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Everything posted by Faceless

  1. You do understand my intentions right? The tremendous importants of not adding to anothers consciousness but simply pointing at the necessity an empty one.
  2. I feel if we could somehow point people in the right direction so they could find out this by themselves, that would lead to holistic embodiment in “being nondual” as compared with a conceptualization “dualistic” perspective of what is nondual.
  3. Unless this ends “duality” then anything from that dualistic perspective remains a conceptualized idea by the little self. So unless this “little self” is not, then any talk of higer self is only a product of mind “thing” or “think” Do you see what I mean?
  4. the origin of distracting thoughts manifest from the stream and movement of thought.
  5. That’s Contradiction...of mind. DISORDER An expression of fragmentation.
  6. Isn’t this cultivation? Movement of the chooser..dualistic movement Is this a movement of unawareness??
  7. Why do we cling to nondual ideas? Why do we defend those ideas?? Why do we share nondual teachings without embodying them??? Could it be we are still bound by things/the conditioned mind, and conforming to ideas to seek psychological security “movement of duality” ????
  8. The nondual is when the dualistic is not. Any attempt to capture by conceptualization and “description” that which is nondual is dualistic. If the dualistic mind is the fact in oneself, then nonduality is not.
  9. This is an expression of time. @Anna1 This is a fact and what is so. Now didn’t you say your were done??‍♂️
  10. @cetus56 interesting In self reflection an understanding of time/mind allows for timeless action. This is so.
  11. It looks like you ”time” has blocked itself. You haven’t tried to understand for yourself. You are in perpetual reaction to fear. This is preventing you from observing and understanding yourself. If you don’t understand mind/time you will remain it’s slave.
  12. Only if one is bound by time they speak from perspective. This is the whole point, if you are merely accumulating info you are time bound. This is a movement of contradiction, duality, and implies that the accumulater is separate from that which they accumulate. It’s not about accumulation of info. It’s about understanding oneself completely and in that understanding dualistic movement ends. That implies a total emptying of everything mind has constructed. If you don't understand yourself you are blind to your own limitation. Accumulation never leads to emptiness, NOTHINGNESS. TIMELESSNESS CAN NOT BE LEARNED FROM ANOTHER. NO BOOKS, THEORY, CONCEPTUALIZATION LEADS TO THAT WHICH IS TIMELESS. ONLY SELF KNOWLEDGE/SELF LEARNING DOES. NO AUTHORITY OF ANY KIND, BE IT PERSONAL OR COLLECTIVE CAN HELP YOU TO THAT WHICH IS NAMELESS. INFACT IT ONLY PREVENTS.
  13. The description is never the described. The concept of the ending of time is not the same as actually ending time. To end time implies the timeless. To use time by moving dualistically leads to more time. Verbal description will never bring about a fundamental change and end the dualistic movement of time. Any teacher or sharing that promotes and introdces time to anothers mind is doing them a disservice. Only the “disciple and possibly the teacher” may not even know that is so. They will live there lives in self deception not having actually lived in timelessness. It’s about empying the conditioned conciousness so that NOTHINGNESS becomes actual. Not adding to conciousness another dogma “contradiction” and in so doing all action is born of that contradiction. This implie a dualistic movement in action, which is not a sign of one who lives a nondual life. Ask yourself, do I act as if I live in TOTAL FREEDOM? Do I live a holy life. Am I whole? Is all action “I” take free of duality, division, contradiction? Only that is a sign of one who is ONE with the unnamable/immeasurable.
  14. @Anna1 ??‍♂️ Doesn’t matter I guess. You will have to see for yourself. Anyway I do appreciate your presence. ??
  15. If action is still taking place influenced by the movement of thought, “the perciver and the perceived” then one has not ended the contradicting movement and illusion of duality. Therefore one remains bound by time. If one is bound by that dualism then they are are not “AWARNESS” THIS IS IMPORTENT AS THERE IS A BIG DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ONE WHO BELIVES AND IS BOUND BY THE CONDITIONED MIND, AND ONE WHO IS TRUTH IN ACTION. ONLY ONE WHO IS FREE OF TIME IS HOLY.
  16. This is all a romantic idea until all dualistic movement ends. You are your conciousness. If it is full of things then you are that bound by things. If consciousness is empty of its conditioned content and dualistic movement, then that conciousness is empty of things, and therefore that is NO-THINGNESS. Its important not to get caught in illusion and self deception. As that is not being conscious and has nothing to do with truth. The problem is when we are communicating ideas about nonduality it very easily becomes a belief “escape from fear” unless people actually end duality in themselves. I don’t think we should promote such self deception. You see what I mean??
