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Everything posted by Faceless

  1. Sure I see that, Pleasure. Also yes that seems reasonable. The persona is a constant movement of tugawar so to speak. I dont know, maybe i can, but i dont know how, i cant force myself to like something Can you force yourself to not like something?
  2. Ah I understand what you are implying, but does pure bliss (that which is timeless) seek any-thing, ‘time’ ?? Is not seeking a movement of time? This question is not meant to be responded to. It’s just something I had inquired into before that brought about clarity.
  3. What is the mechanism in movement when one seeks meaning? And if we start with understanding that meachanisn maybe we will get further in such an inquiry.
  4. Different way to explore... Why does one search for meaning?
  5. Lol Patronising, aren't you? I am not against you. We are on the same team my friend. I am responsible for the stream of consciousness as a whole. I have not formed an image about you or anyone else for that matter. As much as you may disagree I think our relationship is very important. If we say we are AWARNESS, then we should express awareness in our daily affairs.
  6. To question assumptions is a form self understanding. There can be no understanding if we cling to assumptions. To question assumptions in an orderly way there must be a cessation of the movement of desire, pleasure, fear. This is not a proactice. If done correctly it is a form of attention. Not premeditated in a certain direction.
  7. To accumulate and cling to knowledge only perpetuates the movement of duality and prevents one from being whole/complete. To understand how the psychological structure of the self influences the thought process. To understand how the self clings to knowledge and experience and becomes a slave to memory. Wisdom is not the result of knowledge. Wisdom is the product of the understanding of the whole of knowledge, experience, and its movement in time/thought. To understand the unitary movement of thought/self. Through time/thought, there can never be an ending of time. And if time does not end then the non-dual is not. If you undertood how thought worked you would have an answer to that question. Techniques, beliefs, spiritual systems, are all a movement of time/volition and imply duality. This is what I mean by to apply positve action. To move dualistically to end duality is the same as time trying to end time. Futile indeed. This is somthing that must be explored If one is interested in ending duality/self and to live in action a non-dual existence. Technique implies a divisive entity who practices. Therefore mechanical. Any mechanical activity only nourishes the movement of self/time/duality. This is a fact. Explore yourself and you will see. This is the kind of stuff that one must consider soon or a later. There is nothing wrong with non-duality teaching nor techniques, spiritual systems, and so on. But there is something wrong with not investigating deep into the nature of how all of it works. I see it as an act of intelligence to understand how all the inner workings of the conditioned consciousness (time) works. To me seems like a fundamental necessity to understand the root of how time/duality opperates. And to then apply awareness to what we have learned. This must be a daily affair. Constant self understanding, learning, awareness, and self reflection in relationship. To me this seems intelligent. But ??‍♂️
  8. I understand. Soon or later it may click for you. Im not doubting you??
  9. I never learned about non-duality, as to me that has no meaning. All we can do is understanding the dualistic movements in ourselves. To attempt to understand non-duality through dualistic eyes is to miss the point all together. I simply learned/understood, duality in thought/self, and maintained/maintain an awareness of that movement in time. This is how time/thought/experience, ceases to be projected onto what is. All we can do is understand the known/duality. In that, without any movement of positve action (divisive action) is the ending of duality. Which leaves the beauty of that mysterious dynamic happening. Centerlessness and all is center.
  10. Ah hehe Well, does a menu alone satisfy the craving of a hungry human being??? IF YOU HAVE TO ASK THAT QUESTION YOU DONT SEE??‍♂️
  11. I have never accumulated a single non-dual teaching. What traditions point to is not what nonduality is anyway. I simply learned about all dualistic movement in myself and ended it. As I have said before duality must end. There is no way around that.
  12. If you don’t understand yourself how can understand another. This is common sense. Only maybe not so common?
  13. Correct. Communication must be mutual, which means there is only learning when no authority is relied upon psychologically. It’s an open ended exchange. A movement of learning for both. When there is a suspended movement of one’s own experience as the the knower. To engage in the communication without any resistence/reaction. To both suspend there own accumulated bias and prejudices so there can be a meeting (waking together) To understand problems together, with that as the sole purpose of the investigation.
  14. @Nahm had suggested I explore some vids as to get some different perspectives a few months ago. I tried that for a short time. But it’s not for me. I learn more on my own. Or through relationship (self reflection in relationship to another) I’m use to it. To observe my actions in relationship to another is the greatest teaching. I am always learning. Learning for me never ends.
  15. There is only self learning when the shackles of authority ends. To depend on authority implies the movement of duality/time.
  16. @Nahm didn’t learn anything from me. On the contrary, it’s simply a case of us both learning through relationship. Two students sharing (communing) learning together. Not authority based one bit.
  17. Never read a book in my entire life. Thank heavens ?