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Everything posted by Faceless

  1. There is no awareness until we understand the whole movement of the self/thought. Look at it very deeply...The escape to that idea “AWARENESS” is ”desire/will and the action of desire in the pursuit as pleasure. Until this is seen actually in ones self then there is only unawareness... This is how the conditioned consciousness moves. Self sustainment ”security” is its very function. perhaps you keep “forgetting” because you are not facing that fact “unawareness” check into this. If I have to point it out that means there is no awareness. If we can't identify contradiction then Illusion is inevitable. If Illusion/self deception are the fact then this “awareness is a romantic idea” heaven...after all the idea of heaven sprang up from the dualistic movement carried out by contradiction. Fear from what is to the idea of what should be. And the movement of duality creates heaven out of its opposite. But goodness is not born of that which is evil. Only the dualistic mind creates the opposite. And illusion/self deception is born. Thats right. And if it does what it likes there is no awareness, no freedom. We then are inslaved by what is meant to be used as a tool. Then every step you take perpetuates and will end in conflict. You will continue to seek security in illusion. And in that very doing create and maintain psychological insecurity. Actually yes it does. If you are caught in illusion you are not conscious. One is only conscious to the extent that they are free of the illusory, the inattention of the movement of mind. If you are merely seeking security than there is and will never be truth. That is illusion. To evade what is to an idea in the attempt to capture and maintain psychological security. If you are only interested in self soothing the ego, then the ego will continue to call the shots. And there will then be a life of contradiction, conflict, sorrow, and misery. If one seeks psychological security then one is not conscious/aware of WHAT IS. One must see WHAT IS actually the case , both inwardly and outwardly. WHAT IS does not choose. WHAT IS does not seek security...WHAT IS implies no movement of duality as the chooser. The ending of contradiction/division. Only an ego accumulated ideas. Only an ego seeks security in ideas, and defends them. Do you see that?? This may seem like an attack as ego/thought only cares about maintaining permanence. But if you drop all assumptions gathered by the ego you may find that any attempt to seek psychological security is the actual thing that causes that insecurity. Your choice my friends. It’s up to US to understand OURSELVES.
  2. Illusion exist as long as there is desire,pleasure, fear, sorrow. Has that ended in you?? If you do not see the contradiction you are caught dualistically. Therefore this all an idea of AWARENESS. To improve oneself is positive action, a movement of ego/thought/duality. Its only in the ending of duality/division that one finds freedom from illusion. To knwo oneself is to prevent one from escaping one illusion to another. It’s the cessation of positive action. Explore deeply into thought/ego. If it’s important to you of course.
  3. The best thing we can do without imposing our will to change another is for oursleves to not formulate an image “idea” about ourselves and another. Otherwise there is absolutely no relationship at all, but instead two images “illusions” in relationship with one another. That is the only way TRUE GOODNESS CAN BE. The image is the root of all contradiction, confusion, and conflict.
  4. Where does the ego come from??
  5. Are you actually free from the conditioned consciousness?? If not you are still that. There needs to be an awarness of the conditioned mind before there can anything beyond that.
  6. The self is an illusion but a fact as well. To say oh it’s an illusion and think we are free of it in most cases remains an illusion. If we escape the fact “belief/fear” that it is an illusion, and we remain in illusion. We have to deal with the fact. Not evade into idea. Thought/self will deceive itself every chance it gets.
  7. If one is caught in belief then one is far from infinite awareness...this implies one is conforming to an idea. And there will always be contradiction and conflict in doing so.
  8. Are you different from that which you do? Do you have an ego or are you an ego? Do you have thoughts or are you thoughts?
  9. Is fear nonsense?? If so why do we evade?? Are we evading our deep rooted fear and creating a belief. In doing this are we further inslaving ourselves into illusion and deception???
  10. The one who wants to self improve is the one who needs improvement. The one who wants to improve is the attempt at improving. Every attempt you take starts off with an immediate contradiction. Instead of meditating and all that jive, understand this contradiction very deeply. There can be no meditation or real self inquiry until this is explored and understood.
  11. The real non-thing is much more significant than any idea one has accumulated from tradition/culture. All these ideas of enlightenment/spiritualality are but dead, imagined, romantic, and superficial concepts that fall way short of actual freedom from the conditioned consciousness. Stop seeking an idea “enlightenment, spirituality, reality”...And understand the fact “what is actually happening in yourself” fear, psychological time, sorrow, suffering, and the rest of the tormented mind. Otherwise you remain so.
