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Everything posted by Faceless

  1. You never heard anyone say that??‍♂️ Thought is a movement. Thought is time. I have never talked to someone so incapable of listening. I would have already been exploring into what was said instead of arguing something you haven’t even attempted to understand. With this attitude you will never become liberated from the self. And you will definitely never end time/thought. This is a fact. Now investigate.
  2. Stop arguing and investigate it. This is classic sign that you don’t understand thought. Thought/ego seeks security. Thought that is unaware of its own movement is inherently bias/prejudice and therefore close minded. hints all the problems of the world.
  3. This isn’t new age. This understanding has been around since before we were born. Lol Buddha, Lao-Tzu, and the gang knew of this.
  4. I said fear and pleasure are the product of thought. You don’t get it at all. I wish you did.
  5. This isn’t new age lol This is understanding yourself lol This part has nothing to do with spirituality. Common sense. Only I guess not so common. This is self learning/self knowledge at its essence. This all comes from observing myself. Awareness. The way it’s suppose to be.
  6. Fear and pleasure are movements of thought. Those come to be by thought. Without thought those would not be. How can you even argue with that. It’s crazy. I’m not trying to argue or belittle you. This is important to know. We need to know/see this.
  7. No I’m sorry to tell you that you just don’t understand. At all. Maybe years down the road you will see that. Maybe not. ??‍♂️
  8. It’s obvious you are bound by thought because you are breaking everything up. That’s what thought does. Breaks things “thinks” down to peices. Actually it’s all one whole movement. This is so.
  9. You haven’t even broken the surface my friend. Explore into it. First you need to explore and end fear first. Otherwise illusion is inevitable.
  10. Investigate the nature of fear, pleasure, and the subtle forms of illusion in depth. You will see that all of these are the manifestations of thought. Understand yourself before you give advice to people “other us’s” You guys talk about compassion a lot. Let’s see it.
  11. Haha sorry buddy but that’s classic illusion. That is funny man. Hilarious in fact.
  12. It's just fear and the mechanical ”habitual” compulsion to escape it. Pretty simple. We must face it. You do that and you will prevent decades of self-deception. You can do it.
  13. That makes absolutely no sense. And it's not be aware of ”thoughts”... It's be aware of the whole movement of thought. You can't end thought when you can't detect when thought is in movement. Absolutely ridiculous. Not helping at all.
  14. IDK but thats pretty common how you said you had it and lost it. When you really see and end the attachment and compulsion to escape the illusion there is no going back. Unless you start to evade/escape again of course. But if you really face ”totally” it won't come back.
  15. It’s actually an abandonment and evasion of disorder that leads to further disorder. We must face the disorder “illusion” Not escape it by calling it an illusion and that it's not real, which is still an illusion. Because you are evading what is so Thought/the thinker moves in very subtle ways
  16. What I mean here is we constantly seek psychological security by ignoring, avoiding, creating an opposite to a problem. for example creating an opposite as in “I’m insecure I will believe in something that makes me feel secure.” “Or I will count on various meditation techniques, practices, methods, and in good time I may become secure.” In this case it’s using time “thought” as in I will become or stop being, or I will escape a fact “I’m stuck in the old paradigm” into the idea “ I have exited and ended that paradigm” but the illusion disguised itself being not an illusion. This is the subtle nature of thought/self. We all do and have gone through it my friend. But we can share with one another how to approach this rather common problem right. DO YOU SEE?
  17. Illusion goes much deeper than imagining. It also has to do with escaping insecurity to become secure. Psychological time. Helps to inquire into the nature of fear and the compulsion to escape. This is approaching the dualistic movement that is in motion as self/thought.
  18. How do you know it never left. The nature of illusion must be understood very deeply. There are very subtle forms of illusion. The greatest attribute of illusion is that we never see it is so.
  19. Nonduality by accumulation of ideas/experiences lol Kinda like reading a bible thinking that will get you to heaven
  20. Evasion a sign of fear. Only a center/ego fears. And by the way as I said, non dual teachings are totally unecessary and only lead to traps. If one understands the whole of duality/thought and puts all ones energy into every second of the day by applying total attention/awareness of that movement one can end time/duality. That’s the only way. It’s not about the accumulation of non dual teachings “ideas” but instead the ending of duality. “Fact that this movement/process ends.”... The ending of the self/time/the conditioned consciousness. And actual nonduality embodiment has absolutely nothing to do with experience. This is so. Stop defending and explore. It’s never to late to end experience/time. And please enough with petty games. I’m only communicating with you for the watchers at home. We need to be responsible here.
  21. The mind will get ya. Be careful not to go beyond where one hasn't yet began.
  22. This is where deep embodiment comes from.
  23. I don't understand how one can be free of illusion without being honest with themselves and seeing that they are infact caught in the illusion. To say oh it's all an illusion and in that doing brings a sense of temporary security is still an illusion. That's one of the biggest problems with non dual teachings. If anything one should learn about the nature duality. Then the nondual comes into being without the deception and disguised illusion