  17. But, not if duality is being expressed in action. We can’t say we are “it” until we are it. We cant go beyond where we haven’t yet began. “It” isn’t fragmented. “It” isn’t dualistic and mechanical. “It” doesn't move in the dimension of time. IT IS WHOLE, TIMELESS. Until we are that☝️ we are not “IT” RIGHT?
  18. @B_Naz Without thought there would be no entity to identify with the sensation. The “i” is the result of knowledge, past experience, through memory. Yes all of the above are what make up an experiencing. Without thought the sensation has no reference point. Thought comes in and starts the identification of the “i” or center. Then there is desire in the pursuit for pleasure and so on. This is all determined upon the movement of memory, knowledge, and past experiences. No, the “you” and the current experience is the result of, and is determined by the past “knowledge, past experience, through memory” which is the response of thought. This is thought. And “thoughts” arise out of that conditioned stream of thought/memory. As far as I see the only thing static is thought being the content of memory. Anything that is living “sensations” before thought gets ahold of them are dynamic. You can say that yeah. This all becomes subjective when thought/self “memory” enters in. Once identification takes place “objectivity” ceases. The subject “knowledge, experience, memory” being STATIC is then impressed on to the “DYNAMIC present now experiencing.” Which is to impose that which is static “dead, old, limited” onto the the dynamic now “alive, active, new” This is where all the trouble arises in not being able to be one with the now. Forgive me if I have not understood your questions clearly. I will try and come on later sometime.
  19. Just in case this is any use in your conversation... Process of experience/thought/self First there is..... A) Perception B)contact C)sensation D) thought/desire “identification with the center...”The experience of “i” and what that “i” experiences is born. But remember these are one and the same movement actually. Feelingns and emotions reside within the movement of identification of thought/THE “i”.....Remember that feelings and emotions are given continuity by the movement of thought. If that movement wasn’t in motion there would be no entity that identified with them in the first place. And then through memory of that experience thought operates and creates the desire to repeat that experience through the seeking of E) which is pleasure. Until we understand the whole of the nature of how experience is born we will remain slave to this process of experience. If one wants to empty the mind of its conditioned content/movement so there is consciousness with NO-THING IN IT, one has to be able to understand the entire movement so that thought/self/experience does not leave a mark on any new experiencing. THEN THERE IS THIS TIMELESSNESS. BUT WE HAVE TO UNDERSTAND THE RELETIVE IN ORDER TO CEASE TO MOVE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ANY DUALITY /DESIRE/IDENTIFICATION MOVEMENT AND ACTIVITY.
  20. No. It’s not that simple. It goes much deeper than that. Are you sure? Even the monkey mind will say I am not the monkey mind. If one is still moving in accordance to duality any positve action as far as being the quiet witnesser implies belief “an attempt to evade fear” therefore an “illusion” This is a deception that is quite common when people don’t explore for themselves. It’s about understanding/emptying/ending the movement of duality, not subtly perpetuating it. This can be very difficult. As it is dangerous to identify with thought. It is also dangerous to identify with the the silent observer that watches. As thought in its very nature will convince itself it is not in movement. We should let them get to certain realizations on there own. Don’t you think?
  21. ??Your already thinking everyone by taking part in self exploration. And they are appreciating you as well...You are contributing to order in the stream of conciousness whether you realize it or not.... You will see what I mean soon enough.
  22. How would one begin to see this? We would go into the relationship of all aspects of thought. Fear, pleasure, desire, pain, sorrow, belief, anger, antagonism, violence, validation, gratification, self affirmation, deception, delusion, and more. All these interconnect and influence one another. This is a law of nature “mutual interdependence” But for now just be aware how sneaky thought is and how it is always at work. The key.. To be attentive to innatention. That’s it. If we are aware when we are not attending that is being aware. That is something we just do from now on. Never ends, however it does become quite natural after a while. Dont be to eager. Just watch and remain choiceless. I know this is easier said than done, but you will get it soon enough. I’m very excited for your all his energy you have pouring in. When the mechanism of thought ceases to rule your life the the amount of energy will seem infinite. It’s quite extraordinary indeed. ??
  23. Great question... Any positve movement to end the “monkey mind” is a movement of monkey mind. We are the “monkey mind” until that monkey mind is not. Dont escape the fact “monkey mind” to an idea the “observer of monkey mind.” This is classic illusion taking place. Many are not aware of this and go there whole lives in self deception. Be careful buddy. You seem to see the contradiction there as you presented that question up above.. Until duality ends you are still moving in accordance to the dualistic mind. Don’t evade the fact. Stay with it. Face it. Learn about it. In that understanding is action, FREEDOM ??