  12. Self reflection and real self inquiry makes it very interesting. If one feels they are bored, not getting anaywhere then they are not learning about themselves. We have to learn about ourselves first to understand anything of “reality” Ignore the idea of Spirituality “disregard the pursuit of enlightenment, and all the traditional nonsense that has been handed down through time. We must understand ourselves without any idea past down from the past. Disregard all assumptions. Learn about what we live with on a daily basis. What we utilize more than any other mechanism which is thought/self. Start with fear. Can you see every single movement of fear as it arises??? To do this is a very tremendous thing. But first learn how to identify when there is a movement of fear. To do that you have to understand fear is born, how grows, and how it moves and hides itself in pleasure. Explore the nature and of FEAR. Truth can not be sought after. It’s only in the understanding of oneself does one see and live as truth.
  13. @Mikael89 There needs to be a comprehension of what I’m saying first buddy. Just follow along as we talk about this. Maybe it will just click. But thought/self must be understood to really see what’s being said.
  14. Rationalism has nothing to do with truth/wisdom
  15. The ending of experience acting as a veil to experiencing. THAT IS TIMELESSNESS Lets see if he sees the whole
  16. Yes. Positive movement nourishes/strengthens the very problem. I don’t know i never acquired any knowledge to see this thankfully...This would have caused more problems than assisted. Actually the movement of thought “knowledge, past experience, through memory is the problem. That’s where you next question is answered. Thought/self being knowledge, past experience, memory “time” is trying to formulate a response to solve the problem. But it is the problem. Thought is mechanicaly fragmented. So it tends to do this instantly. Let this absorb. So you can see it. The whole of it.
  17. @robdl Do you see the significance of that? What it implies? Its tremendously important.
  18. Indeed...Thought/self attributes to itself as existing independent of thought/self. This is implies the dualism as you said “I want to kill my ego” There is a contradiction in that “I the thinker” is not actually seperate from “the thought.” Or “I” am not seperate from “my ego” When ever there is any movement of will/volition to end time there is contradiction. Because time “thought/ego” is used to accomplish that “goal” implies duality/division. And when ever there is this movement of time/thought, inevitably comes contradiction. Any movement is therefore positive action. Time attempting to end time...⭕️ The cause is the effect and the effect is the cause.
  19. Only a mind/consciousness with NO-THING in it, is capable of love/and that creative movement of centerlessness. NOTHINGNESS
  20. Wisdom is the result of understanding the whole of thought/mind. Only truth sees the whole. Truth operates on thought to make it run straight and rational. Not bias, crooked, disorderly. Wisdom is born of truth. infintie intelligence..... love, creativity, compassion, joy, beauty all from TRUTH. All actually one and the same. No. The essense of wisdom does not come from mind. It comes from truth. But when truth operates in mind to make it run straight/orderly that truth is expressing itself in the form of wisdom. The action of Truth operates in mind. Wisdom “action of mind/thought” is the expression, “action of truth”...That make sense? For example, the general pattern that takes place... Usualy there is a movement of thought “knowledge, experience, through memory or recollection “identity/self.”... In this thought is always limited to that memory, knowledge, and experience. So every action is determined by the content/movement of ones consciousness “memory/and psychological biases. But when one sees/understands the whole of thought/psychological entity “the me” then in that understanding thought quiets and makes space for truth to act. The mind is usualy so cluttered and full truth is not able to act. So then the pattern is quite different. The pattern is not any more thought then action, but is perception which is the essence of “truth” and in that perception there is an action in of itself. So there is no interval of thought and then action. Hints duality. If there is thought then action that implies choice. Thought chooses. Thought is fragmented, mechanical, divisive. Then comes contradiction, confusion, and then conflict. The perception is the action hints “WHOLE” nondualisitc. Not seperated and cut into two parts, but one holistic movement. This is where the word holy was born. To be whole, not fragmented.
  21. Ah watch it though my friend...love is not the opposite of fear. There is no opposite to love. Opposites are with the field of duality. example, this is what we do. We see ”hate”in the world/society, then we invent its oppsosite the idea “Love” and escape the fact “hate” to the idea of “love”.. This is the way the conditioned mind/thought moves. To escape the fact “hate” to the idea “Love” is to remain in hate. This is a great example of the immorality of what society deems moral. In the field of opposites “duality” love is not. Love, beauty, joy, compassion, creativity, “TRUTH” has no opposite. These are whole and not divisive qualities. So there is no opposite to love. If there is that is not love. When we learn about ourselves very deeply this is the case. Until then all an abstraction and dualistic.
  22. ⭕️= the part/finite Truth=the whole/infinite/nothingness Truth isn't split. It is the whole. Then mind is part of the whole. Percieved through the perspective of duality. But all an idea until the movement of duality ends actually. EMBODIMENT OF TRUTH. IN THIS ONE DOESNT KNOW TRUTH. BUT ONE IN ACTION/NON-ACTION IS TRUTH ITSELF.