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Everything posted by Faceless

  1. If time is in movement you are time. In that case time is the fact. Until then it’s all an idea/abstraction. To repeat something that is said “through experience” being personal experience or experience of culture/tradition is still a movement of time. To say we are awareness but our conciousness still being bound by time is escaping the fact “time” to what we desire “timelessness” the idea, concept, theory. It is similar to a believer reading a bible and saying they have captured the infinite. Yet they still move in accordance to time. This is still a movement of time. That’s why I feel “teachers” that explain things away actually prevent the timeless from coming into being for others. And The fact that they even “teach” that way makes me question if they have actually ended time. There is only this awareness when the movement of time ends.
  2. Experience and the nature of illusion must be understood to see this.
  3. Only when the whole of thought is understood/seen can whole intelligence act to correct the part “thought” Without truth thought will remain in disorder. Thought “the part” can never do anything about “the whole” which is truth. Only “the whole” truth, can put order in thought “the part”
  4. Not accepting thought is a movement of thought.
  5. But we have to be able to understand when thought is not transcending it’s own limits. That’s where Illusion/deception arises. If we cannot identify when thought attributes to itself an independent exsistence then we get caught in delusion. The movement of thought must be understood. Otherwise self deception is imminent.
  6. Thought is very useful in practical, functional areas. But in the psychological realm it has no place. Maybe Tolle understands the nature of psychological time. He sees. But if you don’t understand psychological time you don’t. Descriptions are never the described.
  7. Don’t worry about what who ever that person said. What is the nature of fear? How does it come about? Why do we seek answers instead of understanding problems? Is it we are always looking to escape?? Start with these questions. Be honest with yourself. All your answers are in your current field of consciousness.
  8. Question is do we see the significance of this?? Can we employ methods, techniques, systems, and all other movements of time to reach that which is timeless?? To do so implies a dualistic/divisive movement of the thinker. But the thinker is the thought. So any movement in this direction will remain dualistic. Tou see how any movement will remain contradictory??? Therefore “non duality” “nothingness” “truth” is not. That’s the difference between an intellectual understanding and true embodiment. Intellectual understanding is very partial/limited/finite. But to actually embody this truth is infinite energy/intelligence that is whole. This is where WISDOM IS BORN.
  9. @Mikael89 Never deny or accept anything..only thought/time plays that game. Stop accumulating ideas...Explore yourself. There is no other way. As I have said many times before, start with fear, pleasure, psychological time.
  10. ⭕️=time=thought=self ⭕️ cannot see itself. ⭕️ Must end to see To understand the whole of ⭕️ Is the ending of ⭕️ Stop looking for an answer and understand the whole of the problem. Explore yourself No matter what you here from others you will never capture the whole of this by mere explanation. The description is never the described. Any description is a movement of time. Duality/division is still interpreting that explanation , therefore still a movement of time. Time/duality/division must end. Only then is there TRUTH. Otherwise we will chase our own tails ⭕️ TRUTH IS TIMELESS
  11. That’s nice of you, but I disagree I am an everyday normal dude. We are the same. I just never complied with society and its conditioning. This has helped me negate certain obvious falsifications about life. I am an average being and I appreciate that. I am no more or less special than anyone. But only through measure “thought” does that even enter as a possibility. Be careful with your beliefs about yourself. They will get ya.
  12. Since we here have already taken an interest to liberation we share a responsiblity. Consider ourselves catalyst for stream of consciousness. I am happy to share this responsibility with you guys. There is no teacher. We are all students of life. Living is an art.
  13. There is a crucial contradiction in doing this...but to the person that is not aware of themselves they will not see that. As I explained to @MarkusSweden If one is seeking psychological security there will only be perpetual psychological insecurity. The seeker is that which they seek. It’s starting off with an immediate contradiction. I am just sharing a “non path” and direct approach that will eliminate all the conflict and suffering that will take place through ones entire life. This is not a quick fix either. It is permanent. To play the method game will only trim the branches. We need to get to the root. Have we asked ourselves why we resist understanding oursleves so persistently?? Why do we always look to another to solve these inward problems?? Might is have so something to do with fear and always wanting to self sooth the psyche, “escape to any answer offered to maintain a sense of permanence” psychological security?
