odyssey, but Jordan is a sailor who ran into Circe and got turned into a pig.
    I actually agree with you in that JP is not really blue. I think he's a delicious blend of orange and yellow. Orange for obvious reasons, but also yellow for his insane systematic thinking. What keeps him from being pure yellow is that he seems to have skipped stage green which is acting like a thorn in his side.