  14. I can not teach anyone anything. I am simply sharing what it takes to see. Understand thought/self. I didn’t learn from anyone. This has made this much easier. When people explain things away to others they are in fact not helping at all. More of a disservice. Explore yourself. Thats the only way.
  15. Am I X or Am I Aware of X?? Start off with understanding what one deals with on a daily basis.. what is the nature, structure, and substance of the “i”?? What is the self/ego? How does it manifest. What are it’s limitations?? What does it thrive off of? What is it’s function?? And so on. Which means to inquire into all aspects of ones consciousness and how they relate/interdepend . Fear, anger, sorrow, pleasure, pain, desire, jealousy, violence, “psychological time” and all the other implications of the conditioned consciousness. This is real self inquiry. I would start with fear and pleasure. The one who investigates must understand themselves in order to explore in an orderly way. Otherwise the investigator corrupts the investigation.
  16. My response will not help one see. Nature of Thought/self must be understood to see what I mean. If one looks at my last posts I stress this like a broken record. Because it’s very important.
  17. Actually implies the opposite. Implies isolation, alienation to the world, division/duality. Seeing yourself as an isolated soul is the same as seeing yourself as an isolated ego. It implies that the independent/isolated ego/souls are separate from another. If you feel isolated, alienated from the world do you feel deeply connected with it and others in it. If you feel isolated doesn’t this imply fear. Fear that you are all alone and have to fend for yourself. If you feel truly separate from one another can there be Love? We all see that this seperate soul idea stems from the religious beliefs don’t we. A deep misunderstanding of the nature of duality. This is the type of misunderstanding that has haunted man since the beginning. Where there is this sense of a separate independent entity there will always be ambition, competition, and therefore fear. There will always be social, political, and national division. As long as this continues there will always be war. This all stems from thought/ego. To see yourself as an independent entity seperate from one another and the world, is to invite division into the kingdom of heaven. Heaven being the world, and division being the dualistic contradictory nature of thought. All this seperate soul talk is the result of thought. And where thought is in movement there is never love. This is a fact. If I feel I am seperate from you, I become all important and my needs are place above yours. And that is not love. Seeing oneself as an independent entity means the “individual” actually has created a division between the observer and the observed. But there is no seperation at all. This is a false assumption and means that every movement that “entity” makes is a contradictory and confused movement. In this there will always be coflict and when conflict is brewing there is fear. With fear comes hate. And when there is hate love is not. Love is only in the absense of hate. Time to wake up. There is no isolated spirits. There is no division between the observer and that which they observe. And there is no actual division between “us” at all. When we all see that then things will be drastically improved. Until then all this talk of love is utter nonsense. Let’s be responsible. What do you say?
  18. So many divisions... This is a fantastic construction of thought/self... This implies to deceive yourself oh so diligently. Beautiful advice. This is a movement of concentration not attention. Yet the concentrator is that which they concentrate upon. Classic duality taking place. Which means Illusion is brewing. Now this makes sense It may bring about some psychological security. Until the truth of it is realized. Then back to insecurity. What an emotional rollercoaster
  19. Even Illusions are facts.
  20. How do you deepen an insight? INSIGHT= TO SEE CLEARLY “You” don’t. Any direction “the you” takes is dualistic, a movement of thought/self. Insight comes into being when the division between “the you and what you want to deepen” ends...The you and the attempt to deepen” are the same process. Insight comes into being when the movement of duality ends. Only in the total understanding of that whole movement does insight “truth” act. Insight/total perception, is the action of truth. Truth is when all movement of the self/duality is not. Insight is whole/complete and can not be deepened by means through division. In the ending of duality there is insight. CAN THE MOVEMENT OF THOUGHT SEE CLEARLY??? Doesn’t the fragmentary, dualistic, and mechanical nature of thought have to end to see clearly??
  21. Can there be LOVE when the movement of division/duality is in perpetual motion??? Thats for you to consider. Not looking for a response